As a long-time Fallout fan, it's great to see such a beloved series come to television in such a spectacular way. The Fallout TV show has been popular with fans and casual audiences alike and has been praised for its characters, world-building, and attention to detail. Season two is officially on its way, and we're all waiting to see what the next chapter holds for Lucy, Maximus and The Ghoul.
9 Fallout TV Show Characters Who Deserve Their Own Game
Give these Fallout TV Show characters their spin-off game right away!
While the first season did a great job of introducing audiences to the wasteland, there's still tons of Fallout lore we want to explore when the series returns. We already know that the second season is inspired by Fallout: New Vegas, leaving us with a list of things we want to see in the show.
Since we're talking about Fallout lore and the second season, there are spoilers ahead!
more twisted beasts
Radscorpions And Cazadors and Radroaches, Oh My!
While raiders and ghosts are a threat in the wasteland, some of the biggest threats come from local mutants. A cow turns into a Brahmin, a cockroach becomes the size of a dog, and a scorpion becomes a walking nightmare. We saw some of these creatures in the first season, but there are tons of Fallout creatures to be seen on screen.
The Mojave Wasteland, the area around New Vegas, is full of all kinds of monsters, including molerats, mantises, and cazadors, which are giant flying insects that are a real distraction in battle. It would be nice to see the second season show some of the natural disasters of the desert.
The most dangerous game
Speaking of familiar creatures, the first season of Fallout gave us a brief tease of a monster we might see in season two. Towards the end of the series, we are treated to a shot of a horned skull, which Fallout fans will instantly recognize as a dead skull.
Deatchlaws are a staple of every Fallout game, often among the toughest fights you'll find in the wasteland. The New Vegas area, in particular, is surrounded by groups of dead people, who can be found in various caves and caves. It is likely that we will see a major deal with one or more of these creatures in the future.
The fat man
A powerful weapon
One of the most popular weapons in the Fallout series is the Fat Man, a portable mini-nuke launcher that can destroy enemies with a single shot. It has appeared in every game since Fallout 3 and remains one of the coolest and most powerful weapons you can get your hands on.
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These various weapons are some of the weirdest you'll find in gaming.
We're not saying that the TV show should run out to nuke everyone, but the weapon can easily act as a MacGuffin that makes the various factions of Fallout go to war. If someone gets their hands on a Fat Man and even a single mini-nuke, they can hold a lot of power in the wasteland.
The other Vaults
Where did all the people go?
Every vault in Fallout has a story. This is often unfortunate, as the vaults are where Vault-Tec conducts its experiments. During the first season, we look inside a few vaults as we unlock the mystery behind Vault-Tec. Vault 4 is the most memorable, and shows you the kind of experiments that the inhabitants of the vault are subjected to.
Seeing Lucy, Maximus and The Ghoul find various vaults in the wasteland could end up being some of the highlights of the season if the story leans towards silliness. they are some of the vaults. We might even see some of the vaults from Fallout: New Vegas make an appearance, like the fan favorite Vault 11.
Have They Been to the West?
The first season of Fallout has already been declared canon, and considering that it is set after the events of Fallout 4, we were wondering if there are Synths in the West. The Synths are synthetic people who entered the Commonwealth, the main setting of Fallout 4. They were created by the Institute, a shadow party that plays an important role in the events of the game.
It is reasonable to assume that Synths traveled to the West, some were even sent there by the Railroad, a group dedicated to freeing Synths. After all, New Vegas is a well-hidden place. If you've played Fallout 4's excellent Far Harbor DLC, you'll notice that the Synths have actually traveled outside of the Commonwealth.
The story of Mr. House
The King of New Vegas
One of the show's most important scenes is the big meeting of the Vault-Tec conspiracy, where the heads of various companies gather to discuss their investments in the Vault program. Although the average audience may not have noticed such a big character, New Vegas fans were surprised to see the founder of Rob-Co, Robert House, better known as Mr. House.
Every location where Fallout was filmed
The desert is truer than we thought.
In the game you meet the supercomputer version of Mr. House, who is in charge of New Vegas and is responsible for building and maintaining the city. Mr. House is one of the most popular characters in the world of Fallout, and it's great to see the show look back at the time Mr. House the invaders and fought to protect the Vegas Strip from the Republic of New California. With New Vegas shooting at the end of the first season, chances are we'll be seeing more of this amazing character.
Super Mutants
The head of the brother
There's nothing in the Fallout universe that the Brotherhood of Steel hates more than super mutants, so it's a little weird that we didn't see anything in the first season. Super mutants have been around since the beginning of Fallout, and there are many varieties found all over the wasteland. Hated by most, the game also gave us super lovable mutants like Fawkes and Strong from Fallout 3 and Fallout 4, respectively.
There are hints of a super mutant on the horizon, however, as many fans believe that Thaddeus injected himself with the Forced Evolutionary Virus, a serum created by West Tek in an attempt to reverse the people to be a powerful soldier during the war. Super mutants are a direct result of FEV, and we may see Thaddeus evolve into one.
The Enclave
The Fallout Franchise is pretty bad
There are many terrible organizations in the wasteland, but none are more despised than The Enclave. We got a tease of the Enclave in the first season, as Dr. Wilzig, set in motion a series of events that eventually brought the main characters together.
The Enclave is a fascist group known for its belief that anyone outside of the organization is unclean and therefore should be killed. They are also known for conducting human experiments and committing a number of atrocities throughout the country and are considered by most people to be pure evil. With the TV show already acknowledging their existence, perhaps they will begin to play a bigger role as the second season progresses.
Fallout: Best Author
Fallout has many characters, some funny, some scary and some beautifully written.