Part 31 Collecting the Best Luck by Existing Star Trek Universe


  • Part 31 31 is not the depth of the Star Trek philosophy, which selects jokes and snarky snarky and light action.

  • Nanakins offers the radiation of the world Star Trek Universe, searches the servesemics, its identity, and acceptance and acceptance.

  • During the section 31 Nankins do not use Nanakins well, they may become a foreign race and force foreigners in the future.

Star Trek have a long and wonderful and wonderful story. Sometimes, they are real people with additional items in their foreheads and ears, such as vulcans and klingons. Sometimes, they create new creation, such as medusans or telrites. Whatever it may be, Star Trek Foreigners tend to be more than Weirdos to Gawk at. They are ideas that help us to explore human and human society.

Unfortunately, it is not the most of these intelligent ideals in the movies Star Trek: Part 31. Controversy and flashes on a line Star Trek: Search, Section 31 Stars Michelle Yeehe and Philippa Georgiou, the time to sum up once from a bad world, which directs a team of Rag-tag in black ops. Section 31 Snarky snarky joke, flashy explosion, and emotional emotion without emotional mining.

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Star Trek: Part 31 Idea 31 does not promise

The first conscience for the Star Trek: Part 31 out and did not follow them.

Most teams include guests from franchise, including variable chameloids and darling. The Fuzz team first appeared first, but it was very nankin, an early foreigner containing stories. And he was completely destroyed.

Which fuzz is the star Star: Part 31?

Section 31 Film (1)

Played with too much accent from Sven Ruygrok, fuzzy easy to believe Section 31 letters. He takes the war with no reason and cry out all the words that come to mind. But there is something interesting when calling Fuzz is a real vulcan, the type known to the rare. At that time Fuzz opened his mouth and the camera camera poured his neck, through a bright blue channel, to show his true appearance. It appears that Vulcan Bleach-blond but fuzzy just looks like a car – “conveyance,” to use his Word. Real Fuzzs is the Mikroscopy Race called Nankins.

Paramount + was the original Section 31 Generally a full series, not just a movie. Apparently, Nanakins received more progress during the show, as Found was when the kelpiens entered. But in the film that surrounded 91 minutes over 91, it was full of other series and other lines, there is only the facts in the Famous Facility. The type has at least two older people, because the male fuzzy male has a woman's wife named Wisp. Nankins puts eggs and have several subjects per trash, with Fuzz mention of ten children in their name.

And that's about him. Which unfortunate that Nankins are perfectly fit in Star Trek The universe.

What can Nanakins offer to the world?

Star Trek Part 31 Fuzz and Georgiou

When Fouz expressed his true nature, some viewers rolled away their eyes. The idea of ​​a guest secret in a boat that seems to be regular human (oid) has been searched to movies as if people In the Black And Meet dave. Section 31 Using the eggs by movies like movies: just like a little joke.

Like a person who saw a division Deck below the bottom know, Star Trek no more than a joke about her joke. That or the gofiest of Deck below the bottom Using various types to explore deeper topics. Klingons offers a reflection of respect for community and warriors. The Vulcan history talks about the dispute between the need and logical. Nankins can be a lot. As a microscopic type, Nankins cannot connect to other people in the ordinary, by vision and sound. Instead, they must build con con coupans like Fuzz, inviting the authorization of authorization and identity.

Communication is a basic subject in Star TrekAs shown in significant Badges or values ​​of important Star Trek: Video movingwhich Voyager Probe has ilya to interact with people. Nankins must only go to the hard conditions to talk to others. Will others do the same? Can find all new commitments and new civilization, think of some members of the same way as Naharokins carrying the ship?

Then there is a natural threat problem where pose nankins. During one of the many orally-sized games in the fuzz and their friends Section 31 Member Zeph (Robert Kazinsky), the end indicates Nanokin as virus. At first, it was like Zefh throwing the phrase as a reproach to the skin to enter its skin. But when Fuzz mentions her child later, she was sure that they were infected, calling them “influnsed,” “Innsilyitis,” and “rumors”.

The idea of ​​a movement is not a complete news (see the Villain Despotellis from Lantern green Comics). However, the principle of acceptance and understanding that drive Star Trek This means that Starfleet members can only remove Nankins, even if they are dangerous.

Finally all guests in Star Trek In the end it helps the viewer to know humanity. When Nanokin makes a conveyance in another form, they also have to understand this kind. They have to take the time to learn their culture, anatomy, and morality. It is certainly not surprising to the magical or nationality of this kind.

Could Nankins again after Trek Star: Part 31?

Star Trek Part 31 Fuzz in Both

Star Trek: Part 31 There is no interest in allowing Subzz to do something rich. Fuzz screamed and wooded and even had a fighting situation, but he was not near the institution or ethical ethics.

Given the scary way Section 31 The shipment of Fuzz, many Trekkies may be happy to see fuzz, family, or even one nankins. But failed stories, even as bad stories like Section 31does not harm the whole type. See ferengi, which started The next generation As a substitute for klingons and becomes one of the rich and wealthy foreigners, thanks A deep nine.

Nankins had already offered more than the ferengi that was made in the original The next generation Episodes. Will be embarrassed if Star Trek They did not just take advantage of the uneasy foreign races because they started in a terrible film.


Star Trek: Part 31

Date of issued

January 15, 2025


96 minutes

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