Gold Coast man fined for surfing with pet snake

A Gold Coast man who took his pet snake out for a surf has been fined. Footage of surfer Higor Fiuza and his carpet python Shiva longboarding at Rainbow Bay, near Snapper Rocks, went viral last month. At the time, Mr Fiuza said the three-year-old snake had been surfing at least 10 times and “was … Read more

CFMEU call to pull engineered stone from Bunnings shelves amid Silicosis fear

Bunnings has been urged to immediately pull a range of trendy kitchen benchtops that have been linked to an incurable disease that’s killing tradies. The national construction union have taken their demands directly to the hardware giant’s chief executive Michael Schneider, warning it was “unconscionable” to keep engineered stone benchtops on Bunnings’ product line up. … Read more