Track an opponent's performance in the Judge's Tower by calling the missing triggers and earning points.
Complex cards like Necrotic Ooze and Perplexing Chimera create trade-offs in the rules that can confuse opponents.
Forced Fruition and Conjured Currency force the opponent to draw multiple cards or control the exchange, adding an element of chaos to the game.
There are other very silly faces in the world of Magic: The Gathering. One of the most punishing is the Tower of Judges. More of a mental game than a paper one, the goal of Judge's Tower is to score points against your opponent by following their knowledge of the rules.
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If you see someone forgetting a step, trigger, skill, or game they should have done, you call them out and get points. Because Magic has thousands of cards at its disposal, there are tons of complex cards that create a variety of confusing rules interactions. If you're looking for some of the more complicated cards, we've got you covered.
Necrotic Ooze
Everything at once
This creature gains all creature abilities in all graveyards while on the battlefield. It quickly becomes a dream scenario for anyone playing, as there are many possible scenarios that the controller must follow.
The Judge's Tower has all players share a graveyard, so everything is in front of everyone, but you still need to keep track of all those skills. That kind of information overload is sure to destroy any opponent who has it. Keep in mind that the mileage for this card depends on having creatures in the graveyard, so make sure you can rotate every player or have a way to destroy creatures with it.
Necrotic Ooze also gets an active ability, so anything with a “:” in the text box. This can be even more confusing, as some keywords are active abilities and also have a spell in their reminder text, which is a great way to confuse opponents.
A magical chimera
That's a great question
A very goofy magical creature, Perplexing Chimera has a unique ability where an opponent casts spells, you can choose, and in the case of the Judge's Tower, you are required to control the Chimera and cast spells.
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If you do, you can choose a new target regardless of spell. The funny thing with Perplexing Chimera is that it will roam around the battlefield, changing its owner with every spell. The confusing part comes with all the complications that can occur when exchanging assets with mid-cast cards. If you change the target of the spell, you must choose a normal target. However, if there is no legal target, you are forced to leave the target, even if it is an illegal target.
There will be cases where you will:
Trigger Perplexing Chimera on the stack
An opponent casts another spell, placing another trigger of their ability on the stack
The second trigger unlocks, changing control of the Chimera
The first trigger resolves, even if you no longer control the Chimera.
You need to remember that you can still change the control of spells and Chimera Perplexing. If you do this, you can change the spell's target but not the spell's new controller.
Forced results
The image is damaged
Forced Fruition is not a difficult card to understand: every time the opponent casts a spell, they must draw seven cards. However, drawing cards in the Judge's Tower can be a nightmare, and drawing seven at once means your opponent needs to draw seven more cards and make sure they resolve everything they can with they are the right time.
One of the rules of the Judge's Tower is:
Players must play all cards in their hand when possible in the Judge Tower.
Chances are good that the opponent will draw for a moment or something with lightning, or something with a throwing effect like a bicycle that requires them to activate or throw it immediately.
Then, if they draw for a moment, or flash cards, they have to draw DIFFERENT seven cards, continuing the chain.
Conjured money
Who controls what now?
Arguably a terrible card, Conjured Currency comes from Return to Ravnica and does nothing. For six mana you get a spell that allows you to change control of Conjured Currency to a permanent that you don't own or control.
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In the Tower of Judges, however, calling out a rule error on someone has become a silly practice. Your opponent must choose cards that they don't own or control, which, while it may be easy at first, gets more difficult as the game progresses and possessions keep changing.
The other thing to keep in mind is that if there are no cards to trade, you are still the target of those cards you tried to trade, but when the resolution goes on, it doesn't.
So not only does your opponent have to keep track of all the changes, but they also have to know how the rules are related. This is on top of other shenanigans that may have changed the control of cards outside of Conjured Currency.
Lazav, The Many
Big face
There's a lot going on with this card which makes it a good choice in Judge's Tower if you're looking to attack an opponent. First, Lazav has access to the battlefield by allowing his controller to monitor one. It's very simple, but it gives you the ability to catch people with missing triggers.
More importantly, Lazav, the Multifarious has an ability that allows you to duplicate another creature in the graveyard, keeping Lazav's original name, keeping his legendary status and giving him the ability again. copy.
With Judge's Tower you have to pay five mana for every X cost, so you can copy a card with a five mana cost. If an opponent tries to break something else, they will have a rule violation, allowing you to get a point. Then, with the copied creature, they must follow the rules on that card.
While your Judge's Tower limits you to once per turn, Lazav is unique in that you can do it with instant speed, meaning your opponent has to remember to do it to you. the beginning of each round at the most convenient time.