Destiny 2 makes a big change in the life of the heresy section


  • Bungie announces upcoming life changes for Episode Heresy, such as Iron Banner returning in 1-week intervals.

  • In addition, Bungie is raising the profit multiplier for Strange Coins, Osirian Ciphers and Nightfall Ciphers.

  • Episode Revenant was divided due to concerns about content and other bugs, with fans hoping for a stronger Episode Heresy release.

Ahead of February's Episode Heresy launch, Bungie announced the upcoming quality of life changes Destiny 2including schedule changes for Iron Banner. The final act of the Revenant Episode has arrived, giving Destiny 2 fans have the opportunity to complete the story, while claiming new loot along the way.

For many, Episode Revenant is a different piece of content, both in terms of story and content. While there were those who enjoyed it more than previous episodes, this wave of content certainly had its share of lows, including the serious weight issues highlighted by Destiny 2 community. However, as The Revenant draws to a close, attention seems to be turning to Episode Heresy, as Bungie has begun teasing new details.


Destiny 2 Reveals Horrific Weapons for the 2025 Festival of the Lost

Bungie has announced the Festival of Lost Weapons Destiny 2 fans can vote for, including those inspired by horror figures like Jason and Ghostface.

In the first blog post for 2025, Bungie announced a huge resource increase with Episode Heresy. special, Destiny 2Strange Coins, a unique currency used by the strange merchant Xur, have their cap increased from 99 to 199. In addition, Osirian Ciphers and Nightfall Ciphers are increased from 10 to 30, allowing players to bring more with them. Bungie also teased more changes related to Trials of Osiris, asking players to stay tuned for a full announcement next week.

Destiny 2 Changes Iron Banner timeline

With the resource account changing, the Destiny 2 Team Twitter account responded to a fan who seemed fed up with the two-week schedule for the Iron Banner that came with The Final Shape, confirmed that with Episode Heresy, the limited time mode will be limited. can be done for 1 week. The response from fans was very positive, although many were disappointed with the changes. Fans pointed out that having two weeks allowed those who had less time to get the relevant victories needed for the Iron Banner title in Destiny 2 and build a good reputation for faster progress.

Based on the current state of the game, fans are hoping that Bungie has big plans Destiny 2 in the next section. The Revenant Episode represented a low point for the franchise and its fans. the Destiny 2 The number of players took a huge hit during Episode Revenant, a huge drop just a month after the launch of the wildly popular Final Shape expansion. Issues and bugs plagued the game as well, with two major ones having to be pointed out by the community first before Bungie issued a fix.

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