How to get the virus in the Infinity Nikki

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Wearing the school year Infinity nikki is a good part of your collection. This allows you to obtain a variety of groves, and there are a few tools and maximum and low. Although these items may be beneficial to these matching competitions, they can get only a few different research.

If you are trying to include these pieces you need to complete the correct pursuit and get each item in SET. If you do not trust you to start, there is a detailed rundown How to make the school year's Infinity nikki.

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How to unlock schools of Infinity Nikki

To unlock all the pieces in the school bathroom you need to complete all the keys in the Left to home, good for the longing. This request prisoner will appear after completing:

The great pursuit occurs in chapter 4, and it should be about half of your background before it can be completed. Then, you can see the left to home, for the desires of the abandoned district, where you see Granny Lefty.

Before the piercings of the Estine, however, please complete the left to home, well for the pursuit of desire, which can be found in Breezy Meadowshown in the picture above. This pursuit of this is separated from questlineEven if you have the same name. You need to answer three different questions to bound the accidental pursuit, with the correct answer:

  • The sheep walk “Baa” when they sleep in a cliff
  • Pelete peer chasing the sun across the sky
  • The ruffin pushes the head in the water below

Then, heads to the support center of the event and talk to Simone to get the akka sports drink. Next, back to the farm, talking to people close, and then return to Akka on the bank of the river. This will complete the chance of chance, allowing you to start the request to the Granny Lefty.

After Teleporting to the Warrel Home WARP SPIREapproach Granny Lefty and talk to them to start. You have to play some music. Then you need to complete all six research in Questline. They will be easily passing and open each piece without even the mold. The pursuit is:

  • He does not believe he will grow up
  • The old seeds have been delivered
  • Anonymous or a thief?
  • A Land of Land
  • At least form a flower
  • Ballade of Vical Page

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Every school day is wearing a piece of a nikki difference

When you finish all the pursuit to home, good for the rice, you will have seven days of clothing seven days, which you can use to make your own views. All of these things are those who you will enter, with the term:


Type of goods

Style Item

Artistics stats

New stakes

Sweet stats

Sexy Stats

Stats Cool

Back to school

is a solid element


33 (base), 205 (max)

165 (base), 1023 (max)

325 (base), 2015 (max)

46 (Base), 286 (Max)

32 (Base), 199 (Max)

Sneezing in no means

is a solid element


13 (base), 81 (max)

38 (Base), 236 (Max)

81 (Base), 503 (max)

9 (base), 56 (max)

9 (base), 56 (max)

Happy forever



39 (base), 242 (max)

129 (base), 800 (max)

260 (base), 1612 (max)

30 (base), 186 (max)

42 (base), 261 (max)

Pink & blue



39 (Base), 242 (max)

129 (base), 800 (max)

255 (base), 1581 (max)

39 (Base), 242 (max)

38 (Base), 236 (Max)

Bitesweet memory



19 (base), 118 (max)

51 (base), 317 (max)

98 (base), 608 (max)

18 (Base), 112 (max)

15 (base), 93 (max)

A stranger of unwanted



25 (Base), 155 (Max)

80 (Base), 496 (Max)

159 (base), 986 (max)

16 (base), 100 (max)

21 (Base), 131 (Max)

In the future



13 (base), 81 (max)

38 (Base), 236 (Max)

76 (base), 472 (max)

11 (base), 69 (max)

12 (BASE), 75 (Max)

Infinity Nikki Tag Page Cover

An exciting experience

The world is open




PlayStation-1 Transparency on the phone


5 December 2024

Developer (s)

Papergames, InfoD InfoD

Opencitic sculptures


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