Awesome Destiny 2 Trick Lets Titans Survive Cabal's Deadly Weapons

Key Takeaways

  • Destiny 2 Titan players survived a Cabal Drop Pod attack using strategic class skills and status buffs.
  • In a short video, players show how they managed to survive direct fire from a leaking pod during Onsluahgt: Salvation.
  • The Titan player fell through the wall of the Bastion barrier before being hit, eating but losing half of his health.

the Destiny 2 Titan players manage to survive direct fire from one of the deadliest mechs in the game, the Cabal Drop Pod. Even after 10 years with the franchise, Destiny 2 Players continue to develop creative ways to interact with Bungie's content, whether through interesting releases or finding different ways to deal with common situations in the game.

Of course, last month was good for fashion players because of the start of Destiny 2's Street Fighter collaboration, which brought new emotions and cosmetics, such as Blanka's mask, based on Capcom's famous fighting franchise, into the game. However, each new season and episode that is added to the game brings new weapons, armor and major changes that seem to affect the game. Destiny 2 sandbox.


Destiny 2 disables popular Exotics and targets Nerfs for significant damage

Bungie is doing away with Destiny 2's popular super weapons, and is also confirming plans to remove super abilities that do too much damage.

Recently, Destiny 2 received a major mid-season update that included major upgrades to many subclasses within the game. Because of this, many players have started experimenting with some of the more underutilized abilities in the game, creating new configurations and builds to see what works and what doesn't. TItan's Sentinel Shield subclass has been on the receiving end of much-needed buffs, with one player in particular showing off the power of this class today.

Destiny 2 players survive the Cabal Drop Pod

Publication of Destiny 2 subReddit, a player named DoctorNotorious posted a short video of his Titan surviving the crash directly from the Cabal Drop Pod. A mechanic that has long shot down many players due to their ability to ride on unknown players, the Notorious Doctor seems to have time to prepare. Destiny 2 The ability of the barricade Titan class is perfect, and with some of the status buffs, such as Devour, applied during the event, they were able to survive. The droppod itself immediately destroyed the shield and took out half of their health in the process, but what should have been an automatic KO saw them out of the situation.

Naturally, the community was stunned by what they saw, with many posting memes or referring to DoctorNotorious as “John Destiny” on John Wick movies. Some were impressed with the build found, and many estimated that players would have at least 10 durability if they used the Bastion barricade option with Echo of Starvation to prepare for Devour. However, the text itself may lead some to try something similar while playing Destiny 2The onslaught: rescue game mode, which often involves Cabal and Drop Pods.

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