Every Easter Egg in Citadelle Des Morts in Black Ops 6

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Each Zombies map in the history of Call of Duty is full of hidden easter eggs in addition to great quests, from challenging and multi-stage challenges to light surprises. These secrets are an integral part of the Zombies experience, giving players the thrill of discovery.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies – All Hidden Easter Eggs in the Terminal

Here's your go-to list for all the hidden Easter eggs found in Terminus.

With the publication of the Call of Duty: Black Ops 6you've probably covered all the easter eggs in the Terminus and Liberty maps. But Activision is keeping things exciting with the addition of a new map, Citadelle des Morts, which is full of new secrets to explore. If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to all the Easter eggs in Terminus, you're in the right place.

As more Easter eggs are discovered, this article will remain a work in progress and will be updated regularly.

Main Quest Easter Eggs

The player holds a sword and looks at the giant statue in front of him - bo6

The Citadelle des Morts is no exception, and this map features it the real Easter egg hunt. However, this time, it is the longest quest in Black Ops 6with several steps to complete.

Your responsibility is to see captive demonologist in the underground section of the palace, then perform a series of rituals and challenges to reach the Guardian and get your hands on Amulet.

Each component sword

Image of all item swords - bo6

The new Zombies map means new magical weapons to use, and with Citadelle des Morts, you can live your dream use an elemental sword. This time it's not just one but four magical weapons!

However, each of these swords requires you to take specific steps to obtain them. Here are the four:

Free Power Up

Player looking for bonus points behind the bed - bo6

Like Terminus and Liberty Falls, you can find all Power-Ups for free throughout the Citadelle des Morts map, and yes, they are still well hidden.

Easter egg music

Players standing in front of the headset first position - bo6

We have a pattern here, and some easter eggs to look forward to in all new maps, along with secret song one of them.

But to make things special in Citadelle des Morts, not only can you unlock a secret song, but actually two this time.

Happy Easter

Player standing in front of well - bo6

Now that the serious Easter eggs are done, we have some of the shorter and simpler ones, starting with Good luck.

This simple Easter egg allows you to get free points from a well, but you can also use it as a bank to save some points or share them with your friends.

Bartender Easter Egg (PhD Flopper Perk)

The player stands on the bar counter - bo6

If you've been using the GS45 like me and have searched the entire PhD Flopper map, you won't see it because there is no machine for it.

What he did was included in it great bartending experience you can do to get it.

Rat King Easter Eggs

Player standing in front of group of rats - bo6

Now things are fun – you can become the Rat King and get crowned!

But you need to do it first find ten different rats and give them cheese (don't worry, no real rats were hurt in the making of this Easter egg).

Maya Secret Cutscene

Featuring Maya in Call of Duty Black Ops 6's Operator Menu.

If you're already a fan of Zombies lore, you won't want to miss this one.

We won't spoil anything, but all we can say is follow the link herecomplete the process, and unlock the hidden animation associated with Terminus.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies – All Hidden Easter Eggs in Liberty Falls

Here's your shopping list for all the hidden Easter eggs found in Liberty Falls.

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