All new Revenant Exotics and how to get them

Destiny 2The latest installment of The Revenant, introduced new ways to spin tonics, a new story, and new dungeons to dive into. With all of these changes, however, come some exotics that seem to focus on making Stasis a stronger subclass and more viable for higher-level moves.

Currently there are 5 new exotics for you to pick up, two new weapons and a new item for each Destiny 2 class. This may change as the episodes come out, as seen in the last exotic mission to get the Choir of One.


Destiny 2: How to get more tonic recipes

The new episode of Destiny 2 brought a new way to get powerful power-ups called tonics, and here's how you can find more tonic recipes.

Alethonym Grenade Launcher


Alethonym's main perk is the Harvester Spike, which kills with the weapon creating Vestiges, which you can then collect to activate the weapon's second perk, Vestigial Alchemy. This perk is interesting because you can choose how to use it. When you've collected enough Vestiges to fill your Vestigial Alchemy bar up to 50%, you can use a special recharge to give you and your allies special ammo bricks with your next kill. At 100% you can create Heavy ammo bricks.

Alethonym is in the season pass and is available at number 1 for season pass players and number 40 for free players.

Blastwave Striders Titan Leg Armor


Defeating enemies charges Blastwave Striders, then you can deal explosive damage to yourself or jump backwards and spawn projectiles that Spawn Stasis crystals on impact. Your charged missile jump gives you Frost Armor and the perk reduces the damage you take when dealing damage to yourself.

To unlock the exotic you need to gain fame and reach rank 16 with Master Rahool. You will then get access to tier 3 decoding where you can choose which exotics you want to discard. You can find Blastwave Striders in this menu.

Rime-Coat Raiment Warlock Chest Armour


Rime-Coat Raiment's perk, Bleak Domain, boosts the number of your Bleak Watcher towers and creates Stasis Crystals and Stasis Storm around them. If you stand in the storm, you'll get Icicles and any enemies shot out of the storm are slowed.

Like the Titan Leg Armor, you need to reach rank 16 with Master Rahool and unlock the 3 tier decode to get the Rime-Coat Raiment. You can increase your popularity with him by unlocking prime and exotic engrams that you get while doing various activities.

Fealty Hunter Helmet


Null Factor, the Mask of Fealty's perk, causes the Withering Blade to generate a small Stasis crystal and restore the powerful energy. Using Withering Blade to destroy Stasis crystals or frozen enemies will also create a burst of Withering Blades.

This is the third exotic you get for increasing your reputation with Master Rahool being the 16th rank. Like the previous two, you will open the tier 3 encoding menu, and you can get the Mask of Fealty from this menu when you have an exotic. engram to spare.

Icebreaker Sniper Rifle


Icebreaker is not a new name for those who have been playing since its release shareand now Bungie has brought it back Destiny 2The Vesper Dungeon. You don't need to do anything special to get it, because it's a random drop, so you need to run through the new dungeon and complete the last encounter until you get to yours.

It's a little different in how it works sharewhere you can automatically get unlimited ammo. In the Destiny 2 version, you will recover ammo for the Ice Breaker up to 10 shots when killing with other weapons.

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August 28, 2017

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