In Pokemon Goeach season that occurs as part of the game's live season format brings a variety of events, from recurring events such as Spotlight Hour and Max Monday, to one-off events and celebrations special. These events give trainers the opportunity to not only complete field research tasks and collection challenges to earn reward items and XP, but also to meet and catch a variety of Pokemon, often following a type or related topics.
Fidough Fetch is one of many events held in January 2025 to Pokemon GO Season Dual Destiny. As the name suggests, this event marks the arrival of Paldea's native Fidough, and its evolution, Dachsbun, which means players can get their hands on them for the first time. In addition, there are also various bonus events and different types of Pokemon samples that can be found during your journey and can be obtained for your Pokedex goals or battles. Everything you need to know about bonuses and Pokemon available during Fidough Fetch and how to get them has been described in the guide below.

Pokemon GO: Machop Max Battle Guide (Max Monday)
Max Monday is a recurring feature in Pokemon GO. On January 6, 2025, Machop took over as the featured Pokemon for this event.
The pokemon and benefits of every move in Pokemon GO's Fidough Fetch
In Pokemon Gothe Fidough Fetch event will take place between January 4, 2025 and January 8, 2024. During this time, players will have the opportunity to take advantage of special events that can help you meet special Pokemon, complete the field research work. and Collect Challenges, and get rewards. Here is a list of all Fidough Fetch related bonuses:
Fidough Fetch Event Bonus in Pokemon GO
In addition to the advantages of the action that can be used, there are various samples of Pokemon that can be found through various methods in Fidough Fetch, including creatures such as dogs or inspirations across all generations. . In addition, many of these monsters can be encountered in shiny form, if you are lucky. The complete list of all Pokemon, how to get them, and if they can be made in shiny form, has been included in the list below.
All featured Pokemon in Fidough Fetch
Pokemon |
Shining Any? |
How to get |
Growlithe |
Hisuian Growlithe |
Snubbull |
Electric |
Voltorb |
Lillipup |
Fidough |
Greavard |
Poochyena |
Rockruff |

Pokémon GO