Why Yotei's Atsu's Grege may be more difficult than jin


  • The ghosts of yotei focus on the principle of the soul rather than the character like Jin Sakai.

  • Atsu, a Ronan woman in 1603, faced the complexity of the community, was not in Feudal Japan.

  • Atsu's pursuit of revenge is helping moral and difficult exploration of the Jin's journey.

If there is a direct sequel to Ghost of Tsushima Jin Sakagist, Jin Sakai, may be the best way for a series to go in some directions, however dropped the tradition of Francher dedicated to the roots than one character, Ghost of yotei led charges into the first game to place this road. Jin Sakai proves that the best protagonist in many ways, which is full of regret and future desirable to protect all his loved ones, even if it means to sacrifice his conduct.

The past, compiled and the future, work together to make it complex and protagonists, which really causes him to lose a matter of difficulty. The story of Jin there Ghost of Tsushima It shows the struggle in honoring the customs and doings, besides other difficult elements, such as their uncle's lord. However, Jin's story does not have to push all the borders in the development of character, and Ghost of yotei'S andsu has been watching just to do so, may make it a more protagonist than ever.

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The Ghost of Yotei was able to do much in a way

Although the Tsushima ghost is a modern modern modern, YoTei's story may do a lot, with one of the fonts.

Atsu's difficulty in the ghost to yotei can be out of outshine jin's

Atsu's place of being a Romania woman violates them for her

The difference between Ghost of Tsushima's jin and Yotei'S andsu is the old male protagonist, but this latter is the women's protagonist. This puts Atsu besides the Jin and increases his difficulty, because it gives a completely different views of gender in the Foudal in Japan. In 1603, when Ghost of yotei Arrested, Women in Samurao Roles, known as “Onna-Musha,” surely, but they were the only ones being unique.

Feudal Japan is more often than not, filling out the protective responsibilities, dedicated the protection of his home and his family if the man was war. Samurai women are also expected to prioritize from domestic responsibilities, such as management of their families, nursing their children, and the single spouse for their wives. In other words, Japanese society was a patriarch period, and the women at that time were more hoping to accept and modest to do their worthlessness.

In 1603, when Ghost of yotei Arrested, Women in Samurao Roles, known as “Onna-Musha,” surely, but they were the only ones being unique.

In view of this, things can be difficult for Atsu in Ghost of yotei more than the jin in the inside Ghost of TsushimaIt depends on who is crossing the road with it. The struggle where it goes as a female warrior may be a testimony of a male society, and it may have a direct impact on gangasie. Since Ghost of yotei has been confirmed as a priority for a player's choice than Ghost of Tsushima Made, maybe player should seek a creative way to enhance the relationship and receive respect and loyalty of men who may not imagine the first.

On the top of the protagonist women, atsu, Ronin, who may also cause difficulty his character. Unlike Jin, the last living member of Clan Saki and So have an important form of Tsushima Island, it may be an Outcaster, removed from the system -that and honor. If Jin was dedicated for a time Ghost of TsushimaAtsu's dedication can be more popular, meaning that he may have to work harder in the despair of the relationship with others than Jin's actions.

The Last Jin's name was successful at the door to many relationships he created during Ghost of TsushimaStory of S – a luxury that doesn't seem to have Atsu.

Atsu's story of retaliation has suggested more than the story

Something else that may add a layer of a layer in the nature of Atsu in Ghost of yotei Is the search for Spucher Sunch's words is one of the “underdogs revenge.” Of course, his role as a ron of Japan makes him underdog, but a pursuit of retaliation that may violate something for more. Most of the story responds is in moral mining, because they are often displayed as moral acts that are often inappropriate. Even the decision Jin's decision becomes a ghost in Ghost of Tsushima It was considered white for him, was still made for noble purposes. Atsu's click of revenge, on the other hand may be everything good.

The journey of Atsu Ghost of yotei viewed the priest to confirm the story of Jin Saki Ghost of Tsushimaextend their area of ​​ghosts. As the story of Jin Ghost of Tsushima The account of Atsu rebelled around the respect and needs, including an incomprehensible layer as women and Roman, and to be a social anticipation, the conduct, and the strike of the revenge. This immigration does not place the basics of protagonists that face external war, but also the internal struggle may come out of the Prime Minister at the end.

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