To anyone who follows the story, it is no surprise that many anime fans mention Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, the main character of Classroom of the Elite, as their favorite anime character ever. Ayanokoji is very reserved, offering little to no access to his inner thoughts, and this creates an air of mystery about him, piquing the interest of viewers.

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Although more about Ayanokoji is revealed as the story progresses, his layered personality leaves even more to uncover. Fans of the light novel series often note differences in the portrayal of the enigmatic character in the anime series. They are privy to the complex thoughts that run through Ayanokoji’s mind and have a deeper understanding of the story and the character that leads it. Here are ten things the Classroom of the Elite light novels reveal about Ayanokoji.
Updated on January 5th, 2025 by Emedo Destiny: With a third season out earlier in the year, it is definitely surprising and eye-catching that the Classroom of the Elite anime series has managed to consistently apply the phrase“ the more you look, the less you see” to the story’s protagonist, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. Loved by fans and viewers alike for many different reasons, Ayanokoji presents as an enigma of sorts, layered with mystery and the unknown. While it seems like the anime series has been revealing more and more about him, the protagonist still cuts as a very mysterious figure across the story. With the anime series still playing catch up, the light novel amply portrays Ayanokoji in the element of his person, revealing truths of his person yet unknown in the anime series. In this regard, here are some more things only readers of the light novel series know about the protagonist.
Ayanokoji’s Name Is An Act of Spite
The Final Gift of His Estranged Mother
Like everything else about Ayaonkoji, which seems to carry some sort of defectiveness with it, no different is the name ‘Kiyotaka,’ which he is named by his mother, Mika. Having been born strictly as a business transaction between two professionals, the name could be said to be the only wholesome thing to come out of his birth, albeit under very casual circumstances.
With his father, Atsuomi, forbidding any contact between Kiyotaka and his mother, Mika, and even paying her off, the estranged Mika would name her newborn Kiyotaka. This is not only the name of her favorite client but also her final act of spite toward the uncaring Atsuomi, using Ayanokoji as a constant reminder to Atsuomi of the client she liked more than him and, by extension, herself.
Ayanokoji Has A Perfect Memory
Beyond The Level of A Genius
Fans of the anime series are well aware of Ayanokoji’s cognitive abilities, albeit only on a surface level. That alone has been enough to leave most in awe. However, one thing hasn’t been touched on yet and possibly will not be in the anime series but has been revealed in the light novel series. This is the fact that Ayanokoji has a perfect memory. Not in the sense of knowing a wide range of things but rather in the fact that he has and retains memories of his life from infancy till the point of the anime series.
He can remember in great detail conversations and tests he experienced at age 2, whereas for most humans, the earliest recollection starts at age three. The ideal example of his perfect memory is when he meets his father, Atsuomi Ayanokoji, for the first time since birth. The latter announces being the boy’s father, expecting a reaction. Ayanokoji casually replies that he is aware, stating how he had heard it once in a conversation when he was 4.
Ayanokoji is The Product of Broken Individuals and Unrivaled Ambition
Bred For The Singular Purpose of Power
It is no secret that Ayanokoji shrouds his past before enrolling at the Advanced Nurturing School in mystery and for good reason. Not much, actually very little, is known of his childhood and his parents other than his time in the White Room. The anime series also touches on the paternal side of his family, as his father is referenced on occasion.
However, the origin of his existence is not so shrouded in mystery in the light novel series. Born to Atsuomi Ayanokoji, a man of less-than-humble origins but with an ever-expanding desire for power and endless ambitions, and the single-named Mika, a prostitute frequented by his father and a contract mother, it is easy to feel for Ayanokoji and see why he is the perfect candidate for the White Room.
Ayanokoji Has Barely Scratched The Surface of His True Abilities
Only He Knows The True Extent of His Abilities
While it is not precisely hidden that Ayanokoji is a unique existence even within the series, only readers of the light novel series know how extraordinary he is compared to his classmates and even other children of the White Room. As the only product to complete the inhumane and diabolical curriculum used to run the White Room, Ayanokoji is the crown jewel of the White Room, which has a total of 10 levels.

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Of the ten levels, the maximum for human development of any age is level 5 and cannot go beyond level 6. However, Ayanokoji had already completed the entire curriculum up to its tenth level by the time of his enrollment into Tokyo’s Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School. This not only makes him a pretty dangerous individual but also puts him at least five mental years ahead of any of his peers and physically above any of them.
Ayanokoji Isn’t so Aloof
He Just Prefers To Be Unnoticed
The first difference light novel readers immediately observe between the versions of Ayanokoji is in his facial expressions. In the anime, Ayanokoji is portrayed with a high level of aloofness, often seeming unaffected by the waves of emotion expressed by others around him.
Although at his core, Ayanokoji remains mostly the same, the light novels depict him as having a less rigid face. He feels his emotions but is unable to express them because of how he was raised. While the anime focuses on his stoic nature, the light novels show both his stoic nature and a brighter version of him.
Ayanokoji Is a Machiavellian
He Has No Place For Emotions Alongside His Goals
Viewers often refer to Ayanokoji as a schizoid, psychopath, or sociopath due to his cold, dispassionate nature. However, on deep character analysis from the light novels, one can see that the more appropriate term is Machiavellian.
Ayanokoji sees people as tools and is only focused on winning in any situation. He manipulates people and situations to achieve his goals and feels no guilt about it. His actions and mindset align with the Machiavellian philosophy which is characterized by cunning behavior, and an “end justifies the means” outlook.
Ayanokoji Is an Unreliable Narrator
He Lies Even To The Readers
Light novel readers know that Ayanokoji’s internal thoughts do not align with his words and actions. In the first volumes, he portrays himself as genuinely interested in making friends and not standing out, but eventually, the story reveals that he is actually a skilled manipulator who only wants to win. Ayanokoji lies, even to readers, so he can hide his true goals and present himself in a certain light.

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This shows readers that they are not beyond the reach of Ayanokoji’s manipulation and should question which information is true and which is false.
All Ayanokoji Wants Is Freedom
Freedom Accompanied With Unsupervised Exploration
At the start of the story, Ayanokoji claims that he wants a quiet school life. But as the story unfolds, it becomes obvious that what drives him goes deeper than that. When he says he wants a quiet school life, he means he wants a life that is disconnected from the White Room, and, by extension, his father.
The White Room is what made Ayanokoji into who he is, and he associates his trauma with it. It makes sense that he would seek freedom from all of it, from the place and the ideologies he was taught, and also, freedom from his father.
Ayanokoji Cares About Some People
He Is Not Exactly Emotionless
Although Ayanokoji can be cruel and only concerned with his affairs, using people as he wishes and remaining unaffected by their feelings and opinions, at some points in the story, he shows genuine care for some friends, protects them, and refuses to manipulate them for his own gain.
An example of this is when he defended Kei Karuizawa by attacking Kakeru Ryūen for bullying her. In another example, Ayanokoji comforted Honami Ichinose after her history came to light and he also prevented Arisu Sakayanagi from falling during their secret meeting.
Ayanokoji Is Suzune Horikita’s Ally
Mutual Interest Turned Care
Ayanokoji and Suzune Horikita have a complex relationship in the light novels. Ayanokoji is the only person she interacts with in their class, and someone she considers her first and only friend. Their relationship is often speculated to be romantic, but they both disregard such claims.
Ayanokoji pulls strings in the background to ensure Suzune’s success even though he doesn’t tell her much of his plans. He recognizes her as someone he needs to protect, even though he doesn’t fully trust her and only sees her as a means to his desired end.
Ayanokoji Befriends Kohei Katsuragi
He Doesn’t Think of People As Tools All The Time
Light novel readers often complain about several changes in how scenes from the light novels were adapted, or in some cases completely taken out. An example of this happened with Kohei Katsuragi. In season 2 of the anime, Ayanokoji and Katsuragi are shown to have a warmer relationship which comes across as unusual to viewers of the anime.
However, light novel readers are aware of the interaction between Ayanokoji and Katsuragi in volume 4.5 of the light novel series where Ayanokoji does Katsuragi a favor by helping him send a birthday gift to his sister.
Ayanokoji Has More Interactions With Other Girls
A Harem Might Be On The Way
Another aspect that surprises light novel readers is how Suzune Horikita is centralized in the anime series. In several scenes in the anime, Suzune replaces other characters who were in the original light novel scenes.

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Light novel readers know that Ayanokoji has some of those significant interactions with other girls. For example: in the anime, Ayanokoji and Suzune prevent Operation: Delta. But in the light novels volume 4.5, it is actually Ayanokoji and Kei Karuizawa that did this together. Another example is Ayanokoji and Horikita threatening class 1-C students with a fake surveillance camera. In the light novel’s volume 2, Ayanokoji actually does this with Honami Ichinose.
Ayanokoji Has A Romantic Relationship With Kei Karuizawa
His First Girlfriend
Light novel readers know that Ayanokoji and Kei Karuizawa have a more complex relationship than what is shown by the anime series. Despite having a rocky relationship at the beginning, Kei forms a bond with Ayanokoji as he protects her from getting bullied. As the story progresses, they grow closer and develop feelings for one another. They eventually confess these feelings and become a couple. The anime series is yet to fully explore this portion of the light novels and show fans what this unlikely relationship looks like. Ayanokoji Doesn’t Really Hate the White Room
Volume 0 of the light novel series explores Ayanokoji’s complicated relationship with the White Room. Although Ayanokoji acknowledges that the White Room violates human rights, it is not something he regrets. He is grateful for all that the White Room taught him, and simply believes he has more to learn outside of it. Light novel readers understand that Ayanokoji is curious and inquisitive, and only joined the Advanced Nurturing High School to learn about emotions and freedom, not out of complete hatred for the White Room and his upbringing.

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