Call of Duty Reveals Season 1 Reloaded Update Patch Notes for Black Ops 6 and Warzone

Key Takeaways

  • Call of Duty releases official patch notes for Season 1 Reloaded update.
  • Black Ops 6 and Warzone’s mid-season update releases on December 5.
  • The update includes new maps, modes, weapons, and events, but weapon adjustments for both games are coming in a later patch.

With the next big Call of Duty update officially set for December 5, Black Ops 6 developer Treyarch and Warzone developer Raven Software have released the official patch notes for the highly-anticipated Season 1 Reloaded. Call of Duty kicked off a new season shortly after the launch of Black Ops 6 earlier this year, and with a whole month now gone by, the two studios are gearing up for a mid-season update filled with new weapons, maps, and some holiday-themed events for players to get stuck into.

For Call of Duty fans who remain on the fence about this year’s latest entry, Activision is offering a free trial week for Black Ops 6 later this month. From December 13 until December 20, players on all supported platforms will be able to jump into Black Ops 6‘s multiplayer and Zombies, but there is a catch. Players won’t have access to the game’s campaign mode and there are only a handful of maps and modes available, including Prop Hunt, Team Deathmatch, Hardpoint, Domination, Kill Confirmed, and Kill Order. As for maps, Activision has been kind enough to include some of the title’s newest releases, including Racket, Hacienda, Nuketown Holiday, Extraction, Hideout, and Heirloom.


Call of Duty: Black Ops 6’s Final Hit List Event Reward Has Been Unlocked

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6’s Hit List event comes to an end, with players managing to unlock the final reward just in the nick of time.

Black Ops 6 and Warzone‘s Season 1 Reloaded update will be released on December 5 at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET, but Treyarch and Raven have already released the full patch notes for the upcoming update, detailing all of the new content and changes coming with the mid-season update. Unfortunately, players won’t find any weapon adjustments in either Warzone or Black Ops 6 with the upcoming update, but the good news is that both developers will be releasing another patch shortly after the launch of Season 1 Reloaded that will be focused solely on weapon buffs and nerfs.

While there won’t be any weapon adjustments, Black Ops 6 players have plenty of new maps, modes, and more to check out with Season 1 Reloaded. A new Nuketown Holiday variant will be released, alongside a fan-favorite map from Black Ops 4: Hacienda and a brand new 6v6/2v2 map: Racket. As for new modes, the new CODMAS event will include a variety of different modes across Warzone, Zombies, and multiplayer.

Despite the plethora of content being thrown at fans, Season 1 Reloaded has already caused some controversy in the community. Black Ops 6 players were angered by a new BlackCell loyalty bonus that offered players a 10% XP boost for every season that they purchased the BlackCell Battle Pass. This means those who purchase the pass for every season will eventually begin Season 6 with a 50% boost over other players, which some called “disgusting” and “disrespectful.”

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Warzone Season 1 Reloaded Patch Notes




  • CDL, Ranked Play, and Incentive Camos can now be equipped to any Weapon, regardless of whether all 9 Military Camos have been unlocked for that Weapon in one mode


  • Controllers
    • Stick Sensitivity
      • The controller stick sensitivity sliders system changed from a 1-20 scale to a 0.10-4.00. This will give players finer control over their sensitivity values and more transparency on the effect of their changes. Previously set sensitivity settings will be maintained.














































  • New
    • Hacienda (6v6)
    • Racket (2v2, 6v6)
    • Nuketown Holiday (6v6)
  • Adjustments
    • Lowtown
      • Addressed an issue where players could get outside of the intended playspace.
    • Protocol
      • Adjusted Search & Destroy A Bombsite location


  • Adjustments
    • Hardpoint
      • Resolved an issue where zone markers could sometimes disappear when contesting a hardpoint location.
    • CDL Modes (CDL Hardpoint, CDL Search and Destroy, CDL Control)
      • Dynamic Map Elements are now disabled by default in CDL game modes.
        • Secret paths (Skyline bookcase, Hacienda panic room) will be open by default.


We will be releasing a large weapon balancing patch shortly after the launch of Season 1 Reloaded. The patch will address some common pieces of community feedback that we have been seeing. Here are just a few of the high level changes, with detailed notes coming later.

  • Headshot damage improvements on full-auto weapons
  • Full removal of idle sway at the start of ADS on Sniper Rifles
  • Reductions to visual recoil, sway, and bob


  • Addressed an issue that displayed incorrect movement speed values on some weapons in Detailed Weapon Stats.

Theater Mode

  • Addressed an issue where HUD effects from a previously spectated player would be shown when in Free Cam in Theater.
  • Addressed an issue where the Hellstorm intro would not be displayed in Theater.
  • Addressed an issue where Free Cam would zoom in and out if the last spectated player is ADS.
  • Addressed an issue where Smoke Grenade VFX were not properly displayed in Theater.
  • Addressed an issue where a black screen would be present when viewing a file in Theater.
  • Addressed a crash that could occur when attempting to open a Theater file when another has already been opened.
  • Free Cam movement bindings for up/down on controllers have been adjusted to L1/R1.


  • Recon Combat Specialty bonus of the HUD edge indicator will now only display when an enemy is ADS
  • Improved Auto-Ping from Tracker in Free For All modes.


  • Resolve an issue where flash and concussion assists could be awarded when hitting teammates in modes with friendly fire enabled


  • Addressed issues where static overlays from various Scorestreaks could persist in the Winner’s Circle.
  • Sentry Turret will now target enemies in last stand.
  • Resolved an issue where players firing an unsuppressed weapon with the Ghost perk equipped could be seen by an enemy Scout Pulse.
  • Addressed an issue where the Archangel Launcher and Hand Cannon would be stowed when performing a high mantle.
  • Addressed an issue where the player would be unable to use a second Archangel Launcher in one life when obtained by points and a Care Package.

Lobby Vote

  • Fixed an issue with the Classified vote option that was causing it to frequently select the same map(s) in some playlists. The Classified vote option will now randomly select one of the map (or mode) selections not shown in the 2 visible Lobby Vote options.


  • Social
    • Addressed an issue where friends were not showing online when resuming from sleep on consoles.
    • Addressed an issue where offline players could show as Online Friends in Social.


  • Calling Card Challenges
    • Fixed an issue that was preventing the “Merciless Killer” Challenge from progressing if any of the 10 Kills required were achieved with a Scorestreak Weapon (Archangel Launcher or Hand Cannon)
  • Daily Challenges
    • Reduced the amount of progress needed to complete various Multiplayer Daily Challenges
  • Camo Challenges
    • Launcher Gold & Dark Spine Camo Challenges now also award progress when destroying enemy Equipment and Field Upgrades in one match, in addition to destroying enemy Scorestreaks
    • Addressed an issue where final kills of a match were not consistently being counted toward Camo Challenges.

Ranked Play

  • New
    • Updated Restrictions
      • The following items are now restricted in Ranked Play to match the latest CDL pro GAs:
        • Assault Rifles:
        • SMGs
        • Snipers
      • Attachments:
        • All Assault Rifle and SMG Magazine Attachments
      • Equipment:
        • Smoke Grenades (All Modes)
          • Players who have the above items equipped to their Ranked Play Loadouts will want to manually swap them out for unrestricted items and Attachments. If players select a Loadout with restricted content the restricted items will be automatically removed when the player spawns in-game.
    • Hacienda
      • With the return of the competitive staple Hacienda in Season 01 Reloaded, the map will be added to the Ranked map pool for all 3 Ranked modes prior to it being added to the official CDL map pool later in December:
        • Hacienda Hardpoint
        • Hacienda Control
        • Hacienda Search & Destroy
      • Rewind Control will be removed with the addition of Hacienda Control
    • Ranked Play Bug Fixes
      • Fixed an issue that was preventing SR Loss Forgiveness from applying correctly after the player’s first Loss of the Day
    • CDL Modes Update (CDL Hardpoint, CDL Search and Destroy, CDL Control)
      • Dynamic Map Elements are now disabled by default in CDL game modes.
        • Secret paths (Skyline bookcase, Hacienda panic room) will be open by default



General Gameplay Updates

  • General Updates
    • Reduced the number of Mangler spawns at mid-to-high Rounds.
    • Implemented a maximum cap on active Manglers in the game, ramping up until the cap is released at Round 100.
    • Reduced the Mangler’s arm cannon health.
    • Significantly reduced the length of Special Rounds by reducing the number of spawns and adjusting the spawn delay rate for Special Rounds.
    • Scaled Parasite damage between Rounds 31-91.
    • Slightly increased damage scaling for base zombies at Round 150-400.
    • Addressed an issue that would prevent zombies from spawning normally after loading a save.
    • Addressed an issue where rarely all players would be downed without a way to revive and have to wait to bleed out before the match would end.
    • Addressed an issue in splitscreen where Player 1 would not spawn with the correct loadout.
  • Terminus
    • Addressed an issue where the AFK timer was not present on Terminus Directed Mode.
    • Addressed an issue that caused additional Amalgam’s to spawn in when loading a save.
    • Addressed an issue where using the Beamsmasher alternate fire mode on a camera would display “Immune” text.
    • Addressed an issue that sometimes caused incorrect iconography on the minimap during the Boat Race.
  • Liberty Falls
    • Addressed an issue where an Abomination could spawn outside the Exfil zone during an Exfil attempt.
    • Addressed an issue where Parasites could spawn in Liberty Falls.
    • Addressed an issue where Vermin could end up on the roof when attacking the player in some locations.
    • Addressed an issue where Zombies could get underneath the Forecourt.


  • Added the Krig C, Saug, Sirin 9mm and Power Drill to the Mystery Box.
  • Addressed an issue where the AK-74 would have downward recoil.
  • Addressed an issue where some weapons would have the wrong rarity displayed.

Wonder Weapons

  • Thrustodyne M23
    • Addressed an issue where the alternate fire could be used without a cooldown.


  • Jugger-Nog
    • Addressed an issue where the Reactive Armor augment would stun Brainrot charmed zombies.
    • Improved the lighting on the perk machine.
  • Der Wunderfizz Machine
    • Der Wunderfizz will now appear on the map when loading a save past Round 25 without needing to progress to the next round.

Field Upgrades

  • Tesla Storm
    • Unlocked reward as part of the Merry Mayhem Event.
  • Dark Flare
    • Addressed an issue where Dark Flare could be activated without being fully charged.
  • Quick Revive
    • Addressed an issue that caused Dying Wish not to account for armor mitigation.
  • Aether Shroud
    • Closed an exploit that allowed players to go through doors and barriers without unlocking them with the Burst Dash augment.


  • Power Keg
    • Unlocked reward as part of the GobbleGum Mania Event.
  • Time Out
    • Unlocked reward as part of the GobbleGum Mania Event.
  • Free Fire
    • Addressed an issue where Underbarrel Grenade Launchers and PaP’d GS45 Pistols would not have unlimited ammo.
    • Addressed an issue where the player would be unable to use GobbleGums while having a Sentry Turret active.


  • Hand Cannon
    • Unlock available through the Armory for players that did not already unlock it with The Hit List Event.


  • Max Armor Power-Up will now also fill the player’s reserve plates.


  • Addressed an issue where picking up a weapon off the ground could swap it with your secondary weapon instead of the held weapon.


  • S.A.M. Trials
    • Addressed an issue where original scorestreaks were sometimes not returned to the player after the trial.


  • Calling Card Challenges
    • Fixed issues that were preventing the following Zombies Calling Card Challenges from tracking correctly:
      • “Endless Barrage” Prestige 1 Challenge
      • “Madness” Career Challenge
      • “Kunoichi” Dark Ops Challenge
      • “Sticks n’ Stones” Dark Ops Challenge
      • “Splash Damage” Trophy Hunter Challenge
      • “Liberated” Dark Ops Challenge
      • “Gumption” Kitted Out Challenge
      • “Hide & Seek” Fresh Meat Challenge
  • Daily Challenges
    • Reduced the amount of progress needed to complete various Zombies Daily Challenges
  • Medals
    • Addressed an issue that was preventing the Monkey Business Medal from tracking correctly.


  • Addressed an issue where playlists would sometimes appear locked.
  • Updated the text below Directed Mode rewards to “Charm reward will also be awarded for completing Standard Mode” to accurately reflect what will be additionally awarded from Standard mode.
  • Addressed an issue where sometimes the previous GobbleGum name was shown when scrolling through GobbleGum packs in the store.
  • Addressed an issue in splitscreen where the GobbleGum UI from the previous match would be present at the start of a new match preventing the player from seeing what Gums they have.
  • Addressed an issue where the Scoreboard would be missing in splitscreen.
  • Addressed an issue where the Center Dot crosshair would disappear in 3rd person.
  • Updated the ping icon for the Krig C.
  • Addressed some text inconsistencies.





  • Controller Stick Sensitivity
    • The controller stick sensitivity sliders system changed from a 1-20 scale to a 0.10-4.00. This will give players finer control over their sensitivity values and more transparency on the effect of their changes. Previously set sensitivity settings will be maintained.


Thank you for dropping in to join us for the first Season of the new Warzone experience. Following launch in November, we have been working through your feedback as well as our internal data. Season 01 Reloaded brings exciting changes and improvements with more to come in the future.

The Season 01 Reloaded update focuses on a number of bug fixes, several Quality of Life changes, server performance improvements – and more.

We thank you for sharing your experiences so far and we look forward to hearing more from our community.


  • Holiday Rush Limited-Time Mode
    • Deck the halls of Area 99. Join the festivities in this fast-paced resurgence mode as players compete over valuable presents. Keep an eye to the sky for a special guest and watch out for yellow snowballs!
    • Player Count: 40
    • Squad Size: Quads
    • Map: Area 99

  • Slay Ride Resurgence Limited-Time Mode
    • Undead Santa returns to Urzikstan! Battle against players, defeat Undead Santa and his zombie henchmen, capture Codmas trees for powerful loot, and race to control the Urzikstan train in this festive, action-packed game mode.
    • Player Count: 56
    • Squad Size: Quads
    • Map: Urzikstan


warzone playlist

For information about upcoming Playlists, please check out the dedicated Warzone Trello Board.


Unlocking Ranked Play

Warzone Ranked Play: Battle Royale makes its triumphant return on December 5th, 2024. The playlist update will go live shortly after the Season 01 Reloaded update deploys.

In order to access this mode, players must place amongst the top squads in at least 30 matches to be eligible to queue up and begin climbing the ranks.

In this case, “Top Placement” is defined as finishing among the Top 6 teams in Resurgence or the Top 15 teams in Battle Royale.

Basic Overview







Battle Royale



Competitive Settings

Select Weapons, Attachments, Equipment, Perks, Field Upgrades, and Streaks are restricted based on competitiveness, and player feedback.


Modern Warfare Weapons





Thermal Optics


Underbarrel Launchers



CHF Barrel

Fire Mods

Rapid Fire Dragon’s Breath


Field Upgrades

Reinforcement Flare


Foresight Sentry Turret


Birdseye Alertness Specialist


Cargo Truck Triumph TF 250-X


Big Game Bounty Elite Contracts


Proximity Chat Text to Chat Emotes Gulag Events

This year features a tighter ecosystem of weapons to choose from, particularly those only from Black Ops 6. This enables a finer look at a balanced ecosystem and allows us to be more responsive to competitive issues.

Global Weapon Builds

Any Global Weapon Build you create in Ranked Play can easily be used across Loadouts in Multiplayer, Zombies, and Call of Duty: Warzone – just like any other Weapon Build in Black Ops 6. Conversely, you can bring any Builds you’ve created outside Ranked Play into Ranked (restrictions permitting).

Rank & Skill Rating

The 1-50 Rank and Skill Division system from previous versions of Ranked Play has been streamlined to focus on what matters most in Warzone Ranked Play: Skill.

  • In Warzone, your Rank now represents what was previously your Skill Division and Tier.
  • The Progressive Rank and Victory Stars system has been removed to focus entirely on skill and simplify the experience.
  • All players begin their first Competitive Season at Bronze I Rank with 0 SR (Skill Rating).

How SR Works:

  • Gain SR by winning matches and eliminating players.
  • For players above Silver Rank, a deployment fee is paid upfront.
  • There is no SR penalty for deaths.
  • Both individual and team performance impact how much SR you gain or lose per match.
  • New this year: SR gained from eliminations depends on the rank difference (delta) between you and the eliminated player, as well as the number of teams remaining.

Rank Tiers & SR Requirements

Players progress through eight Ranks by reaching SR milestones. All Ranks (except Iridescent) have three tiers to progress through as well: Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III. Each Rank will feature a unique icon and color scheme, along with your Tier displayed in the center of the Rank icon.





Starting Rank




















Top 250


N/A (Leaderboard)

Seasonal SR Setback

The End-of-Season SR Setback has been adjusted to reduce the impact for players early in their Rank journey.



Bronze or Silver

No SR deduction; continue as-is.


Start at Gold I.


Start at Platinum I.

Diamond or Higher

Start at Diamond I.

Top 250 & Leaderboard

The Top 250 Rank returns, ranking the top players globally on an in-game Leaderboard accessible from the Ranked Play lobby.

  • Players will qualify for the Top 250 and appear on the Leaderboard as they surpass 10,000+ SR.
  • The top 250 players with the highest SR above 10,000 will remain on the board and compete for 1st place over the remainder of the Season.
  • The player who ends the season as the #1 Ranked Player will receive unique rewards:
    • Exclusive, one-of-a-kind Calling Card.
    • Top 250 Champion Skin, available only to players who finish #1 in a Season.
  • Additional Rank and Seasonal Rewards for achieving milestones throughout the Season.

Elimination Rank Delta

New this year, Eliminations now factor in the difference in skill between you and the victim. This more accurately rewards overcoming a high ranked player, and lessens the impact if the skill delta is too wide (via players being brought into a match with friends, or otherwise).

This skill delta reward changes depending on if they are + / – 3 ranks from your own.

Rank Delta








Elimination SR








These points form the base SR you’ll obtain from an elimination. With an additional amount granted depending on teams remaining:


Top 40

Top 30

Top 20

Top 15

Top 10

Top 5


Placement SR








Bonus SR Per Elim








Additionally, a Maximum Elimination SR Cap is in place at 150 SR. This means you have a known target to try to achieve before the end of the match. Hit your elimination cap, win the game for the maximum yield.

Previous versions of Warzone Ranked Play had an uncapped system which led to balancing issues and unintentionally invited bad-actors to exploit this for unrealistic gains. We’ll be monitoring the effectiveness of the cap and may make additional changes here as the data comes in.




Bronze I

No deployment fee

Silver I


Silver II


Silver III


Gold I


Gold II


Gold III


Platinum I


Platinum II


Platinum III


Diamond I


Diamond II


Diamond III


Crimson I


Crimson II


Crimson III


Iridiescent & Top 250

100 SR plus 5 SR every 500 SR above 10,000, up to a maximum deployment fee of 150 SR.


Ranked Play offers a variety of valuable rewards that can be earned exclusively through gameplay. These rewards let you showcase your skill across all game modes.

» Ways to Earn Rewards «

  • Top Placement Challenges
    • Available at launch and earnable in any season.
    • Complete top placement milestones throughout your Ranked Play career to unlock exclusive rewards.

  • Rank Operator Skins
    • Available at launch and earnable in any season.
    • A Ranked Competitor Skin is awarded immediately upon making top placement in 10 matches over your Ranked Play career.
    • Gold through Iridescent Rank Operator Skins are awarded immediately upon reaching the respective Rank.
    • Top 250 Rewards are awarded at the end of the Season.

  • Season Rewards
    • Introduced at the start of each Season and only available during that Season.
    • Includes:
      • Season Win & Elimination Challenges.
      • Gold through Iridescent Rank Rewards, awarded immediately.
      • Top 250 Rank Rewards, awarded at the end of the Season.

  • “Flex” Reward Items
    • Seasonal rewards that change with each new season.
    • In Season 01, players earn:
      • An Emblem, Calling Card, and Large Decal representing their highest attained Rank starting in Silver.
      • Future Seasons will introduce new types of “Flex” Rank Reward items.

This structured reward system ensures that players are constantly rewarded for their efforts while keeping seasonal content fresh and exciting. Keep climbing the ranks and completing challenges to unlock these unique prizes!


Top Placement



Knock Out Player Emblem


WZ Ranked Competitor Operator Skin


Checkmate Loading Screen


Alphaomega Spray


Infinitatus Rex – Weapon Charm


Mastermind Spray


Dominion Weapon Camo


Whisper Knife Melee Blueprint Skullbuckle Large Decal





Gold or Higher

Home & Away set of Ranked Play Operator Skins

Awarded immediately upon reaching Gold or higher for the first time.

Top 250

Top 250 Competitor Skin

Awarded at the end of the Ranked Play Season to players who maintained a Top 250 placement.

#1 Overall (Top 250)

Top 250 Champion Skin

Awarded to the single player who finishes #1 Overall in the Top 250 at the end of the Season.




1 Win

Buccaneer Barrel Weapon Charm

5 Eliminations

Evil Ink Weapon Sticker

50 Eliminations

Into the Fray Loading Screen

250 Eliminations

Plundergut XM4 Weapon Blueprint

Reach Silver

Silver Hold Player Emblem Navigator Calling Card Reef Rage Large Decal

Reach Gold

WZ Gold Competitor Operator Skin Doubloon of Doom Player Emblem Golden Sunset Calling Card Bones of Blight Large Decal

Reach Platinum

WZ Platinum Competitor Operator Skin Swarm of Eels Player Emblem Corsair Carcass Calling Card Descent Large Decal

Reach Diamond

WZ Diamond Competitor Operator Skin Glitter Ghoul Player Emblem Glittering Grace Calling Card Crowned Kraken Large Decal

Reach Crimson

WZ Crimson Competitor Operator Skin Kraken Face Player Emblem Red Tide Calling Card Gilded Flow Large Decal No Pay No Prey Large Decal

Reach Iridescent

WZ Iridescent Competitor Operator Skin Whirlpool Sovereign Player Emblem Glimmer Gun Calling Card Corsair Atlas Large Decal

Finish in Top 250

WZ Top 250 Competitor Operator Skin Kraken Master Player Emblem Corsair Crown Calling Card

Finish #1 in Top 250

WZ Top 250 Champion Operator Skin Kraken Monarch Player Emblem

* “Top Placements” is defined as finishing among the Top 15 teams in Battle Royale.

Competitive Integrity Features

» Penalties & Suspensions «

  • Players who disconnect or quit matches will face SR penalties and temporary suspensions. Repeat offenders will receive escalating penalties.

» SR Forgiveness «

Players will not lose SR under the following circumstances:

  • A matchmade player disconnects or leaves the game midway through a match.
    • Players can still earn SR if they overcome the disadvantage. However, if they lose at a numerical disadvantage, no SR will be deducted from players outside the leaving player’s party.
  • The player loses their first match of the day.
    • Each player’s first loss of the day will be forgiven, regardless of their Rank, and no SR will be deducted. This forgiveness does not stack.
  • The player currently has Demotion Protection.

» Match Cancel «

  • If enough players disconnect before a match starts, the match will be canceled and will not count. Remaining players will be returned to the main menu.

» Demotion Protection «

  • After advancing to a higher Rank, players receive temporary Demotion Protection for the first three games in their new Rank. During this time, no SR will be lost.
  • After the initial protection, if players lose enough SR to be demoted, they will first be dropped to the minimum threshold of their current Rank. Losing their next match will result in demotion.
  • Demotion Protection also applies to a player’s first three games of each Ranked Play Season.

» Party Skill Restrictions «

  • Full parties of three can now play together in Ranked Play, regardless of individual Ranks. Skill Matchmaking will be based on the highest Rank in the party.
  • Party Skill Restrictions for two- or three-player parties are as follows:
    • Bronze – Platinum: No restrictions.
    • Diamond: Can party within 2 Ranks.
    • Iridescent (including Top 250) & Crimson: Can party within 1 Rank.

Additional Social Features

» Hot Streaks «

  • Win three Ranked Play games in a row within a short period to earn Victory Streak Flames. These flames will appear behind your Rank Icon in the lobby and in-game.
  • Extend your win streak to enhance the flames. Victory Streak Flames expire after a loss or if you go 72 hours without playing a Ranked Play match.
  • More Hot Streak levels have been added in Black Ops 6. Go on a roll to see how high you can climb and show the competition that the heat is on. Stay spicy!

» Social Profile «

  • Rank Play icons will be added to your Social profile, showcasing your Ranked Play Rank wherever your profile is viewed across Black Ops 6 and Warzone.


  • Server Performance Enhancements
    • We’ve implemented several updates designed to boost server performance, ensuring a smoother and more reliable experience.



  • Specialist Discount
    • Firesale’s discount for Specialist has increased to 50%, up from 30% to be inline with other items.




• Triggered explosives detonate on a delay when sprinting past them.

• Unlocked via Season 01 Reloaded – Holiday Event Reward



  • Bunker Buster
    • Increased Maximum damage from 237 to 300.
    • Decreased the min damage from 112 to 50.
    • When the trophy system intercepts the bunker buster it will deal slightly less damage in the area to account for the increased maximum damage.

With the adjustments to how the Trophy System will cause the Bunker Buster to detonate we wanted to make sure that it remained competitive. There is now an emphasis on being accurate with the delivery to maximize the damage. In instances where the Trophy System does not intercept, players can now expect better results for accurate hits and a significant falloff when inaccurate.


New Weapons

  • AMR Mod 4 Sniper Rifle (In-Season)
    • Semi-auto sniper rifle. Very high recoil and slow rate of fire. You can steady your aim while ADSing.
    • Acquirable via Event Reward

  • Maelstrom Shotgun (In-Season)
    • Fully automatic shotgun. Good range and handling. High recoil and large hip spread.
    • Acquirable via Event Reward

  • Cleaver Melee Weapon (In-Season)
    • Short-medium range. Medium attack speed.
    • Acquirable via Event Reward

New Attachments

  • XM4 3-Round Burst Mod Conversion (In-Season)
    • Convert the XM4 Assault Rifle’s primary firing mode into a three-round burst, conserving ammo and supporting a steadier aim through sustained combat.
    • Acquirable via Event Reward

  • Kompakt 92 3-Round Burst Mod Conversion (In-Season)
    • Add some control to the rapid-fire Kompakt 92 SMG with a three-round burst primary firing mode. Each burst cycles quickly to the next, allowing you to still pump out damage when it’s needed most.
    • Acquirable via Event Reward

Weapon Adjustments



  • Lootable SMGs
    • Updated SMG magazine sizes to be larger than 30 rounds.



  • Custom Loadout Colors Quality of Life
    • Weapons that players infil with or respawn will no longer show as a single custom loadout color. Rather, they will now have a weapon rarity color based on the number of attachments.



  • Reduced reverb effect volume on Urzikstan.


» Perks «

  • Fixed an issue with Custom Perk Packs where the pack was named “Custom” when it should be named “Custom Perk Pack”.

  • Fixed an issue with Custom Perk Packs where the pack was showing as “legendary” rarity when it should show as “Loadout” rarity.

  • Fixed an issue with Scavenger description where it did not call out that it provides cash.
    • The perk will provide 1500 cash from the packs that drop from enemies.

  • Fixed an issue with Grenadier description where it made reference to players “removing shrapnel”.
    • The perk applies a debuff when enemies are damaged by explosives but they are not expected to remove shrapnel.

  • Fixed an issue with Quick Fix where health was not regenerating on plating and kills.

  • Fixed an issue with Quick Fix where inserting an armor plate, downing a player, or killing a downed player now correctly starts health regen.

  • Fixed an issue where the default perk “Quick Swap” was not being applied in Pre-match. This is still applied correctly in a regular match.

  • Fixed an issue causing the Specialist perk package to be discounted 30% instead of 50% during a Fire Sale.

» Field Upgrades «

  • Fixed an issue with the Deployable Buy Station Field Upgrade that showed the incorrect icons in some situations.

  • Fixed an issue preventing the Loadout Drop Field Upgrade icon from appearing in the lower right hand of the screen when players have one equipped.

» Camos «

  • Fixed an issue with challenges that required tracking kills while under an enemy UAV.
    • Previously, this only tracked if a player eliminated the enemy who initially activated the UAV, which was not the intended functionality. This affected the Unique Camos for the Tanto, the Bat, and the XM4, as well as the Prestige 10 Calling Card Challenge, “Going Loud.” Now, it correctly tracks eliminations on any player while the attacker is under a UAV activated by any enemy player. After all, the only thing better than taking down enemy operators is doing it while you’re on everyone’s radar.

» Firing Range «

  • Fixed issue that caused firing range dummies to not trigger armor break sounds when being hit with a headshot as the armor breaks.

  • Fixed issue that unintentionally caused snipers to not one-shot headshot in some scenarios in the firing range.

  • Fixed issue that prevented movable dummy from properly moving to the intended weapon damage ranges.

» Gulag «

  • Fixed an issue causing players to appear to take damage when entering the Gulag.

  • Fixed an issue causing Gulag events to spawn more cash than intended.

» Other «

  • Fixed an issue where players would receive incorrect hitmarker visual feedback when viewing killcams.

  • Fixed an issue that unintentionally made players swap the wrong gun when switching weapons and picking up a weapon at the same time.

  • Fixed an issue preventing players from leaving the match during exfil.

  • Fixed an issue causing players to get stuck in a plating animation.

  • Fixed an issue where players would not be able to use multiple UAVs.

  • Fixed an issue where the buy station was showing the incorrect icon.

  • Fixed an issue allowing players to duplicate payouts completing the Signal Intelligence contract.

  • Fixed an issue with the Ammo Depot Cache’s missing on Rebirth Island.

  • Fixed issue that prevented players from properly attaching mid air to long ziplines in Urzikstan.

  • Fixed numerous descriptions on weapon attachments in the gunsmith after the muzzle and underbarrel refactor.

  • Fixed an issue where the icon for certain public events were flashing repeatedly

  • Fixed an issue where the Score Feed would persist on the HUD through death and respawn.

  • Fixed an issue where the attachment swap pop-up will show incorrectly under certain conditions.

  • Fixed an issue where the “Airspace is too Crowded” message and information would not display correctly when using certain Killstreaks.

  • Fixed an issue where Tutorial messages and popups would appear even when disabled.

  • Fixed missing sound when your Squad is wiped.

  • Fixed an issue with the Plunder scoreboard causing the Cash Banked to display incorrectly.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented a player from shooting after opening a Loadout Crate when they were previously eliminated from going out of bounds.

  • Fixed an issue causing the Bounty Contest widget to flash and play sound repeatedly.

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