Jin-Woo is increasing in every prison, facing dangerous challenges to prove their unique power.
He defeated betrayal, deadly wildlife and the stronger of the skills and strategies.
Despite the collapse of serious problems, Jin-WOO confirmed his attitude and came out to each prison.
The mysterious power began at the moment Sung Jin-Wooo Solo levelingAll prisons entered, they became a warning arms to test their limits. Jin-Woo has faced many giants of every prison, and continue to prove their growing strength. Each prison offered him a unique challenge that was forced to fit, plan and evolve in a way that other hunters could not.
Therefore, every step he does in the prison is a gamble to death as well as a ladder for Jin-Woo to improve his mind. Jin-Woe's Powerlessness Solo leveling cannot be ignored. Each prison he cleansed, whether alone or with other hunters, shows that he has become impossible.

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Spider Dungeon
An attack with a secret
Jin-woo was taken to the darkest attacks C with other e-ranks, Yoo Jinho. The group was led by Hwang Dongsuk, hunter cm with his team. In general, this is a great opportunity for Jin-Woo to go up, get fast money, and gain more experience. However, as they entered, Jin-Woo felt something wrong, because the Dangsuk band did not have a healer.
After entering the prison, they killed a large number of animals, but the real danger was still waiting. When they finally arrived in a room with the prison chief, Dangsuk revealed reality. When the group entered the last room with its boss, Dongsuk turned off Jin-Woo and Yoo Jinho. Dongsuk and his people have sealed the exit, prevented the possibility of escaping, because their real intentions are to kill Jin-Woo and Jinho and not allow Witnesses. The reason is because he does not want to share prison rewards; As a result, they robbed the captives and said that the giants killed them both.

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The prison chief is poisonous poisonous, and Jin-woo except for walking with him. In spite of the great size and the deadly toxicity, the spider is nothing compared to the trials Jin-Woo. He used his speed and ability to avoid their invitation, causing harmful strike. Jin-Woo was finally cutting the monster, but Dongsuk wanted to abolish Jin-Woo and Jinho and Jinho to hide their crime. However, Dangsuk and his team ended because Jin-Woened was exceeded.
The Instant Instant Metro Prison
Jin-woo vs the subway serpent
When Jin-Woo did not survive the DOUBLE DUNE DUNE DUNE DUNE DUNGINGON, I saw something strange: blue screen, was found only in the system. This mysterious interface gave him a pursuit, statistics and rewards. One of his first missions is to enter the Instant Prison and survive. The prison was located at the Metroong Camp, in the underground system of many animals like Lycans and Stone trolls. With determination, Jin-Woo was removed by the tunnel when it was rising and strengthened.
The more the deeper Jin-WOO, the more monsters were even stronger, leading to the chief of the body at the end of the tunnel. In this case, jin-woo must be in line with or die. His boss is a giant snake known as Blue Vdom-fanged kasaka with a strong scale that Jin-woo saw it difficult. The snake has a bite of the bone with great decorations. Jin-Woo hard to kill the serpent and wounded on the way. However, because he grew before his boss, he was able to avoid deadly snake and last strike that killed him.
The Hellish Dungeon
The War of Cerberus
After crushing his former enemies in prison, Jin-Woodes increased to the speedy speed. He has received a system from the system that has opened a secret s-rank called the Demon Castle. In the fortress, the system shows that there is a miraculous potion that can cure every disease, and Jin-Wonders are hoping for working for her mother.
Unlike the ordinary prison, prison immediately created for Jin-Woo. There were 100 centers, each with a kind of nature. Jin-Woo's first challenge was the entrance guard, the three cerberus, who had great power. Jin-Woo did not have any members of the party, healer, or foreign help; Therefore, it is a clean test of strength and strategies.

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Cerberus had a speedy speed and reflexes, and his harsh kisses had broken a bone. Jin-Woo has come to a sensitive sensation that the civil war is suicide. Cerberus was so strong and quick that he had to be able to fight. Instead of being invited, he focused on escape and analysis of the wildlife until he saw an opening to Cerberus. After removing the Cerberus prison, he has 99 left.
The Search Job Changes
Jin-woo versus igris
When Jin-Woo agreed to the pursuit of a job, he was taken to the enemy dimension. This prison is another single challenge, without help, without escape, and only victory or death. Also, Jin-Woean was unable to use most of the control in this prison.
First, he had to survive the waves of the soldiers with a skilled sword. He had to rely at the speed, escape, and the ridge between the attacks to escape warriors to avoid getting too tired. Then, he had to confront the great magicians that could make a great magic attack on the death of him if he was not careful. For Mages, Jin-Woo closed them before they could make a different magic. At one point he had to fight Knights and Mages once, but they won all of them.
When the war was fixed, Jin-Woened's height increased, increasing the statistics and confirmed the reflexes. The last prison chief is Igris, horsemen to another level of the former knights fighting Jin-Woo. Igris's sword's ability was flawed with a quick movement. Jin-Woo was fought with his boss for the first time in prison. Jin-Woo focused on Igris's argument, and at the perfect time he beat death. After killing all his enemies in prison, he raised him from the dead and made him a shadow.
Ice ELF Dungeon
The red gate
The C-Ranky C-Ranky Prison turns into a despair when the exit portal changed into a red gate. In this case, the hunter cannot turn back if the facts are too dangerous because the Red Gate is kidnapping the hunter to the other side, locating them with the outside world -In the prison. Many of the hunters in this prison were inferior and not fully prepared for the future. In all of this, Jin-Woe was calm.

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Jin-Woo encountered with Ice Bears and the intelligent Ice Elves in prison. He killed all the ice cream in the cave and turned him into a shadower to go up. The next threat is Elves and their leaders, Barca. Jin-Woo called the shadow hunters to fight Elves when they fight Barca. The conflict was quick to Jin-Woo and Barca, but Barca was not strong against Jin-Woo and Igris. After Jin-Woened by Jin-Woo to Barca, the prison was resolved, and the Red Gate was opened, so Jin-Woe and the survivors were able to and the survivors.

Solo leveling
- Date of issued
January 7, 2024
- Director
Shunsuke Nakashige