Best sword for high damage

With all the weapons in it Now it's Monster Hunterfew seem to be Great Sword. This large chopper can dish out a lot of damage to unsuspecting monsters with every swing, although it can be an unwieldy tool due to its size.

To make a profit Now it's Monster Hunter Building a large sword, you need to slow down the enemy. Thanks to the next update since launch, monster parts allow you to craft weapons based on sleep. However, you also need the right skills to make the most of sleep, so here are the tools you need to make the best build.


Monster Hunter Now: Hammer Build for high damage

All the options for the best Hammer in Monster Hunter Now, with armor with benefits and abilities needed through Driftstones in crafting.

Best monster hunter now building a sword

Monster Hunter Now building a great sword: a hunter about to strike with a great sword.

At best Now it's Monster Hunter The Long Sword build focuses on poison attacks, the Great Sword works best with another element: Sleep. You will need to encounter a rare monster to create this house, but you will also be able to fight common monsters for most of the equipment.

Full Monster Hunter now Great Sword construction




Blade Frilled

  • Element: Sleep

  • Evade Extender I (Grade 8)


Helmet Nightshade Paolumu

  • Rude Awakener I (Grade 5)

  • Rude Awakener II (Grade 8)

  • Driftstone Slot (Class 8)

friend Sary

Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Mail

  • Status Sneak Attack (Class 2)

  • Artful Dodger (Grade 4)

  • Driftstone Slot (Class 5)


Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Vambraces

  • Status Sneak Attack I (Class 2)

  • Status Sneak Attack II (Class 4)

  • Driftstone Slot (Class 5)


Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Coil

  • Evade Extender (Grade 2)

  • Status Sneak Attack (Class 4)

  • Driftstone Slot (Class 5)


Nightshade Paolomu Greaves

  • Impartial Awakener (Class 5)

  • Status Sneak Attack (Class 6)

  • Driftstone Slot (Class 5)


There aren't many options for sleep-based Great Swords Now it's Monster Hunterbut to go there is to Blade Frilled. This gives you more benefits Evade Extender skills, which you can use to avoid attacks. It's not one of the essential skills you need to complete the build, but it can make defensive moves much easier with the Great Sword. You'll want to hunt down Somnacanth to get the materials for this weapon.

Monster Hunter Now Great Sword build: A Nightshade Paolumu, who has black hair with red spots with a green ring around it, is about to attack.

Helmet & Greaves

A big part of this build comes from a monster introduced in the first paid event: Nightmare Paolumu. This will give you some of the better weapons and skills you need, including three levels. A rude awakeningwhich increases the damage you deal on the first attack against a sleeping animal by 100%. Nightmare Paolumu is a bit more common these days, but it can take a while to appear in action or as rare in the era after defeating them in a major story quest.

Sheets, Caps, & Coils

The rest of the build is mainly focused on giving you feedback on the Status Sneak Attack ability, which, by increasing it to the maximum, allows us to increase it to ensure the sleep buildup every time we attack from behind. You will also earn points Evade Extenderas well as Artful Dodger to prevent attacks. Tzitzi-Ya-Ku is the target for most of these areas and, unfortunately, is more common than the paintball tracker.

Best monster hunter now sword Driftsmelt Slots

Monster Hunter Now Great Sword build: Smelting Driftstone combined with ore and armor to make new equipment.

This build has the slight advantage of relatively low requirements to unlock all Driftstone slots. The best, five slots in Sleep attacks is the best. However, you can also use them to increase dodging skills Artful Dodger SY Evade Extender or kill the damage you deal with monsters every time you attack from behind Sneak attack.

  • Sleep attacks – increases the value of the sleep formation of the weapon. 50 for number 1 and 150 for number 5. (Azure only)
  • Sneak attack – increases damage dealt by monsters when attacked from behind. 10% on number 1 and 30% on number 5. (Only Pale)
  • Artful Dodger – facilitates the execution of the escape. It's a bit easier on the 1st row and bigger on the 5th row. (Azure only)
  • Evade Extender – extend the distance. A little bit on number 1 and big on number 5. (Only Pale)
Monster Hunter Now Tag Page Cover Art


transparent phone


September 14, 2023

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