Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition will feature Quick Recast, a new mechanic that reduces the cooldown timer for Arts.
A new Skell named Hraesvelg will also be part of the pack.
The Switch version of Xenoblade Chronicles X will introduce a new character named Neil Nail, although his name may not be the same in English.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Ultimate Edition will feature a new game mechanic called Quick Recast. This addition was announced as part of Nintendo's recent preview of the upcoming game, which also confirmed the new character that Xenoblade Chronicles X: Ultimate Edition will include, among other innovations.
The third entry in the Xenoblade Chronicles The franchise launched as a Wii U exclusive in 2015. An enhanced edition of the game was announced for Switch in late October 2024 and is now targeting a spring 2025 release.

Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition faces the same hurdles that other Wii U ports have stumbled upon
The upcoming Switch port of Xenoblade Chronicles X could make a big difference if other ports of the Wii U title are any indication.
Ahead of the game's market launch, Nintendo Japan shared a full article about some of the new additions. Xenoblade Chronicles X: Ultimate Editionwhich includes a few previously unknown stories. Among other things, the preview mentions Quick Recast, a new mechanic that speeds up cooldowns for Arts. Activating this feature is as simple as pressing the Y button, Nintendo Everything reports. Quick Recast is balanced by limiting its use to gauges, which can be reset by vehicle attacks during combat. The last one Xenoblade Chronicles X: Ultimate Edition trailer showing the view of the Quick Recast around the 1:44 mark, during the battle with Bronze Cinicula. At this point in the video, there is a green icon indicating the player's Quick Recast stock at the bottom of the screen.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition teases new bones
Nintendo's preview includes another look at Hraesvelg, a new Skell that will be featured in the Switch version of Xenoblade Chronicles X. Hraesvelg is a light-themed mech that can transform into a flying machine. On the ground it has a giant sword. The latest trailer for the game showed off the mech's flight features. The identity of Hraesvelg's pilot is a prominent mystery that Nintendo says will be revealed at a later date.
Finally, the new character seen in the January 2025 trailer is now known as Neil Nail — a name that may not be the same in the English version of the game. His role in the history of Xenoblade Chronicles X: Ultimate Edition it's not clear at this point, although it's said that he'll have some connection to the Skells RPG.
Xenoblade Chronicles X: Ultimate Edition will hit the market on the first day of spring, March 20. Like most first-party Nintendo games, the digital and physical versions will sell for $59.99. The new version of the Xenoblade Chronicles X is expected to be one of Nintendo's last Switch games, as the Japanese giant is soon expected to shift its focus to its next console, which will be announced on March 31 and should hit the market on the year 2025.