Nintendo's 100th anniversary is not meant to be a great deal, reflect the company's attitude.
The previous nintendo leader led the company by immigration.
Most will consider the age of 100 to be a great time, but not Nintendo. The previous Nintendo team members talked about the important important thing for the company, and explained how to do not celebrate.
While Nintendo, Consoles Game More than one of the greatest candidates, Sony and Microsoft, many fans do not realize how old the company is. Nintendo was based on 1889 in the early 1889, and his 100th anniversary was long, and it seems like the company generally moved.

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In a 4Gamer interview (through theGamer), Ninamendo Artist Takayo Imaya spoke a little about the history of the company and the 100th birthday was not as treated, and There was no celebration made. Imamura says the former Leader, Hiroshi Yamaaichi, rigid and primary, who encouraged members of the company to calm down, even though it was not happy or happy. The Nintendo is a far from the public face, with the current and active and engaging leader and a leader of the company like Shigeru Miyamoto, and the latest Iwata's late names.
Nintendo was strange at the time
Imamura explained that Nintendo was rare while the company returned in Japan in Japan. Japan still experienced the economic Empubble Empubble, with gain and wealth, lead most companies to do everything they can to make everyone happy. However, Nintendo was not one of them, with Imamura, described it as a business never now. These days, even though the insignificant nintendo was accepted and celebrated and celebrated them, even more than their king.
If the previously nintendo leader, he led the company through the transition from playing a toy, and then in the video for 53 years. Nintendo nitrondo to the sight and tongue, the excessive act of Nintendo DS and the Wii system, and the failure of Wii, and then the rebound of Nintendo Switch. With Nintendo Switch 2 now on the horizon, many wonder if Nintendo will have more success in the console. There is a long way before Nintendo, but it seems easy to ponder that the company will still play a game than one hundred years old than one hundred years old.