How to get dragon bones fast from Blox fruit

Update 24 brought tons of new content Blox fruitincluding new locations and resources. The latter are useful for the creation of new materials, although it is difficult to find them. So, here we will tell you how to get the dragon bone fast Blox fruit.

Dragon bone is a popular tool for this Roblox experience. They can only be obtained by completing the Volcano event. However, it will take a lot of time to get there if you don't know a couple of useful tricks to speed up the process.


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How to get Dragon Bones from Blox Fruit

Dragon Bones in Blox Fruit

Dragon Bone is a reward for completing the Volcano event on Prehistoric Island Blox fruit. The activity requires a team of 3-4 players, because you have to do several tasks at the same time. After you successfully complete the Volcano attack, you will see a large bone on the ground.

To collect them, you just need to step on them. However, it is worth noting that all the bones of the Dragon fell there Blox fruit is divided into all players who complete the attack. Therefore, you should discuss how you will share the loot with your colleagues in advance.


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How to breed dragon bones fast

Dragon Bones in Blox Fruit

The only way you can breed Dragon Bones Blox fruit is to complete the appropriate action. Fortunately, there is a way to save a lot of time, and that is to create a Volcanic Magnet.

Prehistoric Island appears in Danger Level 5 and 6 sea areas where there is little luck. It appears to be magnetless, but it can take hours to sail. At the same time, if you or one of your team members have the necessary items, the island will be found in 5 minutes of exploration.

In addition to using Volcanic Magnet, you should play on a private server with a team of your friends. This way you will be the first to discover the Prehistoric Island and farm Dragon Bones quickly Blox fruit. Note that after completing the activity, it is better to restart the server to make Prehistoric Island faster.

At the time of writing, players only need to collect 79 dragon bones to create all the items that require this tool. Blox fruit. However, even to collect such a small amount, you have to complete the Volcano attack about 20 times. So, use these tips to speed up your Dragon Bone farming.

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September 1, 2006


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