Pokemon Scarlet & Violet includes Tera Raid & Mass Outbreak events with Alolan Exeggutor and Flamigo.
The event runs from January 16 to January 19.
Alolan Exeggutor will be level 75 with Dragon-Tera type, while Flamigo offers a brilliant growth rate.
In a surprising revelation, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet announced a Five-Star Tera Raid against Alolan Exeggutor and a massive explosion involving Flamigo. Both events will come Pokemon Scarlet and Violet in mid-January and give trainers a limited time to catch Alolan Exeggutor without having to access The Indigo Disk DLC.
Both events will begin after that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet ending the Year of the Snake Mass eruption event. Known as the Coconut Pokemon, Exeggutor made its first appearance Pokemon red and blue. Exeggutor was one of the first Pokemon to receive a regional variant Pokemon Sun and Moonas the Alolan version changed Exeggutor from a Grass and Psychic critter to a Grass and Dragon dual-type. Taking inspiration from the palm trees found in tropical regions, Alolan Exeggutor is a hybrid attacker that can use moves like Dragon Hammer, Wood Hammer, and Zen Headbutt. While Alolan Exeggutor is a rare sight in the ninth generation game, it can be found in Terrarium's Coastal Biome.

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Even captured Alolan Exeggutor Pokemon Scarlet and Violet usually requiring access to The Indigo Disk DLC, trainers can soon catch some at Tera's camp in Paldea. According to, the Alolan Exeggutor Five-Star Tera Raid and Flamigo Mass Outbreak events will begin on Thursday, January 16 at 7:00 PM Eastern and end on Sunday, January 19 at 6:59 PM Eastern. Accordingly, the event will last three full days Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trainers will have limited time to participate. Alolan Exeggutor will have the Dragon type as Tera type and will be Level 75. Ergo, a team of powerful Pokemon Fairy that is needed for Shiny Rayquaza Tera's attack action, such as Tinkaton, Sylveon, and Zacian, should enter again. easy to use on Pokemon Coconut.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Reveal Mass Blast and Five Star Tera Raid (Mid-January 2025)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will host Alolan Exeggutor Tera Raid and Flamigo Mass Outbreak events.
The event will begin on January 16th at 7:00pm Eastern and end on January 19th at 6:59pm Eastern.
Alolan Exeggutor will be level 75 and has the Dragon-Tera type.
Flamigo will increase the chance of Shiny encounters.
For Flamigo, Pokemon Synchronize will appear in a mass explosion across Paldea, with the ability to grow to shine before any changes are calculated. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Players can use sandwich ingredients that give shiny power for increased Shiny rate and can be used to deal with Fighting or Flying Pokemon since Flamigo is a dual type. Sandwiches with Pickles or Prosciutto with Salty and Spicy Herba Mystica should be enough to increase the chances of seeing a Shiny Flamigo.
The last one Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The event is the second event to be held in January. in the Pokemon Legends: ZA will arrive in 2025, only time will tell how The Pokemon Company will keep players engaged during that time.