Donkey Central Country returns HD has a Co-OP problem that makes some parts of the unnecessary match to the Multiplayer challenge.
The problem is from the 3DS version and taken to the switch; Fans are disappointed because of lack of change.
The player is about the future patch to repair co-op issues, but there is no official response from the Creator or Nintendo.
After the release of the Donkey Kong Country is back HD In Nintendo Switch, some players have found a cooperation problem when trying to jump against the enemy in the game. Although it does not affect the game play, there is a part of Donkey Kong Country is back HD It is almost impossible in the Co-OP way.
Published on January 16, Donkey Kong Country is back HD is the title of the usual Wii-ERA game and includes additional content to 3DS version. Before leaving, the game has received a comment from the games, who has been thought of the absence of the original content for switch, other than the graphics of $ 60 $. Even fans will continue to discuss the value of the icon update, that's not the same Donkey Kong Country is back HD have been faced. Unfortunately, there was a problem that could have been able to stop him from become a specific version.

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According to Gamingreinvented, a YouTube channel written by Kong Kong Kong Kong Kong Kong Kong Donkey Kong Country is back HD Co-OP problem that prevents more than one player will not accept the same enemy. If the original Wii version is still Donkey Kong Country BackEnemies will remain in a second after they arrived, a partner's gifts of colleagues may avoid the same goal. According to Kong Kommpenium, this issue has been in a while, originally in the 3DS version. Although the lack of partner's lack of colleague devoted the lack of income of a colleague, due to the technical limit that collects the original game to The 3DS Hardware, they do not understand why their mistakes.
Donkey Kong restores HD HD HD makes some degree play some levels in the painful co-op
The problem with not letting two players jump in the same enemy as a brief succession is easy to find in some situations. Despite their inability to do so attended during the experience Donkey Kong Country is back HDIt can be very impressive at some level later that requires an enemy's introduction to a part of an area. As it appears in the game COMPONIUM, the height of the platform is an example of the problem, and one of the players must die in its height.
Of course, many players are angry with the Creator Donkey Kong Country is back HDEternal Entertainment, but do not change the way to addiction in 3DS version. Many hope that this issue will be discussed with the future, with the copies of the coconut indicating that they have contacted the Nintendo and entertainment to inform them of the problems. Unfortunately, the enemy has not been officially offended about the issues of explosion, so players have to wait and see if it is fixed.