World of Warcraft takes place in the classic new anniversary world

Unexpected access World of Warcraft ClassicRealm's latest birthday update has Season of Discovery players starting to appear in PvP Battlegrounds. Although the feature was quickly removed after the problem was discovered, Season of Discovery's powerful characters were briefly horrified. World of Warcraft Classic state for a short period of time.

Recently, World of Warcraft ClassicNew Anniversary Realms has released its Phase 2 update in two parts. The January 9 episode added the Honor PvP system, the Azuregos and Kazzak world bosses, and the Dire Maul dungeon that caused drama in the World of Warcraft Hardcore streamer guild, OnlyFangs, while the second update, which just went live on January 16th at 2 PM PST, introduced Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley PvP Battlegrounds.


World of Warcraft announces 6-month subscription offer starting in 2025

World of Warcraft players who sign up for six months or more at a time can get in-game items for both Modern and Classic.

However, not long after, fans discovered an unexpected bug in these Battlegrounds. WoW Classic New players have begun to see the characters of the Discovery era in the Alterac Valley and Warsong Gulch games, with more reports confirming the existence of the situation between the Alliance and the Horde. The glitch was confirmed an hour after the update went live when Blizzard stopped fighting in the anniversary world, with Wow Kaivax community manager said in a forum post that the issue should be resolved as soon as possible.

WoW Classic Anniversary Realms Battlegrounds Glitch

This glitch is mainly due to the power difference between Discovery and Classic Fresh. A special feature of Season of Discovery is the ability to use Rune Engravings – a powerful and dynamic skill that greatly increases the strength of the character. If that wasn't enough, Season of Discovery players have had over a year to prepare, with many people having full Tier 2 sets, if that wasn't enough. WoW Classic New fans have had over a month to tackle Molten Core and Onyxia's Lair.

Needless to say, this power gap led to some hilarious drama in the hour the two servers met. Fans have reported seeing the powerful Season of Discovery characters shoot down entire groups of Classic Fresh opponents while wielding items that didn't even exist in the original game, such as the Void-Touched weapon. note of the mysterious Shadowy Figure in the experiment. World of Warcraft state. Ideally, Blizzard can quickly and efficiently undo the damage caused by this problem so that players can remember it as a funny glitch, not a game-breaking bug.

World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery begins Phase 7 on January 28th, introducing the new Karazhan Crypts dungeon and the never-ending Scourge Invasions event. Hopefully, this upcoming update doesn't cause problems that spread to other areas like this one Classic Did the fresh.

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