After more than a decade of constant discussion, it can be hard to accept that Attack on Titan seems to be completely done by this point. Debuting in 2009, Hajime Isayama’s shonen manga concluded its run in 2021, producing 34 volumes and 139 chapters in the process. The series spawned five manga spin-offs: Junior High, Before the Fall, No Regrets, Spoof on Titan, and Lost Girls. Combined, these stories lasted for 35 volumes and 170 chapters. Unsurprisingly, the source material’s success led to the creation of an anime, which lasted for four seasons and 94 episodes.
Attack on Titan was so popular that it warranted the creation of two live-action movies and a miniseries. While not necessarily good, the films are entertaining enough to be worth a watch; if nothing else, they deserve props for trying to adapt a story that was always going to be tough to translate into live-action. There are also multiple AoT novels and video games, although the latter are mostly found on mobile devices. That said, Omega Force’s console projects are pretty great adaptations in their own right. For roughly 15 years, AoT was inescapable, a juggernaut franchise that took multiple mediums by storm. Love or hate it, this series is one of a kind.

Attack on Titan THE FINAL CHAPTERS Special 2 Review
After 10 years, Attack on Titan is over, and while it definitely won’t please everyone, it ends as grand and titanic as it began.
Despite the anime and manga receiving near-universal praise, the same could not be said for Attack on Titan‘s characters, many of whom have garnered a fair amount of criticism over the years. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were particularly divisive, although all three of them are still among the most popular and recognizable faces in anime. AoT would not have been so successful if it did not have, at the bare minimum, engaging characters that viewers wanted to see survive (or die, in some cases). Now that the manga and anime are long done, let’s take a look at some of the figures that helped propel the franchise’s success, including the birthdays, heights, and ages of AoT‘s characters.
Although they will be kept to a minimum, spoilers will not be completely avoidable. Please bear that in mind if you have not completed the anime.
Updated on February 1, 2025: At this point, AoT’s characters have all been laid to rest, their stories told and immortalized. Will this series ever return? Probably not, but anything is technically possible. Still, the anime and manga will be available for generations to come.
The sections dedicated to Armin and Bertholdt have been rewritten.
Attack On Titan Statistics Chart
Attack on Titan‘s roster of (important) characters is quite extensive, so much so that this summary eventually ballooned to over 30 entries. To make the information as readily accessible as possible, the following table has been constructed to provide a breakdown of each Attack on Titan character’s age, birthday, and height. How tall is Levi Ackerman? When is Eren Jaeger’s birthday?
Unless stated otherwise, the statistics are based on the character’s status in the Year 850 since that is when most Attack on Titan‘s story takes place. If someone debuted after that point, their first appearance will be used. Also, Attack on Titan doesn’t reveal the exact age of every character, so estimates will be provided in those instances. In other cases, N/A will be written.
Character |
Age |
Birthday |
Height |
Eren Jaeger/Yaeger |
Mikasa Ackerman |
Armin Arlelt/Arlert |
Levi Ackerman |
Erwin Smith |
Reiner Braun |
Bertholdt Hoover/Bertolt Hoover |
Zeke Jaeger/Yaeger |
Hange Zoë |
Historia Reiss |
Annie Leonhart |
Jean Kirschtein/Kirstein |
Conny Springer/Connie Springer |
Ymir |
Sasha Braus/Blouse |
Marco Bodt/Bott |
Floch Forster |
Louise |
Daz |
Samuel Linke-Jackson |
Petra Rall/Ral |
Dot Pyxis/Pixis |
Kitz Woermann/Weilman |
Rico Brzenska |
Dhalis Zachary/Zackly |
Nile Dawk/Dok |
Kenny Ackerman |
Yelena |
Gabi Braun |
Porco Galliard |
Pieck Finger |
Colt Grice |
Falco Grice |
Rod Reiss |
Ymir Fritz |
Karl Fritz |
¹ Erwin Smith’s age has not been revealed, but he was in grade school when his father died around Year 825. By Year 850, Erwin is the Survey Corps’ commander and, presumably, a few years older than Levi. Therefore, he should be in his late 30s.
² Based on player theories and speculation.
³ As a young teenager, Ymir transformed into a Titan and then spent the next 60 years stuck in that form. She changed back to human in the Year 845; consequently, she must be in her late teens by 850.
⁴ An approximation based on the character being part of the 104th Training Corps.
⁵ Introduced in Year 854.
⁶ In the Year 829, Kenny was a young man (and serial killer), so it can be assumed that he was around 20 at this point.
Want to learn more about each AoT character? Click below to jump to sections dedicated to them.
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Historia Reiss/Krista Lenz
Eren Jaeger (Or Yeager, Depending On The Source)
Debut Episode: “To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 1” (Season 1, Episode 1)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Yuki Kaji
- English Voice Actor: Bryce Papenbrook
Eren is the main protagonist of Attack on Titan, and he is introduced as a rather straightforward character. In the anime’s pilot, Eren watches helplessly as his mother is devoured by a Titan; naturally, the boy vows to destroy every Titan to ever set foot on the planet. To achieve this goal, Eren enrolls in the military as part of the 104th Training Corps and eventually joins the Survey Corps.

Attack On Titan: Eren’s 23 Best Quotes, Ranked
Eren is an iconic character from the Attack on Titan anime series, so it’s no surprise many of his quotes are incredibly memorable.
Eren undergoes a great deal of development throughout the anime, growing into a far more nuanced character by Attack on Titan‘s season 3. Eren’s journey is one defined by an unrelenting drive not only for vengeance but also to find purpose in the pain he and everyone else have experienced. He desperately wants to make all that suffering mean something, as he hopes it ultimately results in a better world. Eren is smart, manipulative, charismatic, and committed.
Mikasa Ackerman
Debut Episode: “To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 1” (Season 1, Episode 1)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Yui Ishikawa
- English Voice Actor: Trina Nishimura
Eren’s right-hand partner, Mikasa Ackerman is nearly always by the protagonist’s side, especially in the anime. Strong, fearless when up against Titans, and quiet, Mikasa is among the last living members of the Ackerman clan; unfortunately, this makes her a target. At the age of 9, traffickers killed Mikasa’s parents and might have kidnapped the girl if Eren did not show up to rescue her. Mikasa immediately repaid the favor.
Mikasa’s personality is directly molded by her relationship with Eren, as she reflects her friend’s brash and direct nature. Despite her physical abilities ranking among the best in this universe, Mikasa’s obsessive devotion to Eren gives her a huge blind spot that Attack on Titan challenges more and more as the story progresses.
Both beloved and divisive, Mikasa is one of AoT‘s most popular characters; conversely, she tends to be used as an example of the show’s less-than-brilliant writing, unfairly at times. While her journey is not always very satisfying, the capable scout is constantly going through an internal struggle as she tries to deal with her idolization of Eren, a situation that makes sense due to their upbringing together. She is strong in most circumstances, but she cannot always see what is right in front of her eyes.
Armin Arlelt (or Arlert, Depending On The Source)
Debut Episode: “To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 1” (Season 1, Episode 1)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Marina Inoue
- English Voice Actor: Jessie James Grelle
Completing Attack on Titan‘s core three, Armin tends to get overshadowed by Eren and Mikasa, both in the story and also in discussions about it. Compared to his friends, Armin is notably quieter and less likely to appear on the front lines of battles, largely because he prefers to avoid bloodshed and is only a passable fighter. Before season 4, he generally served as the brains to Eren’s passion and Mikasa’s brawn, acting as a strategist who puts together the plans but does not play a big active part in them. His intellect allowed him to rise up the ranks of the Scout Regiment, becoming one of its most important leaders.

Attack On Titan: 14 Most Powerful Non-Titan Characters
Titans aren’t the only powerful beings in the Attack On Titan universe. The new world has made many survivors stronger…and more powerful.
By season 4, Armin becomes something of a pacifist, and he struggles to come to terms with the role he played in the attack on Marley. His moral sensibilities put him in direct opposition to Eren, although Armin still tries to see things from his old friend’s perspective whenever possible. He might not be as flashy or as charismatic as some other Attack on Titan characters, but Armin goes through a realistic journey throughout the story, coming out on the other side as a changed person who just about manages to hold on to his humanity.
Levi Ackerman
Debut Episode: “The Night of the Closing Ceremony: Humanity’s Comeback, Part 2” (Season 1, Episode 4)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Hiroshi Kamiya
- English Voice Actor: Matthew Mercer
Arguably the anime’s most beloved character, Levi is one of the strongest fighters in the Survey Corps and serves as a squad captain. Willing to take on an army of Titans if necessary, Levi doesn’t hesitate to put it all on the line for the sake of safeguarding human life. This goes beyond Titans, as Levi’s hatred for Kenny Ackerman, a serial killer, is just as intense.
Vicious in combat and distant outside it, Levi is a blood-soaked soldier who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders because he knows most people cannot handle the burden. Attack on Titan gradually reveals Levi’s background, showing that he started as a criminal before eventually joining the Survey Corps. Levi is the type of person who only follows orders from people he respects; that said, he is generally quite empathetic.
Overall, Levi is probably the most beloved Attach on Titan character, and his popularity remained fairly consistent throughout the anime’s run, a statement that cannot be said for the main trio.
Erwin Smith
Debut Episode: “To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 1” (Season 1, Episode 1)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Daisuke Ono
- English Voice Actor: J. Michael Tatum
The Survey Corps’ 13th commander, Erwin Smith takes on a primarily behind-the-scenes role for large chunks of the anime; however, he casts a broad shadow over a lot of the story. Highly respected by Levi and Hange Zoë, Erwin constantly struggles internally with his desire to satisfy his curiosity about the state of the world and his role in preserving humanity’s future.

Attack On Titan: 10 Deaths That Rocked The Anime’s Foundation, Ranked
Although Attack on Titan has no shortage of character deaths, these, in particular, left a lasting impact on the series and its fandom.
Erwin’s complexity doesn’t fully reveal itself until very late in his story, and he becomes an especially prominent figure towards the end of season 3. In the public eye, the commander presents an unshakable and controlled front; he is the leader humanity needs. Behind closed doors, Erwin is far more unsure about himself, questioning not only his actions’ validity but also their righteousness. This makes for a fascinating conflict that explodes beautifully during the character’s final major episodes and culminates in perhaps the best scene/sequence of the entire show.
Reiner Braun
Debut Episode: “That Day – The Fall of Zhiganshina (2)” (Season 1, Episode 2)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Yoshimasa Hosoya
- English Voice Actor: Robert McCollum
Initially coming across as something of a big brother to Eren and company, Reiner eventually reveals that he has been hiding a dark secret. A spy sent to infiltrate humanity, Reiner joins the Survey Corps in an attempt to get closer to discovering the Founding Titan.
Reiner’s reveal marks a high point in Attack on Titan, a twist so unexpected and expertly delivered that it sent shockwaves across the anime world. Reiner’s dual life caused him to develop various mental problems, as he lost himself within the personality he created. By season 4, he is a broken individual who does not fully feel like he belongs anywhere. Reiner’s backstory does a lot to flesh out his personality and psychological struggles, turning what could have been an “evil all along” type character into a tragic figure haunted by his past despite mostly believing that he did what needed to be done.
Ultimately, Reiner never really becomes likable again, as his early actions are very hard to look past. However, he never stops being fascinating, particularly as he becomes more and more overwhelmed with guilt.
Bertholdt Hoover (Or Bertolt Hoover, Depending On The Source)
Debut Episode: “To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 1” (Season 1, Episode 1)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Tomohisa Hashizume
- English Voice Actor: David Matranga
Bertholdt should not be dismissed as just Reiner’s partner, even if the latter has a bigger personality and goes through a more captivating arc. Despite initially seeming to be “weaker” than Reiner, Bertholdt is arguably more dedicated to their cause than his ally, showing a detached loyalty that is quite chilling at times. In many ways, he represents the ultimate soldier, a person who is capable of suppressing all emotions to eliminate any distractions or hesitation. As the Colossal Titan, he is comfortably among the biggest threats in the entire anime, and he can easily destroy entire cities and armies on his own.

Attack On Titan: The 16 Characters That Changed The Most Throughout The Anime
Attack on Titan has been an absolutely wild ride with some great characters. Here’s a look at some that changed dramatically throughout the story.
Before being revealed as a spy sent to Paradis Island, Bertholdt is just kind of nice. He is soft-spoken, kind-hearted, and seems to care about the other cadets he fights alongside. Honestly, he just seemed like a character destined to be a casualty in a large-scale battle, somewhat similar to Marco. Even more so than Reiner, Bertholdt’s real identity came as a real shock and changed Attack on Titan forever.
Zeke Jaeger (Or Yeager, Depending On The Source)
Debut Episode: “Beast Titan” (Season 2, Episode 1)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Takehito Koyasu
- English Voice Actor: Jason Liebrecht
Eren’s half-brother, Zeke is introduced as the Beast Titan and the captain of Marley’s Warrior Unit. Despite his allegiance to Marley, Zeke is not to be trusted and is primarily driven by his desire to eliminate the Subjects of Ymir, who are all the descendants of Ymir Fritz.
Highly intelligent, brutal, nihilistic, and manipulative, Zeke is a threat whether in his Beast Titan form or not, and nobody is really safe from his wrath. Zeke’s relationship with Eren, his half-brother, introduces different facades to both characters, and the former does influences the latter to an extent. In the grand scheme of things, Zeke does not have that much screentime in Attack of Titan, but he makes every single moment count.
Hange Zoë
Debut Episode: “To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 1” (Season 1, Episode 1)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Romi Park
- English Voice Actor: Jessica Calvello
While not explored as thoroughly as the likes of Levi or Reiner, Hange Zoë is still one of Attack on Titan‘s best secondary characters. Whether providing some much-needed comedy relief during the early parts of the anime or demonstrating a willingness to commit atrocities in pursuit of their greater good, Hange is enigmatic and magnetic.
Hange has a close relationship with Levi stemming from their shared time in the Survey Corps. As the story progresses, Hange becomes a more serious and grim figure as they are forced to take on more authoritative roles in Attack on Titan. While perhaps not very comfortable in the role, they live up to it well, showing they can be authoritative if the need arises.
Historia Reiss/Krista Lenz
Debut Episode: “That Day – The Fall of Zhiganshina (2)” (Season 1, Episode 2)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Shiori Mikami
- English Voice Actor: Bryn Apprill
Introduced as Krista, this Survey Corps trainee might not seem all that important at a glance, mostly coming across as nice but forgettable. Her dynamic with Ymir was somewhat interesting, but Krista was certainly the quiet and subdued member of that friendship. However, as more is revealed about Krista, she transforms from a borderline background figure to one of the most important Attack on Titan characters. Eventually, Krista reveals that her real name is Historia Reiss, meaning she is part of the family that rules the Walls. While not presented as a legitimate member due to being born out of infidelity, she is still a powerful and potentially influential person, even if her family background hardly set her up for success.
Something AoT does well is differentiate Krista from Historia, showcasing that they are separate personas rather than just names. The latter crafted Krista’s personality to fit in, presenting her as fairly pure and innocent. However, this was nothing more than a mask and a defense mechanism, and Historia is nothing like Krista. That said, by the end, she takes up some of her alter ego’s traits.
Annie Leonhart
Debut Episode: “That Day – The Fall of Zhiganshina (2)” (Season 1, Episode 2)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Yū Shimamura
- English Voice Actor: Lauren Landa
The main antagonist of Attack on Titan‘s first season, Annie slipped into the Survey Corps alongside Reiner and Bertolt. A selling point of the series is its unpredictability. While this is clear from the start, early moments such as Eren’s “death” and Annie’s exposure as the Female Titan helped reinforce this dimension.

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From Dragon Ball Z’s Frieza to Death Note’s Light Yagami, here are some of the most formidable villains in all of Shonen anime.
Trained to be a soldier from a young age, Annie was chosen as one of Marley’s Warriors and sent to retrieve the Founding Titan from behind the Walls. Although she disappears from the series for long spells, Annie’s presence as Attack on Titan‘s first major antagonist cemented her as one of the franchise’s most iconic characters. Subsequent seasons would also recontextualize Annie’s actions.
Jean Kirschtein (Or Kirstein, Depending On The Source)
Debut Episode: “That Day – The Fall of Zhiganshina (2)” (Season 1, Episode 2)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Kishō Taniyama
- English Voice Actor: Mike McFarland
Unlike some other people, Jean enlists in the military to try and join the Military Police Brigade, a position that would provide some degree of protection and comfort. Serving an antagonist role in the early chapters, Jean often clashes with Eren, primarily because both characters tend to let their emotions run wild.
Despite initially coming across as somewhat of a throwaway figure, Jean blossoms into a well-rounded character as the narrative progresses. He even assumes a leadership position, something that would have seemed impossible during season one. The anime’s characters tend to be polarizing, in the sense that the writing for them is often regarded as one of Attack on Titan‘s weaker points. However, Jean is an exception as the series expertly leads him on a straightforward and realistic arc that never feels contrived.
Considering he starts as a short-lived rival for Eren, Jean’s growth in stature and depth is remarkable. By the end of the show, he is among Attack on Titan‘s best characters.
Conny Springer (Or Connie Springer, Depending On The Source)
Debut Episode: “That Day – The Fall of Zhiganshina (2)” (Season 1, Episode 2)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Hiro Shimono
- English Voice Actor: Clifford Chapin
Another character introduced as part of the 104th Training Corps, Conny is immediately likable. Good-natured and approachable, Conny doesn’t have any lofty or heroic ambitions when he joins the military and just wishes to carve a road to the Military Police Brigade.
Like Jean, Conny becomes inspired by the likes of Eren to take this opportunity more seriously, something that is cemented once he has a confrontation with the Titans. In the anime’s later seasons, Conny gradually transforms into an angrier figure, leaving behind the positivity that once defined him. Even if he is not as important or ever-present as Eren or Mikasa, Conny witnesses more than his share of horrors, all of which play a part in hardening the soldier.
Debut Episode: “A Dim Light in the Darkness of Despair – Humanity Rises Again (1)” (Season 1, Episode 3)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Saki Fujita
- English Voice Actor: Elizabeth Maxwell
Ymir has led a complicated and tragic life. The cynical and bitter figure that debuts as part of the 104th Training Corps is not simply acting out – Ymir has been to hell and back. Born in Marley, Ymir was nameless and homeless until she got picked up by a cult and turned into a prop for worship.
Eventually, Ymir was betrayed, tortured, and left to die. However, she turned into a Titan and spent the next 60 years roaming the wasteland. In 845, she reverted to human and, five years later, found herself in the military. Unsurprisingly, due to her history, Ymir is not the most approachable person, and she keeps her 104th comrades at arm’s length. That said, her friendship with Krista is genuinely endearing and helps add dimensions to both characters.
Sasha Braus (Or Blouse, Depending On The Source)
Debut Episode: “That Day – The Fall of Zhiganshina (2)” (Season 1, Episode 2)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Yū Kobayashi
- English Voice Actor: Ashly Burch
Attack on Titan‘s resident eater, Sasha is always looking for her next meal, a trait stemming from her background as a hunter from a small village. Due to her sequestered upbringing, Sasha doesn’t have much experience with people from the Walls; consequently, it takes her a while to adjust to life in the military.

14 Ongoing Anime You Didn’t Know Already Finished In The Manga
Several anime are still having new episodes created and aired even though their source material has long since finished.
In a universe filled with haunted, dark, and broken characters, Sasha’s warmth and primal simplicity allow her to stand out positively. AoT‘s world could use more people like Sasha, even if she does take a while to get past some prejudices. The great thing about characters like Sasha, Jean, and Conny is that they are just ordinary people who are trying to make the best of a terrible situation. They are not destined for greatness or have lofty ambitions, and they grow from their experiences rather than in pursuit of a future.
Marco Bodt (Or Bott, Depending On The Source)
Debut Episode: “That Day – The Fall of Zhiganshina (2)” (Season 1, Episode 2)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Ryōta Ōsaka
- English Voice Actor: Austin Tindle
One of the unsung heroes of Attack on Titan‘s early seasons, Marco adds a touch of normalcy to the series. An empathetic character who generally tries to see the best in others, Marco plays a subtle but important part in uniting the 104th Training Corps. In fact, Marco is arguably the main reason Jean matures so much in roughly a year.
Marco’s time on the show is relatively short, but he makes the most of it, leaving a long-lasting impression that influences plenty of other characters. In some ways, Marco is too good and trusting to survive long in a world as harsh as Attack on Titan‘s, and these qualities directly lead to his demise.
Floch Forster
Debut Episode: “Bystander” (Season 3, Episode 11)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Kensho Ono
- English Voice Actor: Matt Shipman
While essentially a minor character, Floch goes through quite an arc in Attack on Titan. Part of the Scout Regiment, Floch has seen his share of tragedies, particularly the Battle of Shiganshina District. Floch was a significant supporter of Erwin and pushed heavily for the commander to be saved from Armin when only one of them could receive the Titan injection. Throughout the character’s run, he has always sought someone to follow, a person to whom he can attach his hope for the future. Originally, Floch found this leader in Erwin; later on, he switched allegiances to Eren.
In Attack on Titan: The Final Season, Floch goes from a background player to a standout antagonist, one who fully supports Eren’s desire to eradicate everyone outside of Paradis Island. While there are far more intimidating characters in the anime, Floch is strangely unsettling as he uses logic to justify heinous acts, claiming them to be for the greater good. Basically, he is a very human villain.
Debut Episode: “The World the Girl Saw – Battle for Trost (2)” (Season 1, Episode 6)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Mariko Nagai
- English Voice Actor: Apphia Yu, AmaLee
The Jeagerists play a significant role in Attack on Titan season 4 as they represent the internal strife tearing Paradis Island apart. Opting to follow Eren alongside Floch, Louise is one of the group’s younger members as she was just a child when the Battle of Trost District took place in 850. During that moment, she was saved from a Titan by Mikasa, a feat that greatly shaped Louise’s mentality as she embraced the idea that only the strong will survive.

Attack On Titan: 10 Biggest Titans Of The Series
Attack on Titan, unsurprisingly, features several colossal Titans that wreak plenty of havoc. These are some of the biggest in the series.
In the grand scheme of things, Louise is a minor character in AoT, but she represents the political intrigue that defines the final stretch of the manga and anime. By season 4, the show has long since left behind its human versus monster roots, developing into something far more complex.
Debut Episode: “A Dim Light in the Darkness of Despair – Humanity Rises Again (1)” (Season 1, Episode 3)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Shūhei Takubo
- English Voice Actor: Brad Venable, Brent Mukai
Another member of the Jeagerists, Daz is a perfectly ordinary person who is just utterly horrified by the state of his world. As part of the 104th Cadet Corps, Daz participated in a number of the most important and vicious battles in Attack on Titan, experiences that did little to ease the character’s anxiety or fear.
Daz is nothing more than a minor character, but he illustrates the story’s nuanced development in the fourth season. Although the Jeagerists are essentially antagonists, the members themselves are not villains. Daz is just scared and sees Eren as a potential savior. Honestly, this character is quite relatable.
Samuel Linke-Jackson
Debut Episode: “A Dim Light in the Darkness of Despair – Humanity Rises Again (1)” (Season 1, Episode 3)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Kenji Takahashi
- English Voice Actor: David Trosko
Samuel and Daz are two faces that are likely to haunt Conny for the rest of his days. Similar to Daz and Louis, Samuel agreed with Eren’s aggressive attack against Marley, finding great solace in the show of strength. Naturally, Samuel did not accept Eren’s incarceration and joined the rebel forces as part of the Jaegerists.
Samuel is a rather nondescript character. He does not have a unique look or a loud personality, nor is he especially talented; basically, he is ordinary. He probably feels somewhat expendable, fearing a future where he is just a nameless and voiceless person killed in a war. With the Jeagerists, Samuel found a way to be heard, at least for a short while.
Petra Rall (Or Ral, Depending On The Source)
Debut Episode: “Where the Left Arm Went – The Battle for Trost (5)” (Season 1, Episode 9)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Natsuki Aikawa
- English Voice Actor: Caitlin Glass
A prominent member of Levi’s Special Operations Squad, Petra Rall served a crucial role in fostering a bond between the group and Eren. Although a minor character, Petra’s endearing and warm personality helps balance out Levi’s directness; without her, the Special Operations Squad would not function as smoothly as it does.

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Anime has tackled a lot of settings and subject matters. Those that depict major wars are no exception.
Attack on Titan has a massive cast of characters, so much so that people such as Petra tend to get lost in the shuffle. However, her contributions should not be ignored as she is one of those figures who add a touch of heart to the anime.
Dot Pyxis (Or Pixis, Depending On The Source)
Debut Episode: “First Battle – Battle of Trost (1)” (Season 1, Episode 5)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Masahiko Tanaka
- English Voice Actor: R. Bruce Elliott
A stable and reassuring presence throughout Attack on Titan, Dot Pyxis is the type of character who mainly lingers in the background but also never feels out of place when asked to assume a more prominent role. The officer served as something of a mentor to the 104th Cadet Corps during their training, and he was a crucial figure during the battle in the Trost District.
A leader on and off the battlefield, Dot’s ability to remain calm even when surrounded by tragedy and destruction is his greatest asset. Driven by logic, Dot can analyze a situation holistically and come up with a solution that is realistic, all the while still taking into account the human element.
Kitz Woermann (Or Weilman, Depending On The Source)
Debut Episode: “First Battle – Battle of Trost (1)” (Season 1, Episode 5)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Tomoyuki Shimura
- English Voice Actor: Christopher Sabat
Kitz is a puzzling character as his behavior can be unpredictable. Despite rising to the rank of captain in the Garrison Regiment, Kitz has shown a capacity to react rashly in the face of unexpected or dangerous situations. The peak example of this type of response is when Kitz learns that the Attack Titan is actually Eren Jaeger, causing the captain to threaten to put an end to the cadet. Now, to be fair, this revelation would have caught anyone off guard at this point in the story; consequently, Kitz’s fearful reaction to Eren’s predicament is understandable. However, the captain’s rash decision to eliminate Eren could have cost Paradis Island one of its greatest weapons.
Kitz has largely disappeared since the anime’s first season, only showing up sporadically as a background character. That said, he seems to have steadied his nerves since his encounter with Eren.
Rico Brzenska
Debut Episode: “Where the Left Arm Went – The Battle for Trost (5)” (Season 1, Episode 9)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Michiko Kaiden
- English Voice Actor: Morgan Garrett
A member of the 1st Division Elite Forces, Rico Brzenska plays a key role during the Battle of Trost District arc in Attack on Titan‘s opening season. After that point, she does little of note. Rico is one of the first soldiers to learn that Eren is the Attack Titan, and she agrees with Kitz’s decision to kill the teenager along with Mikasa and Armin.

Attack On Titan Characters That Are Better In The Anime
The series’ impeccable anime adaptation has got more than a few things right over the years when it comes to its characters.
This action paints Rico as a person who cares little about life, but that is not really the case. In truth, Rico is entirely driven by a desire to save as many folks as possible and to ensure no death is pointless. She is willing to carry the burden of executing three cadets if it means protecting hundreds of people. Once Dot Pyxis confirms that Eren should be spared, it does not take long for Rico to start supporting the cadet.
Dhalis Zachary (Or Darius Zackly, Depending On The Source)
Debut Episode: “Still Can’t See – Night Before the Counteroffensive (1)” (Season 1, Episode 14)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Hideaki Tezuka
- English Voice Actor: John Swasey
First impressions are often reliable, but there are exceptions. Dhalis is introduced as the relatively logical leader of Eldia’s military, a role that bestowed him with great power and influence. Initially, he seems like the type of person who can remain detached during high-pressure situations, enabling him to make difficult decisions that would, ultimately, aid the greater good.
In truth, Dhalis’ public persona is nothing more than a facade used to lure people into believing he is trustworthy and noble. Behind the scenes, he is greedy, vindictive, and cruel. Dhalis is driven by a desire to watch Paradis Island’s leaders burn, and he cares not if his actions result in casualties. Attack on Titan has plenty of great villains, and while he might not be as flashy as some other characters, Dhalis sits among the anime’s best antagonists.
Nile Dawk (Or Dok, Depending On The Source)
Debut Episode: “Still Can’t See – Night Before the Counteroffensive (1)” (Season 1, Episode 14)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Anri Katsu
- English Voice Actor: Ian Sinclair
The standout member of the Military Police Regiment, Commander Nile Dawk plays a pivotal role in Attack on Titan, even if his time on screen is relatively short. When Eren is revealed to be a Titan, Nile leads the trial against the Scout member, and he specifically seeks out a death sentence. Ultimately, Nile is convinced to diverge away from this path, which highlights the character’s willingness to change his mind if he is presented with a convincing argument.
Nile has a close but tense relationship with Erwin. While the two grew up as friends, a love triangle drove a wedge between them. That said, they continued to treat each other with a degree of respect, even if they were never quite close again.
Kenny Ackerman
Debut Episode: “Smoke Signal” (Season 3, Episode 1)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Kazuhiro Yamaji
- English Voice Actor: Phil Parsons
Attack on Titan‘s season 3 shifts things around by revolving the main conflict around a group of humans rather than Titans. Levi’s uncle and a killer, Kenny seeks to take the Founding Titan’s power for himself.

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Caring little for human life, Kenny’s actions have a ruthlessness that, in some ways, makes him more terrifying than Titans. To some extent, Kenny enjoys killing, making an active choice to snuff out someone’s life. He is the closest thing to a serial killer in AoT, and Kenny’s connection to Levi injects emotional weight into his story. Narratively, Kenny’s arc paves the way to plenty of revelations regarding the true history behind the Walls and Titans.
Debut Episode: “Declaration of War” (Season 4, Episode 5)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Mitsuki Saiga
- English Voice Actor: Anairis Quiñones
Yelena is a complicated figure, and also one that serves an important purpose not only in the story but also Paradis Island’s trajectory. Born in Marley, Yelena feels no love for her country, and she is inspired by Zeke Jaeger to form the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers.
Along with people like Onyankopon, Yelena defects and joins the Eldians out of a commitment to Zeke. Although Yelena’s backstory proves to be a bit of a sham, she is still important as she gives the Eldians, particularly Armin, the belief that they can prove to the rest of the world that they are not devils. This group serves as an example that peace could theoretically be possible.
Gabi Braun
Debut Episode: “The Other Side of the Sea” (Season 4, Episode 1)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Ayane Sakura
- English Voice Actor: Lindsay Seidel
Presented as a mirror of Eren, Gabi hails from Marley, where all her life she has thought that anyone from Paradis Island is a devil. Fearless and unflinching in her hatred for the Eldains of the Walls, Gabi’s blunt nature and hard-headedness make her a difficult character to like, although this does change somewhat in the War for Paradis arc.
Rash, stupidly brave, and incredibly gifted, Gabi throws a fascinating wrench into Attack on Titan‘s final arcs. As she gets first-hand experience of life on Paradis Island that challenges her ingrained beliefs about the people who live there, Gabi slowly changes her attitude as she realizes that things are not quite as black and white as she once thought.
Porco Galliard
Debut Episode: “Attack Titan” (Season 3, Episode 21)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Toshiki Masuda
- English Voice Actor: Kellen Goff
Like Gabi, Porco is introduced at the beginning of Attack on Titan‘s season 4. Picked as one of Marley’s Warriors, Porco took over the role of the Jaw Titan following Ymir’s death.

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Overconfident in his own abilities, Porco has a habit of butting heads with his fellow Warriors, and he has an especially turbulent relationship with Reiner. Porco doesn’t get too much screen time in the anime, but the character’s aggressive personality and strength in battle still manage to shine through.
Pieck Finger
Debut Episode: “The Town Where Everything Began” (Season 3, Episode 13)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Manami Numakura
- English Voice Actor: Amber Lee Connors
Another member of Marley’s Warriors, Pieck is the most immediately likable member of the group, courtesy of her easy-going and unassuming nature. As the Cart Titan, Pieck serves a supportive role in her unit, and this is reflected by the character’s strategic approach to combat scenarios.
Kind as she can be outside of battle scenarios, Pieck is not to be underestimated when the going gets tough. She is more than willing to do what is necessary to ensure the safety of her comrades and people. Like all of Marley’s Warriors, she is completely dedicated to her cause, and her life is a small price to pay to ensure the safety and protection of her people.
Colt Grice
Debut Episode: “The Other Side of the Sea” (Season 4, Episode 1)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Masaya Matsukaze
- English Voice Actor: Griffin Burns
One of Marley’s Warrior candidates, Colt is expected to become the Beast Titan once Zeke’s time in the role is completed, at least if everything goes to plan. A soldier who is capable on the battlefield and off it, Colt’s brilliant tactical mind has made him indispensable to Marley’s cause, despite his status as an Eldian working against him.

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Colt only appears sporadically in part 1 of Attack on Titan‘s season 4, but his role is expanded in part 2.
Falco Grice
Debut Episode: “The Other Side of the Sea” (Season 4, Episode 1)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Natsuki Hanae
- English Voice Actor: Bryson Baugus
Falco tends to be overshadowed by the likes of Gabi and his brother, Colt. Not one of Marley’s Warriors and lacking much in the way of physical prowess, Falco is not built to be a fighter, although that doesn’t discourage the child from sticking his neck out if the moment calls for it.
Falco is brave but also slightly naive, as can be seen through his interactions with Kruger. Narratively, Falco serves an important role as he is the most ordinary character introduced in season 4’s perspective change.
Rod Reiss
Debut Episode: “Smoke Signal” (Season 3, Episode 1)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Yusaku Yara
- English Voice Actor: Kenny Green
Rod Reiss is arguably among Attack on Titan‘s most complicated and nuanced characters, despite not getting much time to shine. As Historia’s father and an aide to both the King and Queen of the Walls, Rod participated in humanity’s subjugation at the hands of the Titans, although he was more of an observer than a direct influence. For the most part, he believed his role was to protect and serve god (the inheritor of the Founding Titan), and he seemed to genuinely want to avoid becoming a Titan himself.
Due to being a fairly minor character, Rod’s legacy is ultimately defined by his final few moments, which see him reduced to a terrified mess who does what he said he would never do. In the face of death, he became a coward, and that is who he will be remembered as.
Ymir Fritz
Debut Episode: “Sin” (Season 3, Episode 6)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Chiyuki Miura
- English Voice Actor: Apphia Yu
Arguably the most important figure in Attack on Titan‘s history, Ymir Fritz set the stage for most of the events of the anime, both directly and indirectly. That said, very little is known about Ymir as a person or what she accomplished.
More than a thousand years prior to the anime, Ymir gained the power of the Titans. This ability was abused by Eldia’s king, bringing ruin to Marley. Ymir passed away 13 years after receiving her powers, which were then passed down from generation to generation as the Nine Titans. Ymir is an incredibly tragic character, someone who was turned into a weapon and forced to accept a legacy drenched in blood, sorrow, and death.
Karl Fritz
Debut Episode: “Wish” (Season 3, Episode 7)
- Japanese Voice Actor: Ezio Tsuda
- English Voice Actor: Kenny James
Karl Fritz lived prior to Attack on Titan‘s present-day events, but the Eldian king is responsible for shaping Eren’s world. After acquiring the empire’s throne and becoming the Founding Titan, Karl decides to bring an end to Eldia’s reign of terror. Allowing a civil war to break out, the king effectively brought the empire to its knees, paving the way for Marley to overwhelm Eldia’s forces.
Karl used this defeat to form Paradis Island, which essentially acted as a prison for his people. Within the walls, Fritz abused his Founding Titan power to keep the populace under his thumb, and he reacted violently to anyone who threatened to rebel.