Crystal Crystal Location (comics to relief)

“Cartoonaling” is a pursuit of stories Hello kitty Island adventure that requires you to take three three blue crystals in the rain. Due to the location of the electric crystalline, it is unlikely to be able to start this searching at the beginning of you. Should upgrade the level of friends with the conventional characters Island Adventure. This will open several devices that are important to reach the blue crystal, which lie in the depth of rain.

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How to solve and fill

Hello Kitty Island Adventure Power Crystals

Before you get into the sea to start your search and you have some jobs to complete. Hygana is the only character that can be taken into the water in water, and he also requires it to talk to start the Komic “story. Unfortunately if you do not have the Snorkel or enough StrengthYou can't meet him.

Here's how to solve comic “help”:

  • To get the snorkel, reaching 6 Friendship with Kurommi. Fill in “Diving” Diving “to get the creative plan for snorkel. You need 2x Ingot, 10x rubber, And 2x spark.

  • If you have Five Apple AppleYou can fix a Apple Stamina at all creative tables. Talk to Chococat as soon as you have five Apple pockets to get a creative plan for Apple Apple. Recommend you two apples Before starting “a comics.”

Once you have a snorkel and stamina, sinks into rain from the north of the path. You will find the humor club with a quick mailbox. Log in and say Hangyodon.

Now you have met Hanglyodon, you need 6 drugs with them. Hangyodon is worried about voluntary (2-heart) tools. You can see how to design robbed his chest in the water on a sinking ship.

Here is a way to complete the “Photography”:

  1. Your first job is Find items in Hanyodonwhich Behind the hallway room.

  2. Then you need to see all three clothes in mermaid clothes. Fortunately, if you Find the progress of “funny relief” The application guidelines will direct you directly to Mermaid Tiara, weapons and tails.

  3. Return to hangyodon, then meet Chocoat at Mermaidifier On one side of the hotel gateway (See map for space).

  4. You need to see Three black crystals in a rain rock. If you are notting the pursuit you will be highlighted on the map with crystals.

  5. Return all the tall crystals to Mermaidifier, then back to Hall Comedy.

Where do you find all the tall crystals

Crystal Crystal place

Hello Kitty Island Adventure blues Blue crystals Crystals Map

As mentioned, the blue black crystal is in three different places in the rain. You can talk about the Image above for the correct position of the violent crystal. You need enough stamina to swim at the end of the coral reef. If you don't have two apples, you can try using a positions stamina, which is locked when kuomi Height 8.

The MERMAID's clothing will make your state of swimmer faster, which you need when you start looking for the crystal.

Black crystals are available in the following:

  • Sonken boats

  • Kelp Maze

  • Near the dock on the gemstone Mountain

Blue Power Crystal # 1

The easiest power crystalline to get one under the water in the mountains of Gemstone. If you look closely on the map, you can find a dock on the southern shore of the Gemstone Mountain Mount. Increase your senses, swimming westeries of ads and sinks into deeply. You will find the crystal of the crystalline in the pink sea sponge.

Blue Power Crystal # 2

Second power crystalline is found in Kelp Maze. There are fast email boxes in the northern part of Kelp maze, but if you want the electricity, you go to the southern part of the maze. If you go well, you will find a monument to what you need to go. Follow them, and you will eventually find the electric crystalline.

If you look at the map, it is in the corner of the form of electricity in the Maze Maze.

Blue Power Crystal # 3 (Representative)

The last Crystal Power is why you need you need extra stamina. You may have noticed the sinking ship already, especially if you get the material design plan. You need to swim at the end of the ship. There is an opening that lead to a Puzzila room.

Circle a round around the end of the boat, and you will find the sinking email box.

How to resolve the cell solution

The sugar solution is directly. You will find the electric crystals on top of the Master, but you can't achieve it without using the Black Blocks.

  1. Up the stairs and add red blocks. Use the air of the air to move on to you.

  2. You can try and bend to the palate with the crystal, or you can flatter the rock with a second red block.

  3. If you do the last, add a barrier to start another air. Then take it on the side of the petals and pick up the power crystals.

  4. Don't forget to rob the chest on the BowPrit to get the normal pirate pirates.

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Best Replies for Hanyodon

Hello Island Adventure Adventure Hankenton

Once you leave the electric crystal in the footprints you need to give the Flyer for Hyganon Shows in my voice. Then go back to the Comedy Hall. There are two more things you need to do before “the relief” full “.

Hangyodon has a lot of fear, and he will ask you Make him coffee to calm it down. It doesn't matter what your coffee do, just make one of the most spending money. Use coffee machines on the Hall Comeda. Give it to Hyaungon, and he will ask for help with the show.

In this part you have to respond to Hankening jokes with the correct answer. You were given several options, but you should choose:



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