Nintendo fans show off their amazing $400 Switch Haul


  • A Nintendo fan won an amazing Switch for $400, including the game, controller and dock.

  • The switch console may be nearing the end of its life, but it has seen great success over the years.

  • Finding a chance like this deal can come as a surprise, which gives players extra excitement.

Nintendo fans recently scored an incredible deal on a lampvarious games, some controllers, and a dock, all for $400. This fan favorite Nintendo has a bunch of heavy hitters, which means they should stay put for a while.

With the announcement of Nintendo's next system likely to come soon, the Switch's life cycle may slow down in the next year. While the release of Switch games may start to slow down in the coming months, the past eight years have already seen some very popular titles. These first-party Nintendo games, combined with the hybrid nature of the Switch, pushed the console to stratospheric heights. In fact, the system became the best-selling video game console of all time in the United States. With so many Switch games out there, it's certain that some gamers haven't had time to play them all.


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Luckily for one gamer, they recently found a way to add some unplayed titles to their gaming library thanks to the amazing Switch haul they bought. According to Reddit user Strict-Yam-7972, they made a deal with a retailer to get 11 games, console, dock and controllers for just $400. The list of games was impressive, including the popular ones Pokemon game like Legend: ArceusPokemon Violet, and many others. In addition, the collection featured the launch title The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and so on, Tears of the State. There were also two Xenoblade Chronicle games and such as the PAL version of Bravely Default 2.

Nintendo Fan Shows Off Amazing Moves

In addition to the games, the console bundle included two sets of colorful Joy-Cons to play Switch games. Additionally, two more monitors have been introduced, both with a Pikachu theme. According to Strict-Yam-7972, the Switch and the rest of the car are very good, so this is the best deal they said they could get. Many Reddit commenters seemed to agree, pointing to the totality of all Nintendo-related items. Fortunately, Strict-Yam-7972 revealed that they only played two of the 11 games included in the deal, meaning they have a lot of games ahead of them. As for the Switch, they said they might sell the console to someone else.

While getting a deal like Strict-Yam-7972 is unlikely, other players have had good luck in the past. For example, another gamer managed to get hold of a stunning Xbox 360, getting the console, controller, and some games for free, because someone was planning to throw them away. As evidenced by these stories, it can pay to look out for deals related to video games because they can come at the most unexpected times.

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