Best PvP Classes & Specs

After years of fan demand, Blizzard's dream is finally about to be delivered World of Warcraft Classic server. Wow Players can now save characters and choose servers and it will be time to start grinding to level 60 in just over a week. When players start deciding which class they want to play when the game starts, a big consideration is whether they want to focus on PvE or PvP.


WoW Classic: Best DPS Class, Rank

This WoW Classic DPS class list ranks each class based on its effects and uses for the group, increasing the chances of getting invites.

PvE players will rush to the end game so they can master the most difficult dungeons and raids with friends and allies, while some players prefer to be the best in killing. the opposing faction in Battlegrounds or in the territory against the PvP server. Players who want to focus on PvP can use this list to decide which classes are best for that aspect of the game.

Updated on December 2, 2024 by Erik Petrovich: In WoW Classic, PvP classes can be powerful in two main forms of PvP: Battlegrounds and open-world PvP. If you're running on a PvP server, for example, you'll need to consider a good class for open-world PvP because you'll encounter a lot of opposing factions when leveling and in the late game. No matter what class you choose for PvP, WoW Classic players have at least one useful and powerful spec for world-class PvP combat and survival. This guide to the best PvP classes in WoW Classic has been updated to provide recommendations for each class in the vanilla version of the game, which is still ranked by ability and strength in PvP battles.

1 Best Classic WoW PvP Class, Ranked

wow warcraft pvp warsong gulch

Brand hunter

Hunters are a good choice for open world PvP because of their pets. With a pet, you can slow down enemy spells while crying with your own abilities, and can force enemy fighters to focus on your pet instead of your character. In Battlegrounds hunters are less sought after, but Viper Sting can be very powerful against enemy teams full of mana users.

In general, Hunters are good in PvP and open-world PvP, but not so good in Battlegrounds. But like any class, if you can master the Hunter, you'll do better in any PvP situation than most players who struggle to level up their class.

Shadow or Punishment/Holy Priest

It might be a little easy to list the three Priest specs, but they are very useful when it comes to PvP. Shadow Priests offer insane power for DPS when mastered by skilled players and the Disc/Holy build is the strongest (and possibly only) option for PvP healing.

Dispel Magic becomes a very useful skill when fighting strong Mages in PvP skirmishes, so Priests have a lot to offer during any encounter.

Elemental shaman

A lone Horde class, Shaman is good (but not great) in Battlegrounds due to its explosive damage potential and Totem and Buff abilities. Chain Lightning is very powerful in close combat, and Totems like Earthbind Totem and Tremor Totem can be important for applying debuffs and removing them from your team.

Shamans are a little behind in damage compared to other classes, but their abilities and potential for burst damage make them great for you.


World of Warcraft Classic: How long between stages

World of Warcraft Classic doesn't release an official timeline for the next content phases, but it does have some theories about each release.

Holy Paladin

An Alliance-Only class, Paladins can be good in PvP in the Retribution spec, but tend to play the Healer role for the ridiculous power of Holy healing. Blessing of freedom, instant mass healing spells, blessing of protection, God's Shield and other Paladin abilities make them the best support class in PvP.

As powerful as these buffs and abitlies are, a group only needs a single paladin to take advantage of the benefits of this class. Paladins can have trouble getting into groups because of this, even though Holy spec is one of the best PvP healers.

Destroyer fisherman

Warlocks may not often bring the glory, but they do a serious job when it comes to PvP Battlegrounds. The combination of Fear and potentially very high DPS makes the Warlock an important part of a well-planned flag kill.

Locks can put up insane DPS numbers, so when you see one heading your way, be prepared to burn through some cooldowns.

A warrior

They may not put out the most damage over time, but powerful fighters can spell doom for opposing teams in close-quarters PvP matches. There's a reason there were so many Charge+Hamstring macros in the early days Wow.

Fighters have the skills to fight and, when paired with powerful healers, they can feel invincible.


World of Warcraft Classic: Best Leveling Class, Ranked

There are nine classes available for World of Warcraft Classic, and there are certainly some that are better at leveling than others.

Rogue tip

In capturing the flag, having a well-trained Subtelty Rogue on your side seems like a huge advantage. Many teams won't bother going into Gulch Warsong without one of these.

There is wiggle room in other ways, but based on our experience we recommend sticking with Subtlety.

Feral Druid

Feral Druid is in an interesting position for PvP. Technically, it's the best flag carrier for Warsong Gulch, and it's good for regional circulation in the Arathi Basin. In open-world PvP, Druids can keep themselves alive well, and Stealth in Cat Form allows them to sneak up on enemies.

But if the Feral Druid can't get the first seed from Stealth, or doesn't carry a designated flag in Gulch Warsong, they can fight. Feral Druids don't do much damage, and rely on their speed and stealth to be effective in PvP. But if you can get the jump on someone, or can leave the opposing team on the battlefield and escape with the flag, no enemy can stop you.

Arcane or Frost Mage

When forced to call one WoW Classic spec and class of the king or queen of PvP, must be the Mage. Mages have the unique power of having two very effective builds for PvP. Both the Arcane build and the split between Fire and Ice builds are both strong options for Battlegrounds.

Crowd control with Polymorph and Frost Nova, avoiding counter stuns with Blink, Counterspell, and a ridiculously high DPS setup all combine to make Mage king of the hill when it comes to PvP rankings.

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