The Article Wise in Lunar in the 3 diablo begins February 4, offers a new mountain and cosmetic.
Players can move the park on XP and Rewards for TheDs.
The action includes 10 levels of ancestors and a special cosmetic.
Diablo 4 The player will have the opportunity to get the new Trag'oul's new comfort in the wakeing movement in Lunar. Chinese New Year celebration begins on February 4, and a second time Diablo 4 A player is a time to get the new cosmetic.
The first edition of Lunar New Year event was 2024 during Diablo 4a period of repair. During this period, the player received 50% and 3% 3% of 39% when hitting the park, and enjoyed the extra slides when completed the hotel at the the ancestors of ancestors. In addition, the player can receive six six rewards and receive a New Year's results.

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Blizzard has announced the return of the moon revival, which will start at February 4 at 10am and ends on February 18. Players in Diablo 4Eternal life and season can join the event by encouraging the beans spread around the sanctuary, which has the shape of the Chinese New Year 2020. At They encourage them, they will give 100% xp for two minutes, affecting a sacred bomb, and have the opportunity to attract evil spirits. The players also can get the forefathers by defeating the monsters in jail or in the wilderness
The new activity of the Year of 4 is a new mountain
When: From: From Tuesday February 4 at 10am to Tuesday February 18 at 10am
New mountains: The Consort Trag'oul
The month's last printing contains 10 levels of faces of the ancestors, acquiring six edits. One is the Consort's Trag'oul, New Diablo 4 It depends on red supplies on the Manene and the golden gold model in their body. Another reward is the scepter, the courage of Dragon, the Moonshot bow, the dragon pool and the canoe of the moon. In addition, the awakening weapons of lunar will be found in the tejal store; Some of them are loneliness experts for witches and dragons the Moon Moon Armor.
A revival of the moon is another activity to keep players during the seventh seventh. Starting January 21, the witch age is the introduction of new electricity Diablo 4The provision of skill skills such as calling bombing. There are 25 new magic power, which allows six players to choose their character. Other features of the current season is to include new Headtroten enemies, new unique and reduced ones, Runes new, and existing updates.