Mirage is an entertaining Warframe, lighting up the battlefield with dim lights and booby traps. Because of his uniqueness, he gets his own quest in Warframe called Secret Message, and is available once Pluto is completed.

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The quests are very complex, like Warframe itself, so we made this guide to solve the riddles and guide you to the plan that awaits at the end of each one. Completing this quest will reward you with all the blueprints needed to create it, so let's jump right in first, with the riddles you got about the old gods.
First Riddle
Three parts, three tasks, three riddles for you –
will revive the dream keeper
The ancient gods were too cruel, ruling from above
Can you tell where their peak meets the sky?
This is the riddle given to you, and it points to the three parts needed to create Mirage. The ancient gods reigned from above, the top of the earth meets the sky – it takes us to Marsand the mission of Olympustalking about Greek mythology and Olympus Mons on Mars.
Your first mission is to to complete the Olympus of Marswhich is a high-level extermination mission with full enemies. Expect enemies around level 30similar to those found on Pluto.
You need it clear 65 enemies in this mission, and when doing so, mining will reward you with Mirage Neuroptics Blueprintand the second riddle was delivered to your inbox.
Second riddle
To build what you think is smart,
find the nymph who sang oh so beautiful.
He lured her with his song and smile,
his wife must have thought it was sad.
In Greek mythology, Calypso is a nymph who lured Odysseus away from his wife. This refers to the mission Calypso on Saturnwhich a high quality survival mission.
This will be the most difficult mission the three.
You need it live 15 minutes here, with a lot of poisonous enemies. The enemy is here around level 30 also, and cleaning it will reward you with Mirage Systems Blueprintand the third and final riddle is sent to your inbox.
The third riddle
One more event before you claim your prize.
Ancient Sea Creatures, Whirlwinds or Not?
Find the monster that once swallowed a sailor.
Make a mistake and you're doomed. No more.
The last riddle is about Charybdis, who in Greek mythology was a sea monster that created whirlpools that sank ships. Charybdis is a mission in Sednaso this is our last destination, a Hive Sabotage missionand the cheapest so far.
There is three types of hiveseveryone has five tumors; destroy the five tumors around the beehive, then destroy the beehive to advance. Enemies can be ignoredso just focus on the hives.
Completing it will reward you with Mirage Chassis Blueprintthus ending the Hidden Message quest.

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