Fantasian neo dimension receives new updates


  • Last update on Fantasian Neo Dimension added the camera and improvement of the player for players.

  • Update also introduced the difficult fluid for the new Games Replay, who improved the intervention.

  • In spite of previous retirement statement, Sakaguchi plans to create a spiritual success in 6.

On January 30, Fantasian neo IRFY Issuing an innocent game in total across all fields that have provided new options for players during the game. Although there was only new content involved in the end Fantasian neo IRFY Patch, a player now improved the camera and the action of the action beside the hard slider used in the new game.

Published in Apple Arcade's Apple Arcade Service in 2021, Fantasian developed Fantasy last Abooter Home Division of Hironbu Sakaguchi through the Private Studio, Mistwalker. Fantasian Posted on the first of the Apple booking service. In 2024, Sakaguchi was working with Streat Created Enix 3 to bring Fantasian in more sector, together Fantasian neo IRFY The sequence of the complete project of the Mistwalker Project. As a result of this cooperation, Fantasian neo IRFY Players can choose Fantasy last Walking in the fight to use in the game if you see fit.

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For a month after that Fantastian Neo Isso Published, Enix Square gave the player as a small update to pull. Although there is no new content for Fantasian neo IRFY was in the end in the end of January, players would notice a few choices available. The Controlling the Analog Essential Analog and He gave a new camera to the disabled list. The “Time Interpolation” option allows it Fantasian neo IRFY Players to correct the camera speed when moving in the open area of ​​the game, with 1.00 as their location. Players who use Controller will also have a choice or cancel the vibration or just let it be done during a particular battle and event. Some are special in PS5 version of Fantasian neo IRFY Otherwise, including some who fell in the game or caused the supervisor to stop the introduction in some cases.

Finally, more options added to provide players to control more in a new way. These options include the slider for enemy power and speed, beside Scale's choice Game New game + difficulty. Otherwise, the new game + Rund can be fixed to have an enemy as a difficult or second playthurough that can help or block a player. At the time of writing is unknown the consequences Fantasian neo IRFY New Games + New Games from Update will have trophy and personal achievement.

Although the former Sakaguchi announced that the opening of the opening of the Fantasian neo IRFYThe vanity plan is trying to succeed Him spiritually FANTASY LAST 6 As a main project. Only time will tell if Enix Square is also involved.

Fantasian neo dimension patch comments (January 30, 2025)

We have issued a patch update to provide a better and fun experience. This update includes improvements and discipline, and new features related to difficult situations.

Platform: Ninerto Switch, Playstation 5, Playstation 4, Xbox Series X / S, Steam


  • Adjusting the movement of activities with analogue line if the camera varies during the field movement.

  • The “Vibration” option has been added to the situation, allowing changing control changes.

  • The “Second” Time “Second” option “has been added to the situation, allowing speed that turns out of the camera when moving from fields.

  • For the second playthrough or after, “hard” can be selected from a difficult choice.

  • The length of time required to press and stick the “fast” or “skip” button.

Buging BUG

The following issues are fixed (Playstation 5 version).

  • When some conditions have met, sometimes the monitors sometimes will not accept access.

  • When some conditions have met, the game will be close to without warning.

Fantasian neo dimension tag pages


5 December 2024


Everyone's 10+ // The Fantasy Violence, Mild Blood, the Theme of the Gente Proposal, Alcohol and Tobacco

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