Path of Exile 2 could use three major changes to improve the game's ending


  • Implement a dedicated Waystone storage chart for easy access and organization.

  • Extend the map node in Atlas to include a layout video for better understanding.

  • Reconsider the one-gate-for-death policy to make Path of Exile 2 less punishing.

Path of Exile 2 started with early access just over a month ago, and is probably already in a good place. Then, this week, GGG was released Path of Exile 2The first major patch of 2025, which addressed many issues and bugs, and implemented or worked on player feedback in some key areas. For example, players can copy Runes and other socketables like Cores into their items with other socketables, which has been a major problem with the Rune system so far. Although the game is running well and can only grow from here, we can take advantage of three changes in the latest version of the game right now.

In reality, players have a lot to do after completing the campaign and the Cruel difficulty Acts. Path of Exile 2 leads the player to the Ziggurat Shelter, which acts as a base of operations for the player to step by step through the higher levels of Waystones, starting with Tier 1. The Atlas has a map many players can choose from, with several icons that represent different League mechanics or other modifiers, such as bosses. All of this might sound exciting at first, but there are some changes that GGG could make to improve the overall experience: a Waystone save table, better map/biome visibility in Atlas, and a non- death is annoying.


Path of Exile 2 is a completely different game with a PoE feature

There are many differences between Path of Exile 2 and PoE 1, and an item from the latter will change the former in a big way.

Path of Exile 2 requires a Waystone Stash tab

Path of Exile 2The end game requires the player to constantly travel through the Waystones, as they are needed to advance through the Atlas and the fog of war and complete objectives, such as obtaining Atlas passives or achieving a large part of it. , such as the Burning Monolith and the three Citadels. Therefore, a great addition to the game is a special Waystone save table that allows players to easily save and access all Waystones, filter by keywords, and collect them by Tier.

Stash tables are typically paid content in Path of Exile 2 (and its predecessors), but Waystone stash tables can be a great quality-of-life addition that's likely to be great even if it's not free. – it's useless.

How Path of Exile 2 can improve its mapping experience

As of the latest 0.1.1 Path of Exile 2 patch added a new function to the Atlas where the map node tells the biome, it can be taken to the next level. For example, each map node can have a short video attached to it showing a sample of the area and a small map. This could be a game changer because some League mechanics, such as Path of Exile 2The violation or formality, is based on the area. If there is a Violation or a ritual that appears in a narrow corridor, with some types of maps having many of them, it may be less satisfactory than others.

Why Path of Exile 2 should rethink its one-gate policy

Last but not least, Path of Exile 2The way death works may need to be changed. It's no secret that GGG wants their fighting games to be slower and smoother, especially since boss battles are such a dominant part of ARPGs. However, the game can be very punishing in the endgame section, where dying on any Waystone means losing experience and access to the Waystone itself, including all loot that is not taken before the event.

The reasoning from GGG seems to be that, in this way, players can learn from experience and improve their character and build accordingly. However, this rarely happens for a number of reasons, such as the fact that it can be very difficult to change gears on the fly or the lack of a death replay screen that clearly states what happened. game. On top of that, though Path of Exile 2 can be stopped, which should also be done automatically if one happens to be broken, by chance the player can be broken and still die from it. The next thing is to make death impunity, along with other changes, take place Path of Exile 2 the best version of himself.

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