The Group Title is the singles hunt again

Key Takeaways

  • MTG has a blind packed 2025 with Magic Multiverse 3 series and Universe Beyond 3 series.
  • Adding a specific “headliner” card could create a new tradition for MTG.
  • Headliner cards are serialized and limited, which can lead to high prices and controversy, similar to The One Ring from LotR.

Magic: The Collection Fans will have several new releases to look forward to in 2025, including three series that take place in the world of Magic and three Universe Beyond series – two of which have been announced as Final Fantasy and Spider-Man, respectively. With a full release schedule, Magic: The Collection will start in 2025 with a gap, especially since there will be a seventh release in the form of Inistrad Remastered in January. In addition, Innistrad Remastered will give way to what could be a new tradition MTG – introduction of a special “headliner” card.

Unlike the other three Magic Multiverse series and the Universes Beyond series released in 2025, Innistrad Remastered will not be legal.

Although the headliner cards are not entirely new in concept, as they are limited versions of the given cards, the way they are designed for each set depends on the theme of the expansion because they are meant to be the last resort. Magic: The Collection It is also no stranger to this idea, and the first example of this is the world chase of The One Ring cards from Lord of the Rings MTG set, which ended with one lucky person winning the $2 million card.


Why Magic: The Group's Universes Beyond Change is a double-edged sword

Magic: The Gathering will soon change how it views the Universe Beyond, which can be both a blessing and a curse for fans.

Why Magic Titles Can Break Games Like LotR's The One Ring: The Gathering's Headliners

MTG's Lord of the Rings The set stands out a bit due to the inclusion of a copy of The One Ring, which is technically a single edition of a card version rather than a single copy in general. The problem is that booster pack prices have skyrocketed as fans try to hunt down this unique card, and between them MTGThe scalper problem and the real interest in the product, it is difficult to collect common cards. Therefore, the concept of the title may seem exciting and dangerously close to that of The One Ring alone.

Title cards are 1 to 500 to 500 points. Of course, it gives fans a chance compared to Magic: The CollectionThe One Ring, but it is likely that the price of the main title will increase – especially for the first, Edgar Markov. Already an expensive card in the base version, Edgar Markov getting a special print for Innistrad Remastered means that the title can sit in the thousands of dollars.

Not only that, but the headlines and the hunt for these special cards can end up increasing the sales of each set, causing the same problem as with Lord of the Rings installed and the price. Magic: The CollectionCollectors are more likely to go up in price, because they have a higher chance of good cards, so their titles may drop more often compared to regular boosters. Moreover, the first copies of each title in the series can sell for astronomical sums, both because of the popularity of the numbered copies and the possibility that some collectors will want them as soon as possible. can be done.

What to expect from MTG's headliner card in 2025

Currently, only two titles have been confirmed for 2025, but they belong to the first two series of the year, meaning that each series scheduled for 2025 may have one title. Edgar Markov is likely to be very expensive regardless, especially since it is one of the most popular cards in power. MTGCommander format, but other titles will probably be priced based on their power level.

The headlines from 2025 first set legally Magic: The CollectionAetherdrift, to be called The Aetherspark. It will tie into the events of the story, and it looks like a Planeswalker in and of itself based on the card structure. Regardless of where it is in the meta, it can cause a chain reaction that increases the price of Aetherdrift products after they launch. Therefore, the first two series of 2025 may favor the same conflict as the infamous one. Lord of the Rings put.

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