In the SoloBeing a hunter is one of the most dangerous professionals in the world. However, it may be a great deal of effort, especially for those who are capable of killing people.

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But it is like a professional that requires physical activity, the hunter is the youth game. After all, except the Mages and the Healer, all the hunters class rely on physical pride, especially in the fight. That is why there are two hunters who are ready to fight with mosquitoes. So in the mind of the mind, 7 old hunters Sovered, number based on age.
Thomas Andre
America's hardest hunter
Age: 39
Number: S-Rank
First Might: Chapter 83
The first of this list is undoubtedly the most powerful hunters of this list as well. Thomas Andre owns of Guild Guild in America, the Scavenger Guild. He is the most priority hunter in America. This is not an extension to say that he is one of the most powerful hunters on earth.
Thomas was one of the hunters who killed the head of the first S-Rank building on earth, the Colossal Drassal. Thomas Andrew was not 39 years old in view of his character and physical knowledge, surely thought that Thomas Andre would still be eager to the hunter even at the age of 80.
Kim Sanghik
The rescuer of the double dungeon events
Age: 50s
Number: D-rank
First Events: Part 1
On the contrary to Thomas Andre is a Korean hunter called Kim Sanghik. One of the people involved in the events of Jinwoo at the beginning of the series. Unlike jinwoo who chose to stay and struggle as much as he could, Kim Sanshik left his friend when she saw the opportunity to escape.
Kim Sangshik is a hunter D-rank, causing him the weakest Hunter in this list. As a responsibility, there is no special item about Sanghik. In addition to their determination to continue holding the hunter even about 50 years, nothing is amazing. He oversees the opportunity to know, by high-quality competition and focused on the attack of the lower prison.
Ma dongwook
The Left Lever
Age: 50s
Number: S-Rank
First manifest: chapter 90
Ma Dongwook was a S-Rank and the leader of the Law Guild, one of the top South Korea Guild. He is a easy man who enjoys the spread of fellow hunters. As a s-rank hunter, Ma Dongwook participated in the attack Jeju Island, including the last he was fighting with Sung Jinwoo.

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As a hunter, ma dongwook can increase the size of the body, so increases his power. This is what it says there is a limit to its size. Add the fact that it is 50 years old, and the product is a S-Rank hunter who has passed the Prime Minister. A good luck may be lost in the fight against young S-RANk hunter, but in a fank and below, M dongwook will undoubtedly reach.
Yuri orloff
Hunter S-Rank from Russia
Age: 50s
Number: S-Rank
First Events: chapter 123
Yuri orloff is one of the S-Rank hunters from Russia. Unlike other hunters who use their skills and power to attack prisons and monsters, Yuri uses their position as a s-rotsk hunter to live a ashes. It is one of the only hunters who cannot fight without a document in it. This is one of the reasons why he is active as a hunter even 50 years old.
When the Dungeon Massive appears in Tokyo, the Japanese government pay a lot of money for Yuri orloff to help them in prison. Because they are specialists in supporting magic, especially the obstacles, this is the perfect job for Yuri. It is sad that the dungeon proves to be more dangerous than the first to be visited.
Sung Il-Hwan
Sung Jinwoo's father
Age: 50s
Number: S-Rank
First Events: Part 15
Sung Il-Hwan is the father of Sung Jinwoo. Before he came Hunter, Il-Hwan was a fireman. When she was shocked, she decided to be a full-time hunter of hope to provide a better life for her family. Unfortunately, he was trapped in a high prison during an attack and was declared dead. This tragic event happened at 10 years before the story started today.
Sung Il-Hwan appears again from one of America's prisons. His invitation is similar to that of magic beast, which is forcing the US hunter to consider it as a magic wild beast. There was no priority system until Il-Hwan was active as a hunter. But if he examines it can take Hwang Dongoo, a S-Rank hunter from Scavenger Guild, surely says he is a S-Rank hunter.
Song Chiyul
One of Jinwoo's close friends
Age: 57
Number: C-ranks
First Events: Part 1
Kim Sangshik, a Chiyul Song is one of the double doubles at the beginning of a series. Unlike sangshik, however, Chiyul was fighting with his bitter end with Jinwoo. He even lost an arm during the war. Jinwoo is not native that they will leave with the injured hunters that Chiyul finally accompanied the war.

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Song Chiyul is a horseman. As with the pure sword, he is head and shoulder than most most hunters in Korea. Unfortunately, there is no infinite talent who can overcome the powerful gap created by the difference in rank. Despite his age and attention, his arm is active, Chiyul is still active and also involved as a group who protected Seoul during the Jeju attack.
Go a gun
The President of the Korean Hunseman
Age: 80s
Number: S-Rank
First Events: Part 1
Go Gunhee is the President of Korean Hunters Association and one of the S-RA Rank hunters in South Korea. Since its focus is on the hunter of the hunter, go in an inactive gun as a hunter. In addition, believes that he is 80 years old, his body will not be able to continue his technique. This is especially true in struggling situations.
That was why you were told, You do not only reduce it. In spite of old age, go a gun like tank. The muscle body with height is enough to scare everyone. Although it may not be for him to go to the legs with the current S-Rank hunter, it can easily delete the floor against the rank or below. Go Gunhee can be the oldest hunter on the world, but it is also one of the strong.

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