Best Appetizer Recipes at Disney's Dreamlight Valley

Key Takeaways

  • Meals at Disney's Dreamlight Valley, such as Vegetable Soup, Cheesecake, and Gazpacho, are quick, with a variety of energy boosts.
  • Simple recipes like Onion Puffs and Buñuelos provide great energy recovery and payoff.
  • More complex recipes like Potato Leek Soup offer great rewards in terms of energy recovery and grocery costs.

A safe way to replenish Energy in Disney Dreamlight Valley is to whip up delicious food with the help of Remy. Each dish is divided into categories – Appetizers, Entrées, and Desserts – and restores different energy levels, but they also sell at different base prices depending on the complexity of the recipe and the quantity. necessary ingredients (plus the difficulty of finding. /harvesting said ingredients). Many Appetizers can be prepared in record time and require at least one ingredient, so for players who need an immediate energy boost, they may be the best choice.


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Food ranges from soups and bowls to puffs and even the Spanish soft dough called Buñuelos. Many Appetizers require only basic ingredients such as milk, butter, eggs, wheat, and a few vegetables, so as long as there is a constant supply and access to Chez Remy, Appetizers are the fastest and cheapest. way to get Energy fast.

8 Vegetable soup

Returns a small amount of energy on the fly

Vegetable soup

  • Ingredients needed: All herbs x2
  • Energy restored: 120+
  • Selling Price: 20 coins

In the quest “The Beast With No Bite”, Beast asks for the player's help to boost his self-confidence by taking unconditional photos and preparing a romantic dinner for Beautiful. For the Appetizer, the Beast asks for a vegetable soup, which can be created using two vegetables other than lettuce.

Trying to use Lettuce will create a green salad instead, which also restores a little energy and sells for 20 coins. Vegetable soup is a quick Appetizer that restores energy for a quick fix.

7 Cheese platter

It takes only one ingredient and fills with a fair amount of energy

Cheese platter

  • Ingredients needed: cheese
  • Energy restored: 482+
  • Selling Price: 216 coins

The Cheese Platter isn't requested by any character as part of the quest, but is another simple Appetizer that only requires one ingredient: cheese, of course. It also returns a lot of energy with at least 482 and sells for more than 10 times as much money as vegetable soup despite having only one ingredient.

When Chez Remy is locked, cheese can be purchased for 180 coins to create the Cheese Platter, which restores twice the amount of energy as a block of cheese alone.

6 Gazpacho

Returns large amounts of energy and coins


  • Ingredients needed: Cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, any spices
  • Energy restored: 812+
  • Selling Price: 548 coins

In Disney Dreamlight ValleyPrince Eric can be unlocked after successfully completing the “Unfortunate Prince” quest where Ariel and Merlin turn Prince Eric into a human after Ursula curses him to live in her “poor spirit” garden as the weeds.


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There's a new friendship quest featuring Beast and Belle in Disney's Dreamlight Valley, but you have to find a page in Storybook Vale to start it.

Eric asked for Gazpacho, Vegetarian Stew, and Berry Salad, which can be created by combining vegetables and fruits. Gazpacho does not need cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, and there is Spices, the latter of which can be obtained from the ground in any biome, so it is always accessible Appetizers to not only restore almost 1,000 energy but also half a thousand coins.

5 Onion Puffs

Simple Recipes Fill Over 1,000 Calories

Onion Puffs

  • Ingredients needed: Onions, eggs, cheese
  • Energy restored: 1,392+
  • Selling price: 798 coins

In “Something's Off”, Pumbaa reveals that he cleaned out Chez Remy just by walking inside, like he used to at the watering hole. Daisy and Elsa reveal that Pumbaa smells bad and has bad table manners. She also revealed that she doesn't like cheese-heavy foods, so Onion Puffs were decided as a viable option.

These Puffs only require three ingredients and restore over 1,000 energy, and sell for nearly 800. Onions can be grown from Onion Seeds, which are purchased from Goofy's Stall in the Forest of Valor. . For eggs and cheese, we buy them directly from Remy.

4 Bunuelos

Requires minimal harvesting for high payouts in energy and coins


  • Ingredients needed: Rice, cheese, milk, eggs
  • Energy restored: 1,881+
  • Selling price: 948 coins

Mirabel asks Buñuelos during two different quests, “Feast of Friendship” and “The Taste of Home”, and they are inspired by Julieta Madrigal's food. Enchantment. These cheese-filled dough balls are used to rekindle Mirabel's friendship with Moana, Anna, and Elsa, as well as to feed Mirabel's companions: Mickey, Goofy, and Scrooge McDuck.

Wheat can be obtained from wheat seeds, which are bought from Goofy's Stall in the Peaceful Meadow and Ancient's Landing. Cheese, milk and eggs can be purchased at Chez Remy. Although Buñuelos require one more ingredient than Onion Puffs, they provide over 500 extra calories and sell for over 150 bucks.

3 Potato soup

More challenging recipes with great rewards

Potato soup

  • Ingredients needed: onion, potato, milk, onion, garlic
  • Energy restored: 1,984+
  • Selling price: 1,415 coins

Potato Leek Soup is a five-star Appetizer that isn't required for every quest, but provides one of the highest Energy boosts of any Appetizer. It also sells for almost 1,500 Coins. Although garlic is one of the hardest ingredients to get in this recipe, it's worth finding some – then getting extra – as it can be used in Arendellian Pickled Herring as well.


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Garlic can be found on the ground in the Forest of Valor and the Wild Tangle, while Onions and Onions are both grown from seeds purchased from Goofy's Stall. Making potato soup is more work than your average cheese or tomato soup, but going the extra mile pays off in the end, especially since it gives back so much energy.

2 Arendellian took Herring

It sells at a low price but packs more energy than most foods

Arendellian took Herring

  • Ingredients needed: Herring, lemon, onion, garlic, all spices
  • Energy restored: 2,092+
  • Selling price: 532 coins

Another five-star appetizer, Arendellian Picked Herring is requested by Elsa in “The Ice Cavern Mystery” and “What Home Feels Like.” It is a more difficult recipe than most Appetizers as it requires Herring, which can be caught by fishing in the Glade of Trust and Dazzle Beach, and lemons that grow on trees in the Glade of Trust and Forest of Valor.

Fortunately, going directly to the Glade of Trust will kill two birds with one stone for the Herring and Lemon, then the other ingredients are self-explanatory and compatible with other Appetizer recipes. Arendellian Pickled Herring is a good choice for sacrificing a lower trade value for energy recovery, so it meets one of the criteria better than the other.

1 Souffle

All ingredients can be found in Chez Remy for recipes with energy and coins


  • Ingredients needed: Food, Eggs, Milk, Butter
  • Energy restored: 2,386+
  • Selling price: 1230 coins

Although Soufflé is only a four-star Appetizer, it has a more satisfactory balance of energy consumption and selling value than most other Appetizers with few ingredients. All that is needed is cheese, eggs, milk and butter, which can be bought directly from Chez Remy. There is no need to go hunting for other things or slave for fishing and harvesting, plus almost 2,500 energy and over 1,000 money in return.

It is one of the Appetizers that is made with love and love right away, so it is suitable for anyone who wants to increase their money quickly or fill a lot of energy without having to go further than Remy's restaurant.


December 5, 2023

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