How to get Awakened in Infinite Jujutsu

Players can unlock different skills, buy weapons, and more to create powerful builds Infinite Jujutsu. And to get the maximum power, you have to open the Awakening, but not all players know how to do it right away.

Awakening is a passive ability that increases various abilities or stats with it Roblox experience. In addition, they change the appearance of your character. But be prepared to complete the story before you can unlock this ability.


Infinite Jujutsu: All Items and How to Get Them

In this guide, Roblox players will find a list of all the items in Infinite Jujutsu, as well as instructions on how to get them.

How to Unlock Awakening in Infinite Jujutsu

Jujutsu Infinite boss chest

First, it's worth noting that Awakening is an endgame skill Infinite Jujutsualthough not required to participate in all activities. However, it will strengthen your construction if you choose the right skills. So, when you reach level 300, you'll want to use the Refined Cursed Hand to access Awakening Infinite Jujutsu.

This item drops a special rating, so you can get it by progressing through the game. If you are lucky, you can fall from one of the chests even at first. Alternatively, players can purchase the Purified Curse Hand in Infinite Jujutsu by visiting the Curse Market or Trade Hub.

Once you get this special item, all you have to do is go use it in your list. However, this option will only be available when you reach level 300 or higher. Once you complete all the requirements, your character will receive one of the 6 Awakenings.


Infinite Jujutsu: All Emotes & How To Get Them

Infinite Jujutsu players can experience one of the best emotions in the game. Here is a complete list of all emotes and instructions on how to get and use them.

Jujutsu infinite awakening drop rate

Jujutsu Infinite awakening - natural energy

Every Awakening in it Infinite Jujutsu is suitable for different constructions. They are divided into rarities, which affect the crash rate. Using a refined curse again Infinite Jujutsu will restore your current Awakening. The following table shows all Awakenings and their rewards.


Rate of entry


Burn Scars

Mythology (10%)

Your speed has increased. You can also note that your enemies will almost always use Domain Expansion.

Black Flash Arms

Mythology (10%)

You deal 8% more damage when using Black Flash. In addition, this attack gets new and improved animations.

Iron arm

Rarely (20%)

Your M1 attacks deal 5% more damage when you use Cursed Tools.

Energy Halo

Rarely (20%)

You deal 10% more damage when using Divergent Fist. In addition, this attack gets new and improved animations.

Arms of flesh

normal (70%)

In PvE battles, M1 and Heavy attacks deal 20% more damage.

Energy Horns

normal (70%)

In PvE battles, M1 and Heavy attacks gain 20% more Focus.

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September 1, 2006


Roblox Corporation


Roblox Corporation

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