Oda declares Shamrock fruit in Elba

This post is part of a piece of a piece of a piece.


  • The smell of the Shamrock Frisland has the Devy Fruit of the Devy Cerberus, Zoan myth.

  • The empty thing in a piece can destroy the Devil's fruit, becomes his qualities and authority.

  • Shamrock sample, with Cerberus fruit, enhances his ability to warrior, causing him to be a powerful warrior in Elba.

One piece The fans and Oda continue to excite their feet do not seem to pick up their legs on a gas even one second in the last Saga so far. Elbaf, especially, proved to be very exciting and fans unable to believe what the incredible content is given to them each week. The last few chapters of One piece Then found a great statement, and Oda seemed to pour out the larger, this time on the Breaking Fans to the Arb's ArbAf Army.

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Shamrock Photos, Shanks and the older brother of Shanks, his son's son, and the older brother of Shanling, has had a powerful ability, and the mind is the smallest. Again, Oda makes its best to confirm the fact that the Shamrock Photos are special and it will be the strength to count on Arbaf's Arbaf.

The power of the Devil's fruit sword states

  • Shamrock Figharland ShamOck eaten fierce fruit

  • Shamrock sword has the ability of Cerberus fruit

Devil's fruit is the source of the greatest force in the One piece The world, and this is not a complete denial. These skills are unique and offers unexpectedly from those who devote them in exchange for their ability to swim. Although the electricity of the devils can be so much the devil's fruits, the employer cannot swim, especially in a season where marine travels. Often, there is no two methods about it. Whether one can swim, or have the ability of the Devil's fruit.

When you spend the devil fruit you lose your ability to swim! – Shanks

However, there are ways to deceive the entire power system because, in the world One pieceThe item without militias can also eat the Devil Fruit. Surprisingly, it may be that VegapunkunkkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkUNkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunkunk's research proved that the empty thing had the capacity of the devil fruit and at a time, to realize them. Fans have long been discovered in one piece, during the first armasta armasta. At this arc, during the Clerk of the USOP on Mr.th 4 and Miss Christmas Merry, the former guns have been declared to eat a variety of fruit. Since Zoan fruit brings his will, ideas can be breathe of these things. The reason behind this process is still unknown. Regardless of the guns of Mr. 4 spent the inu inu no mi, model: Daschund, and it is known as being known.

Later, a fans went down in a line, found such a possible access to such a. For example, Sapndam, the head of CP9 CP9, was announced to have a sword named Funkfreed, who had the power of Zou Zou to become elephant and fighting for him.

Shanks Twins The Knight God is a piece of one 1136

Similarly, there is something different from One piece This is why Oda expressed fruit and Shamrock's fruit skills, one of them. In one chapter 1138, Oda told Oda the sword of Oda, which was like Saber like Shanks and Gotling, carrying the freedom of the Devil's fruit. There is no doubt that this may be a strong ability and explaining what makes Shamrock be the highest warrior.

The Power of Cerberus Devil – Zoan Zoan

Fruits may Inu Inu no mi, a mythical model: Cerberus


At an unknown time, the Shamrock Fishal sword ended with eating inu inu no mi, mythological model: Cerberus, gives him a lot. When the fans can say that this fruit seems to be very meaningless. This is a myths, which means that if the discomfort is higher than Logias in one part. As Zoan Anglica, it has a myth, in many ways, in many ways, people are unbelievable. The Cerberus itself is a powerful creature that is more powerful than human understanding.

The worldwide government will bring Elbaf to Heel, no matter what! – Shamrock statue

The myths behind the Cerberus are interested in them. This creation comes from Greek mythology, who is believed to be the Guardian of the Gate of the Earth's Gate, or Hell. This is a little interesting, as Saba compared Marioa to hell, and Shamrock now may now be his guardian.

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When Cerberus knows him, Cerberus knows three stripes of his limit. Each head can work alone, means that his memory is at the next level, as three times as a vision as another creature. Likewise, his power is said to be great, capable of stone, and soft, but very fast, and above all. The strength of this creature seems to be the order that will only curse the earth in its power.

How big is the Shamrock general?

Shamrock is sure to the height of yon

Shanks Twin Gunko loki a piece 1136

Shamrock ShamOc Shamer has the power of Cerberus fruit is certainly opening the door for an excerpt from one piece. When the fans know it, Shamrock is strong, and now, on top of his own power, he has a sword that can attack and protect freely. Shamrock must be clear that it will be difficult to beat it. In terms of persecution, fruit Shamrock should allow him to commit serious injury to the enemy, and the deadly injury to each attack. His attack on Loki can be shown to do the sword, but all is clear the tip of the iceberg.

At the top, it's easy to see that Shamrock Photos will have Hakki who can't get into his sword. This means that Cerberus that is Cerberus who uses Wields can be stronger with the highest weapons and the highest kings, making them progress. Shamrock can also fight the way it is by his side, making it not to suffer special as a warrior.

This is undoubtedly the idea of ​​Shamrock's Sham Seal, whose Devy fruit is very exciting and unable to wait to see where Oda is Oda when Albaf continues the story. Since the explosion in Elbaf, Shamrock will have a lot of time to show the most and how his Cerberus helps the Loki war, and the giant warriors, and of course Yonko, a straw hat, which is the most offend of this arc.

One piece can be read through Viz Media Media. The series can be officially read and free to Jump Shop and Manga Plus AcCs. The following chapter's posting date of one part, one piece 1138, was set for February 2, 2025.


One piece

Date of issued

October 20, 1999


Fuji TV


Hiroaki miidamoto, junji shiimizu, satoshi itō, munhi-ahai channel, kakihiro maey, yûji kakasita, yûji kado, izom uhiko, kadanabhi, sumio watanabe, Haru kosaka, Yukikikoa, Keisuke onnishi, Junichhi Fujise, Hiroyuki Satou


Jin Tanaka, Akiko Inoue, Junki Takegami, Shinzo Fujita, Yoshiyuki Sugaoka, koyo murayama, Nestao Muakay, Yoich Takahashi, Mom


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