Helldivers 2 players discuss mission etiquette

The holiday season means presents, food, video game threats, and of course, the delivery of Democracy! With the holiday season upon us, gamers have been getting their hands on titles they may or may not have been able to play, and Helldivers 2 has earned many Christmas fans.


Helldivers 2 Killzone Crossover doesn't deserve a return

Helldivers 2 is a gem of an exciting and cooperative live action game, but since its launch, the community has been in a frenzy of outrage.

With new players coming to the game, the veteran Helldivers decided to bring the cadets to a lower difficulty, giving them the gift of freedom and high-level tactics. However, each game has its own ethics, and experienced players teach beginners how to work as a team while fighting against the enemies of freedom.

This is the Helldiver route

Over on the Helldivers subreddit, seasoned players have shared tips on game etiquette that new players should read. While things like friendly fire and avoiding Super Credit farming are understood, there are things new players don't know. Leave it to the veteran players in the community to show them the way.

GreenMarmoset's original post covers things like not stealing other players' equipment unless offered, handing out Super Credits, Medals, Requisitions, and Samples, not calling for mining unless the team is present rest, and do not ask. discount if you are traveling alone.

Other players from the community have also added to the list with labels such as not calling confirmation at the end if someone is on the other side of the map removed, tagging Helldiver gear drops are always appreciated, and don't get too much. Worked on an accidental fire.

Some other pointers included heavy labeling for sound reinforcement to fall, throwing bombing tactics. past from the team, and calls for remote confirmation of the action if the handling is too hot. Letting the watchtowers do their job is an overlooked but important tip, as they tend to take out less enemies than airstrikes.

Helldivers 2: A group of Helldivers celebrate their victory.

Of course, some of these guidelines are open to interpretation. Not everyone knows these unspoken rules, and even if you follow them, other people may think you're doing something wrong. If a person is not actively poisoned, there is no need to disrupt the person's behavior in the game. Because, as much as we love liberating democracy, it's just a game.

Happy Holidays Helldivers!


Helldivers 2

The last line of interpretation of the Galaxy. Join the Helldivers and join the fight for freedom across a galaxy full of enemies in this fast, frantic, and brutal third-person shooter. Helldivers 2 features Arrowhead's best co-op game yet. Teamwork is important: Teams will work together on items, develop strategies for individual missions and complete objectives together.

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