Walleye habitat in Mistria fields

During the spring in Field of Mistriayou will be able to catch fish that you would not see in any other season. You will catch different types of fish depending on the size of the shad and the body of water you are fishing (ie: lakes, rivers, oceans). For some fish you also need to look at the weather conditions. Walleye is one of them. Now, you don't need the Walleye for any side quest Field of Mistria since update 0.12. You still want to grab one if you plan to collect all the rewards from the museum.


Fields of Mistria: A Guide to the Shooting Star Festival

Those unsure of what to do during the Shooting Star Festival at Mystria Fields can find the answers they need in this guide.

How to catch Walleye in Mistria fields

When to Fish for Walleye

The Walleye is a river fish that only appears there Spring and that's it when it rains. You can catch it during normal storms or thunderstorms. While you can't directly change the weather, you can check the forecast by examining the crystal ball item you get as a reward for Juniper's “Stinky Stamina Potion” side quest. If it is supposed to rain, you will see a picture of a storm cloud inside the ball. Walleye is a common fish and appears as a big shadow.

Don't confuse large shadows with giant shadows
. The fish you catch from the giant shad on a rainy spring day will bring you the Paddlefish. You need to give the Paddlefish to the museum, but if you are only fishing for Walleye, you should avoid the giant shad.

Rivers can be found in The Narrows, The Eastern Road, and on your farm:

  • The Narrows: There is a river below Erol's house, and a river on the west side of the area.
  • Eastern Road: You want to fish in rivers for Walleye, not ponds. So if you're fishing on the East Coast, fish in the river where you rebuilt the bridge (Main Quest “Build the Bridge”).
  • farm: The water around your farm is a river and will produce water fish.

How to get Walleye with Summon Rain

Farm only

Having trouble with rainy days? You can use the Call the rain spell in your farm to change the fish into rainless fish. Summon Rain is the SECOND It's a spell you'll get from Caldarus, and it's unlocked when you get to the Tide Caverns area of ​​Mines. It requires mana is a field used. You can paste the spell in the menu, then use the C-key to use it. Summon Rain is mainly used to irrigate crops, but it's a great way to find rainless fish and/or bugs in your farm.

The effect of Summon Rain will be reduced if you leave the farm or enter the house.

Before using Summon Rain, you want to find something a large shadow in the river around your farm. Then you can use the rain spell. Keep in mind that although Walleye are common, their rate of occurrence can be affected by other “big shad” fish (eg Pike). If you fished all the big shad in your farm during the Summon Rain spell, you need to leave the area to “refresh” the fish, then use Summon Rain again. If you don't have the mana to rain another Summon, you have to start your day.

Unfortunately, it is the spell that summons rain
only work on your farm


Fields of Mistria: Ask for Crystal Berry Guide

Crystal Berries are a food item in Fields of Mistria, and you need them to complete the “Crystal Berries Request” side quest.

Where to Use Walleye in Mistria Fields

Spring River Fish Set

field mistria spring river fish set

The Walleye is the last fish in the Spring River Fish Set at the Museum at The Narrows. Depending on how many Sets you complete in Fish Wings, your rewards may differ from other players. You will receive at least one piece of furniture as well as instructions on how to make it. Generally, most of the furniture you get from Fish Wing is related to fish, such as fishing bed or fishing Wallpaper.

The Spring River Fish Set includes the following:

  • Walleye
  • Bluegill
  • Paddlefish
  • Chub
  • we insist

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August 5, 2024

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