Remastered reconstruction of the most annoying parts of the original 2002

Key Takeaways

  • Fact: Remastered will have no recorded explosion sequences.
  • The forced epidemic is considered one of the most frustrating parts of the 2002 original.
  • While the new infection system will be more fair, it will also be harsh, as it will make some NPCs susceptible to infection and turning into monsters.

The item: Remastered Nightdive Studios has confirmed that it will not feature the scripted “burst-out” sequence that is forced to be infected. Therefore, the upcoming remaster will eliminate what is considered to be the most annoying aspect The thingsbut will do so in a way that does not make the game easier.

First published in 2002, The things is still considered one of the best horror games ever made. Thanks to the unique infection system inspired by John Carpenter's famous film, it has its own personality. The basic idea behind this mechanic is that almost all NPCs can become infected and transform into the titular “thing”, turning into their former allies. Some fans found the system to be unforgiving, especially since the game has a series of characters where some NPCs will enter and “explode” even though the player did everything.


Fact: Remastered reveals a new look at the game

The 2002 live-horror remaster of The Thing video game franchise received new gameplay and improved visuals.

This annoying aspect of the game will be left in the story's history, as confirmed by Mark Atkinson, director of the 2002 original and consultant on Nightdive Studios' upcoming remaster. Speaking to Syfy, Atkinson revealed that the modern version of the survival horror game features an unscripted series, ensuring that the system is no longer stressed by cheating. in forced infection. “The infection system was implemented and supported in the original game, but there were a few places where teammates would get infected and explode for no reason, which players really didn't like,” Josh said. Dowell, Nightdive software engineer on the concept. behind this change.

Fact: Remastered's spread system will be more unforgiving

Even if you have to do Nightdive to remove the scripted explosion sequence The item: Remastered no hassle, the overall experience couldn't be easier. In contrast, Dowell said that the developers decided to make certain NPCs vulnerable to disease, so while the overall system would be fairer, it would also be less forgiving.

The infection system was implemented and available in the original game, but there were a few places where teammates would get infected and explode for no reason, which players really disliked.

Find out how to communicate directly with The thingsMonsters are now the only way to spread the disease, at least players can improve their running and redo the distribution to reduce the number of casualties. Even if they don't turn into monsters, teammates will still have a chance of getting hurt and “freaking out and freaking out,” Atkinson said.

Although there is no official release date for the horror game at the moment, the announcement in June promised that it will launch in 2024, leaving a limited time to reach this goal. That said, Xbox seems convinced of it The item: Remastered It will premiere on December 5th. In addition to the last two generations of Microsoft's consoles, the modern version of the game is also planned to arrive on PS4, PS5, Switch and PC.

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