Dragon has been waiting for over 20 years (& that's a good thing)


  • The Dragon's inactivity was strategic due to the need for the Revolutionaries to be stronger before they could challenge the government.

  • Anticipating Dragon's actions builds anticipation and speculation among fans, making him one of the most anticipated characters.

  • Despite Dragon's lack of major action, his final appearance is expected to be one of One Piece's best moments.

SOME One piece The actors, although loved by the community, have not done much in the story so far. Fan favorite characters like Shanks, Dragon, even Akainu, often lurk in the shadows, planning every move with ruthless efficiency and patiently waiting for their next appearance. For many One piece fans, this makes for interesting and mysterious characters that will change the story when they first appear. In many ways, fans are stocking up on characters who haven't done much so far but will do great things when they show up.

While characters like Shanks and Akainu have done at least a few things in the story One pieceDragon, the Chief of the Revolutionary Army, has done nothing since his first appearance in the story. Until now, the character has been patiently waiting for more than 20 years to act and still shows no sign of action. While this may seem like a bad thing, causing many fans to become impatient with his inactivity, overall, it may be the strongest move for his character.


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Who is the Dragon in One Piece?

A man who has done nothing in over 20 years

Monkey D. Dragon, in One pieceis the father of the protagonist, Monkey D. Luffy, and the son of the Hero of the Navy, Monkey D. Garp. Dragona is the head of the Revolutionary Army, an organization that plans to overthrow the World Government, and is the country's most wanted man. One piece. Despite holding such an important position, Dragon has not been a major player in the story so far, only crossing paths with Luffy once.

There will be no happiness in the world where unnecessary things are thrown away. – Dragon

During the Loguetown Arc of One Piecewell, even before the Straw Hats entered the Grand Line, Dragon made a brief appearance to save Luffy from Smoker. Although the other Revolutionaries had moved since then, Dragon had barely left his room, patiently waiting to make his next move. As it turns out, the last time Dragon helped Luffy in Loguetown was in 1999, around 25 years ago. Also, the only time the Dragon appears on screen after this is for brief comments and small talk about the state of the world.

The Dragon's immobility makes sense from a story point of view

A calculated Attack will work much better than a rash attack against the world government

Dragon and the commander of the revolutionary army

  • The Dragon's lack of movement is important to his character

  • Acting too quickly can be a fatal mistake for a revolutionary

Although it can be painful to see such an interesting character sitting around and doing nothing, the One piece Revolutionary, Dragon's lack of movement could be the perfect thing to achieve his abilities. Additionally, his inactivity, while seemingly boring, is meaningful to the story of One pieceand from a writing perspective as well. While it's a little too early to tell, the slow-cooking first appearance of the big Dragon could make for one of the biggest moments the series has seen so far.


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Shanks' family is currently a big mystery in One Piece. He probably has a brother.

First, in One pieceit makes sense that Dragon hasn't moved in the entire series. Although the Revolutionaries are powerful, they are not very strong in battle One piece World governments are on the contrary. However, Dragon patiently waited for his powers to grow stronger, and other external factors, such as Luffy and his crew, weakened the World Government. Dragons are very intelligent and patient creatures. It is perfectly understandable that the leader of the Revolutionary Army will not act until he is sure of victory.

Waiting for the Dragon Builds Hype for the character

Fan reviews help keep the Dragons running

kuma and the revolutionary army in part 1124

From a writing perspective, while the character may seem boring, the slow build to reveal Dragon's true power in the series has made him one of the most anticipated characters. so far. With so much fan speculation about his abilities and background, it's interesting to see how much fans want to see a character who only had a few lines. Although the build may take too long, seeing Dragon will be one of the best moments of the event. One piecebecause of how long fans have been waiting for it.

One day I will change the world. – Dragon

Right now, it looks like Dragon will have to make a move soon, because One piece currently in the Final Saga of the story. In the next few years, all the burning questions about the Dragon will finally be answered. Until then, we must keep guessing as to what the Chief of the Revolutionary Army will do before the end of the One piece.


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