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Scopper Gananan, former roger pirate, will be shown in chapter 1139 in a part.
Gaban's introduction marks on the back of Shanks and the past to Gul D. Roger.
New Holy Knight will be included, add the difficulty of Arc Arc in one part.
The Arc Arc of One piece There is no doubt, one of the most amazing arches of the series, and it is certain to say that the start of this arc is a lot of berries, and work in the best. One piece CHAPTER 1138, Perhaps, one of the best chapters in the entire series of time, and all of his mind goes One piece CHAPTER 1139.

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With the sanity of the holy dwell, he attended his mission to remove a small tweet, and at that time, there was a lot of history and facts that were declared, and the fans know that there is excitement There are also many in the store for them too this week. More than anything, One piece Chapter 1139 is almost sure to reveal the identity of the Mystery Mystery of Elbaf for fans, release mystery once and for everyone. All and many others will be inhabited One piece Chapter 1138.
Scopper Gaban makes his introduction
The mysterious man will be displayed
This is a previous roger pirate
One piece Chapter 1139 is very focused as mystery of Elbaf's mystery. If there is one thing that the fans should keep in mind, this mysterious man was near the former Auruste building, and Cuffy, a corner, and Nam now. Meanwhile, fans are aware that the topic of the hand is there is a shanks. Luffy and others talk about giants attacked by red people, who believed in being embarrassed, but the past is sure to be like him, like him, like him. According to Luffy, Shanks's family, mentioned the Piraty Roger, which was the most recent ruler of this mysterious person. Now, fan of fan is a former member of the Roger and Shanks, which means nothing but one competitor, and the Gaban scoppers.
His family is Roger and Rayleigh and Piraty Roger, except the buggy. – luffy
Scopper Gaban is an old pirate roger and one of the two most powerful in the day of King Pirate, Gol D. Roger. In many ways, Gaban is like Sanji only Gaban. The fans will find Gabrous Gabrousa to appear in a chapter of 1139, and he will really talk to Luffy, and may wait for him for a long time. Gaban will be a source of great knowledge of history, especially he knows that he already knows the true history of the world. Although he does not want to remove the beans, like Rayleigh, he does not even provide information here and there.
Meanwhile, Gaban has provided a window to look at the day of Piraty, Gol D. Roger. Let them look like their main origin, many hours with powerful enemies, or relations with the Shanks, are certainly missing in Chapter 1139.
Shanks's back with piraty roger are displayed
The past in the Shanks can be given the fans
If Gobapi Giaban really shows in the story One piece CHAPTER 1139, Oda must have been a vision of the reader. Shanks was found by scopper Gaban after everyone. From the rear, pirate roger ended up in the string of his ribs, and later, the buggy was also. This is the most possible time for Oda to receive the past, and gives a few chapters that readers want.
If a fluid is not happy, Gaban needs to remember her in the valley of God, which means that other relationships are possible in the scene of God here, and probably the battle there -Sarimory can be covered here.

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There is no doubt, a chapter of 1139 will be so much in this regard, or for the pirate, as well as the pirates of the Roger and its former members.
We have been able to spend some time on boat, right, Rayyigh? – roger
Of course, all of these have offered Oda in Scopper Geban in the story. If the mysterious people are people other than Ganan, everything is very different, and perhaps, Oda will contact the head covering by other qualities. But, because of the way Oda showed everything in the story is related to mysterious men with a mysterious man with the left handed of the Piraty king , Gaban.
A New Central Knight appeared
Shamrock and Gunko call the third holy Knight
One piece CHAPTER 1139 Won't be big for a straw hat. It will also be so much for the Holy Knight which is in the country that is in the country, looking for windows to continue the whole country. In the preceding chapter they decided that the children would like to start with kidnapping, which could happen at the time they began. The target may be at school Walrus, where there is a peaceful child in the peace. They make them sad that they may fall into the holy Knight, causing more difficult things in the fight that will face the pirates.
Another thing to remember is the sacred knight's intention to call another member. They have not yet revealed who they will call them, but fans will really see that someone named Arc Arc the story, which may One piece CHAPTER 1139. This is reasonable, especially when considering the fact that they want to make their way soon, and the delay in the time they will be so deeper. They must move quickly, which is why one chapter 1139 will surely represent the third sacred Knight to fans.
Fans cannot wait for the next chapter to One pieceAnd all eyes are in Oda as I prepare to throw the fourth chapter in a row before coming to the next week – one of them.
One piece can be read through Viz Media Media. The series can be officially read and free to Jump Shop and Manga Plus AcCs. The following chapter's posting date of one part, one 939, was placed on February 9, 2025.

One piece
- Date of issued
October 20, 1999
- Network
Fuji TV
- Director
Hiroaki miidamoto, junji shiimizu, satoshi itō, munhi-ahai channel, kakihiro maey, yûji kakasita, yûji kado, izom uhiko, kadanabhi, sumio watanabe, Haru kosaka, Yukikikoa, Keisuke onnishi, Junichhi Fujise, Hiroyuki Satou
- Author
Jin Tanaka, Akiko Inoue, Junki Takegami, Shinzo Fujita, Yoshiyuki Sugaoka, koyo murayama, Nestao Muakay, Yoich Takahashi, Mom
Tanaka Mayumi
Monkey D. Luffy (Voice)
Kazuya nalai
Rorono angel (sound)
Akemi okamura
Nami (voice)