Destiny 2 Fans are not happy about sending the content of the history of the season due to lack of stories and breaks.
Some players in the community want to carry out new narratives to Destiny 2, with more Cutceses and NPC dialogues.
Other fans believe that the composition of division is the possibility of environmental leaders and many characters.
share Fans are disappointed and unhappy at the stories of the story to the Destiny 2 In the past few months. Many players want to see the story from come and not to refer to what happened and Destiny's history by the NPC dialogue, while others Destiny 2 The fans believe that the provincial stories and breakfasts to the series are not ladder: Heresy.
After the release of the Destiny 2's The last form Extension, Bungie started telling a new story after the defeat of the Witnesses. The story of Destiny 2 It is declared in the section, which has a period of time that is shared within three of the weekly and renewal. The topic of the section concludes in the community, because many players believe that the previous season is the same as model.

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Recently Reddited Crafty_7300 user shared some ideas and complaints about sending content content in Destiny 2commented that they were tired of hearing npc talking about taking the capacity to be affected by other players or other historical characters in Destiny's The universe. Post_Trick_7300 is to see a new way to the new “word-pay” from NPC or the player “also has a resource to create photos and games Bungie Game Game, but only many NPCs are talking to players in the static area. Crafty_trick_7300 also noted that “Live Service Indie Games” with better narratives than Destiny 2In spite of the bungie with sources under the umbrella.
Fan 2 of the games of the game story and the story of the story with npcs
Many players in the Destiny 2 Reddit community seems to be in line with the emotions_trick_3000's feelings, and some fans quotes the problems they have received in history after the release of the Destiny 2: Lightfall Extension. Others feel burned in the story of Destiny 2and believe that the structure of the current section is the possible effect share The universe and their many characters.
Destiny 2's Codame: The content can bring about a significant change in the creation of a story and delivery, but the most important details that the fans want to know that the fans are no longer announced. On February 4, Destiny 2 will go down to the first event in the first series: Heres, which find players back from the darling Destiny: The Elected King Extension. Episode: Heers to include a new event called “The LEMan,” the new weapons and weapons, the new Subclass War, and many others. Three days later, the SNASRED doctrinal doctrine will be released on February 7.