Overwatch 2 Play the truth about Upcoming 6v6 Tests

Key Takeaways

  • Increased tank cooldowns for 6v6 trials in Overwatch 2 to balance the game.
  • Some heroes get nerfs, while a couple of supports get buffs to adjust to the new 6v6 format.
  • The changes aim to reduce eye strain, keep crowd control smooth and balance the hero's power level.

Overwatch 2 We recently teased some of the balance changes for the Season 14 6v6 test, including cooldown adjustments, rework on many hero upgrades, and reducing the duration of blocks and the obstacle of war. These and many other changes will be implemented in an effort to adapt Overwatch 2 in a 6v6 format when the first test begins on or about December 17th.

6v6 is officially back Overwatch 2 in the form of Overwatch: Classic. However, this is the start of a larger experiment with six player teams, with two different 6v6 tests planned. Overwatch 2 Season 14. To make these tests easier, some heroes will have special changes to this game mode.


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During the interview with Overwatch 2 Spilo content creator, game designer Alec Dawson gave some examples of these changes. Many tanks there Overwatch 2 gets a nerf in the form of a higher cooldown on his abilities, such as with Ramattra's Void Barrier and Reinhardt's Charge. Others get a return on Overwatch 2 Changes – Zarya's block is now on split cooldowns again, Reinhardt loses one Fire Strike charge and Charge steering efficiency, and Roadhog's cooldown is completely reversed.

Enhanced Overwatch 2 6v6-Special Balance Changes

  • Tank nerfs
    • Multiple cooldown boosts, including:
      • Ramatra's Void Barrier
      • Reinhardt's charge
      • Reinhardt's Fire Strike (now has one charge)
      • Zarya's bubble is on a different cooldown
    • Criticizing passives and controlling people are removed, health is reduced
    • Reinhardt can fire his charges, but maneuverability is reduced
    • Roadhog resets, losing his Pig Pen and Take a Breather resource meter, but regains his fire.
  • Support buffs
    • Zenyatta's Orb of Discord no longer has a per-target cooldown, and has an increased effect
    • Reduced cost of Ana's Sleep Dart and Biotic Grenade
  • A change of blankets
    • Auto-healing starts in 7 seconds, instead of 5 (3.5 second support)
    • Permanent barriers like Lifeweaver's Tree of Life and Mauga's Cage Fight will have their duration reduced

That is, some heroes – especially support there Overwatch 2 – then get buffs instead to help them juggle bigger teams. For example, Zenyatta's Orb of Discord has a larger effect and no longer has a per-target cooldown, and Ana's Sleep Dart and Biotic Grenade both have reduced cooldowns.

The balance changes may be familiar, as they make heroes play more like they do in Overwatch: Classic. In general, the design philosophy of the 6v6 test is to transfer the power from the tank, reduce the visual disturbance and difficulty, but keep Overwatch 2The “soft crowd control” approach. Blocks like Lifeweaver's Tree of Life and Mauga's Cage Fight will have their duration reduced, their tank passives will be removed, and their auto-heals will last two seconds. Everything is not back to normal Overwatch 2 level, though – Winston keeps alt-fire, and Mei doesn't get Endothermic Blaster's freeze. It looks like the 6v6 test will be an interesting matchup Overwatch 1 SY 2 design philosophy.

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