How to provide a weapon from mystery box in the joint john

Mystery boxes in call of Duty is a favorite feature, offers a player the time to get a weapon and a strong device. However, many players do not know that these weapons can share their weapons with their partners. The metaphor of the Mystery Box is a good way to support your team and improve your cooperation, or at least please give your friends.

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And when there is a second or a person's a person coming out and you can share because, section is good. Although there is a hidden feature for a while, not many players know it. If you want to know how to give a mysterious box with your friend, this guide will help you.

How to provide weapons from mysterious box

Players nearly attach my Mystery Box - Bo6

The use of mystery box is part of zombies, because you can give you a rare or better weapon, and better weapons, if you're lucky. However, The place of mysterious mysteries are worthless in any gameso the first thing you need to see it.

There are two ways to do this:

  • If you enter Zombies Map with an area of ​​area like terminus or the lesser liability, right Looking at the sky to see the light and follow his guidance.

  • However, if in a Map Map closed Like a grave, you want Open the map, see its iconand Tag to run your way.

Turn the mystery box gives a fixed price at 950. To do this will begin to blow the box.

Now, if you have any weapons you know you love your friend, or an extra raygun or a weapon you want to be a gift, All you can do is melee the box when the weapon begins down.

players to take a weapon from mysterious box - Bo6

Yep, which – mele justand tWeapons will be free from other people in your team to catch. This is a great way to avoid shedding wet arms and will benefit them.

Otherwise, the traditional way to take this weapon, seeing other weapons of the earth to hold it, and then your friends can take it. But it's not easy.


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