The laziest Nintendo gamers


  • Louie from Pikmin is a gluttonous, lazy worker who is also very forgetful.
  • Marie from Splatoon prefers to avoid exciting activities.
  • King Dedede from Kirby is a lazy ruler who prefers to eat while his children work.

Over the years that they have been creating games in the industry, Nintendo has amassed a huge catalog of characters, many of which feel very unique and recognizable because of their individuality. For some, like Mario and Fox, it's their can-do attitude that makes them fun to play, but some players are also known to be a bit lazy, preferring to relax and unwind. tired but not paying attention to his duties. completely.


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Fortunately, the players in these games tend to do all the heavy lifting for these people so they can be lazy and apathetic. In other cases, however, it is the villain who displays a lazy character, as if they are too powerful to be bothered, or the hero who falls asleep on the job. Anyway, these are the players from Nintendo games who are among the laziest of all.

8 Louie

Member Smart but lazy and greedy of players

Louie looked at the red Pikmin in shock

Pikmin 2


8-bit super grayscale logo

August 30, 2004

Nintendo EAD

OpenCritic Rating

  • First appearance: Pikmin 2

This Hocatate Freight employee does not care about his job or his friends. Instead, the only thing Louie seems to care about is eating anything that catches his eye, including sending out whole meals, which makes him disliked by the other players. Although Louie is said to have a bright head on his shoulders, he willingly lets others do the work for him, as seen in the fourth game where he seems less bothered about saving Olimar.

Louie's love of eating often sees him become an antagonist in some games that always tries to cover his path. Instead of putting his mind to good use, Louie's laziness makes him more of a villain than the hero he could have been.

7 Marie

Marie is very calm and a bit lazy compared to her cousins

Marie says it's from Nun Squid


8-bit super grayscale logo

May 29, 2015

Nintendo EAD

OpenCritic Rating

  • First appearance: Splatoon

Marie, one of the Squid Sisters duo, is a cool and laid back character Splatoon actor who is known as one, if not the most famous actor in the series. When she's not performing, Marie likes to play video games or enjoy pizzas, so much so that she even said she'd enjoy being part of Team Future so she could “print a slice of pizza.”

While it's certainly not a bad thing for Marie to enjoy her own company, it does mean that she tends to shy away from engaging in any kind of exciting activities, and can even get upset if someone tries to encourage her to do so. . Compared to her cousin Callie, Marie is the lazier of the two.

6 King Hippo

King Hippo's 'Training Sessions' include eating mountain food and sleeping

Mike Tyson's Punch-out!!


8-bit super grayscale logo

October 18, 1987

Nintendo R&D3

  • First appearance: Mike Tyson's Punch-out!!

Little Mac, the main character of Punch-out!! The series is forced to work on his back to climb the boxing ranks, but that certainly doesn't apply to one of his most fearsome opponents, King Hippo. In the pre-game cutscene for Punch-out!! for the Wii, players are given an overview of Hippo's average training session, and it's fair to say that it's not a very demanding strategy.



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After eating a giant mountain meal, Hippo will hit the hay and rest until the sun comes up again. Of course, Hippo's fearsome size gives him the biggest boost in the fight, although it's not fair to have someone as lazy as him in the same league as the seemingly hard-working underdog. of Mac.

5 Snorlax

The laziest Pokemon can be awakened by special items

Pokemon red and blue


8-bit super grayscale logo

September 28, 1998

  • First appearance: Pokemon Red & Blue

Whenever the wonderful Snorlax appears in a Pokemon games, they are always seen lying on the ground and enjoying a good rest. This has become such a recognizable part of Snorlax's personality that many games will make it a challenge for the player to try and awaken the creature, which is a more difficult task than it sounds.

In Pokemon red and blue For example, players need to find a Poke Pipe for Snorlax to get out of its way, and the same goes for Pokemon Let's Go, where Snorlax is found lying in the middle of a street in Verillion City. Snorlax still takes significant damage if he is forced into a fight, but when not asked by a trainer to lay his eyes closed or eat another bowl of fruit.

4 Walrus

The Walrus decided to sleep in the middle of the entrance to the Yarna desert

Link stands next to a walrus while Meni sings in the background

The Legend of Zelda: The Awakening of Link (1993)


8-bit super grayscale logo

August 6, 1993

Nintendo EAD

  • First appearance: The Legend of Zelda: The Awakening of Link

At the beginning of the trip Awakening linkthe player will be assigned to enter the Yarna Desert, otherwise he will meet the walrus that lies on his way. This large and bulky creature doesn't move a muscle no matter how hard Link tries to wake it up, becoming very annoying due to its laziness.


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In fact, the only way to get this guy moving enough for Link to pass is by having Marin sing a song for him, and then he'll slowly move into position. Despite its weakness in the game, the walrus has become famous for its annoyingness, and it all came down to the decision to put its head in the middle of the road without cars here in the world for others. .

3 King Dedede

Dedede's laziness makes him a very dull leader

Kirby's Dreamland


It was a wonderful experience



8-bit super grayscale logo

  • First appearance: Kirby's Dreamland

Despite being the main antagonist of Kirby series, King Dedede is not in a hurry to stop his opponent, that is, if there is no food. Most of the time, however, Dedede lets the Waddle Dees do the dirty work for him while he lays down and eats whatever he can.

He may be a king, but Dedede doesn't really care how he rules his people. Furthermore, because he is always held back and controlled, he becomes a very sad leader in general whose lazy tendencies are very similar to his rival, Kirby.

2 Wario

Wario could be a bigger problem for Mario if he puts in more effort

Super Mario Land 2: 6 Gold Coins


8-bit super grayscale logo

November 2, 1992

Nintendo R&D1

  • First appearance: Super Mario Land 2: 6 Gold Coins

Simply put, Wario is everything Mario isn't. Unlike his inspiration, Wario does not have a cheerful disposition and often tries not to undertake long and difficult journeys unless someone is willing to give him a shiny fortune for his efforts. At the beginning of Wario Land: Shake Itthe main character is seen blowing up in his car, and it's not just once, as Wario has a tendency to fall asleep on the job.

While he turns to trying to catch up to Mario whenever possible, Wario doesn't put in as much effort as Bowser for example when trying to catch up, although he can make some bad moves if he rests. eating garlic and picking his nose.

1 Kirby

Sleep is the Achilles heel of the hero of Dreamland

Kirby's Dreamland


It was a wonderful experience



8-bit super grayscale logo

  • First Appearance: Kirby's Dreamland

Although Kirby is the hero of each series, he has one major flaw; his love of sleep. Whenever Kirby isn't injected with a new form or attacked by Waddle Dees, he can always be shown counting sheep as the world passes him by. This makes sense considering that Kirby lives in a place called Dream Land, but the pink puffball's laziness is still not one of his main traits.

This Kirby character becomes a huge distraction for the series' anti-hero, Meta Knight, who is repeatedly shown in the center stage when new threats arrive because Kirby is too busy sleeping. Kirby's sleep adds a lot to his personality, but it can also cause him to backslide when he finally wakes up, only to find Dream Land in crisis.


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