Is Dragon already a useless character?


  • Dragon's role in One Piece has been minimal so far, leading fans to question his importance to the story.

  • The Dragon and the Revolutionary Army are saved from a major role in the Final War against the World Government.

  • Despite his absence, Dragon is expected to play a major role in the final battle, elevating his importance to the series.

Each group in the One piece the world has a great face that represents who it is and what it stands for. For the World Government it seems Imu; a mysterious and enigmatic figure who stands alone at the top of the world as the ultimate ruler, while for the pirates, Luffy and Joyboy are both seen as heralds of a new world and liberators of oppressed. For the Revolutionary Army, it's Monkey D. Dragon.

Dragon made his appearance at the beginning of the series and is said to be one of the most important characters in the universe. One piece. However, many disgruntled fans disagree with his stance, saying that despite being described as one of the greatest threats to the World Government, he has never did a lot of damage to them, so let's take a look at Dragon's place in the world and see whether or not he was useless during that time.


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Why do people say dragons are useless

How could he do more?

First appearance

One pieceChapter 100, “The Legend Has Begun”

Start date

August 9, 1999

Story Arc


The dragon was first introduced during the events of Loguetown, where he saved the Straw Hats from ending their journey before it began. From there, the Dragon's strength is mocked, as his arrival on the island is preceded by a violent storm that sends the Marines flying, allowing the Straw Hats to escape for a moment.

From then on, Dragon's appearance in the story was very rare but the Revolutionary Army played an important role in the story. As the greatest threat to the established order of the World Government and the Celestial Dragon, the Revolutionary Army has established itself as one of the greatest threats to their base, along with Monkey D .Dragon itself has been classified as 'The World's Worst Crime'.

There is no happiness in the world where unwanted things are thrown away!

However, many fans feel that he hasn't done much to boost it. Sure, his past remains a mystery, but as far as history goes, he's done little to summon the world's worst crime when powerful and evil pirates roam the high seas. there is no objection. In over 1100 chapters One piecethe Revolutionary Army has done very little in terms of disrupting the World Government, which is odd considering they are considered by the organization to be one of its greatest enemies.

The revolutionaries recently attacked Marijoa and Sabaody, destroying the city's power lines and crippling the Celestial Dragon's intake of food and other supplies. Granted, this is very important to their concept and causes great harm to the world leaders, but the fact is that this happened in Chapter 902 of the manga. . Before that, they did little to undermine the rule of the World Government.

Even here, Dragon was absent, leading many fans of the series to say that he had more of an advisory role than a battle. Moreover, they argue that he should have been there for Luffy at many other difficult times in his journey because of how he took the time to go to Loguetown to save the Straw Hats. One notable moment that is often mentioned is Dragon's absence during the events of Marineford, which some fans say is the perfect time for the Revolutionary Army to make a move and destroy the World Government.

One of Dragona's defining characteristics is related to his outlook towards the East, perhaps because this is where he left his family. With that in mind, it's strange that he didn't come out to help Luffy in his time of need, especially during Marineford where the Dragon form turned the water. Although he saved Sabo from Foosha Village as a child, he was also able to save Luffy and Ace from there.


One Piece: The Dragon Waited Over 20 Years (& It's a Good Thing)

Dragona is one of the most anticipated characters in One Piece, and he hasn't done anything for over 20 years.

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The Dragon has a bigger role to play

As for the overall character of the Dragon, he is someone that Oda intended to be more important in the final stages of the story. Therefore, it is clear why he is portrayed as a conservative and why he might make a suitable appearance for the World Government when the Final War breaks down. Therefore, showing his abilities or only showing him during the story will reduce the impact he is sure to have.

Arguably the same goes for the Revolutionary Army, as they will most likely side with the pirates in the Last War. Even though they took action against Marijua, they are still saved from the final battle against the forces of evil in the world. With the latest Saga of One piece Going to the end with Elbaf, Dragon and the Revolutionary Army will definitely have a more active role in the story.

One piece can be streamed on Crunchyroll.


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