8 characters who should have been given more screen time


  • Legion in the Mass Effect deserves more screen time, offering a different perspective on its people.

  • T-Bug's compelling character in CP2077 was cut short, leaving a potential story behind.

  • Lady Dimitrescu in RE Village should be the main antagonist, not the secondary.

Most games have multiple characters, from the main hero to secondary antagonists. Of course, writers and creators can not give them all free time on the screen. After all, there is only so much screen time. Some characters must agree to play a small role in the overall narrative.


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Because they are fictional characters with no emotions, they don't matter. However, fans of the world may have trouble getting their share. And sometimes, those fans have an opinion, because there are many characters who deserve more attention than they get. Here are some examples.



Mass Effect Series

Close the Legion from Mass Effect 2.

Legion from the Mass Effect series is an interesting character because he is a Geth, a synthetic race that is traditionally portrayed as the villain of the series. In fact, you spent most of the first game killing his brother. That is, you befriend Legion in the second game, which allows you to get a different perspective on their people.

Unfortunately, you can't meet or befriend the creature until you're in Mass Effect 2. So you don't get much time with it in that game. Then again, partners get less screen time in ME3. It sounds like there were many other interesting conversations you could have had with him.



Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 screenshot of T-Bug looking into the camera.

You meet T-Bug at the beginning of Cyberpunk 2077 as he is one of your closest allies in building the first major mission of the game called The Heist. Now it looks like he's going to be a major player in the story. However, during the alleged robbery, he died of dehydration.


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At first, you may think that this is some kind of trick and that he is betraying you. But this is not true; he is indeed dead, and you can only confirm this through the optional dialogue. It seems like there's a lot more that could have been done with the character.


Lady Alcina Dimitrescu

Resident Evil Village

Lady Dimitrescu stands in the middle, surrounded by Bella, Cassandra and Daniela as she towers over Ethan Winters in the Resident Evil Village.

Lady Dimitrescu really captured the imagination of Resident Evil fans with the creation of RE Village. His big body and domineering demeanor have intrigued people from the first trailer. When the game was released, it proved to live up to the hype. She quickly became one of the best female characters in the series and earned her place among RE's best villains, regardless of gender.

However, unlike most other popular RE rogues, he doesn't show it much. This is because he died early in the Village, and the game moved to other opponents. It's a shame because he's such an interesting villain that he could be an antagonist in a game instead of just a secondary character.


Claudia Auditore

Assassin's Creed Series

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood screenshot of Claudia with her arm.

Claudia is Ezio Auditore's sister, so she is featured in the series of Assassin's Creed games. However, he doesn't feature much, as he only appears in the occasional cutscene. He has a purpose in the story, but he could be a more important character.

In fact, he has a good arc. She starts out as a respectable woman who hates the idea of ​​working. However, he eventually started running businesses and leading people, and was even accepted into the Assassin Order. Unfortunately, most of his personal growth happens off-screen.


Octopus decoy

Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes screenshot of Decoy Octopus on the ground.

In the original Metal Gear Solid game, the main villain group known as the Foxhounds have several agents with special abilities. One of them is Decoy Octopus, which can take on the form of any human.

However, he won't go down as one of the game's great shapeshifters, as he only changes into one person before he dies. All the other Foxhound crew get boss fights, but Octopus dies in one scene. So much more could have been done with his shapeshifting abilities.



Baldur's Gate 3

Screenshot of Kar'niss from Baldur's Gate 3.

There are many characters in Baldur's Gate 3, but only one is Kar'Niss. He is a character that stands out visually from everyone you meet during the adventure. This is because his upper body is that of a Drow, while his lower body is that of a spider. This gives it a unique and unforgettable look.

You can't watch him for too long though, because he has a small role in the game. In that short amount of time, you learn quite a bit about the creature, which is a shame for someone with such a beautiful face.



Gears Of War Series

Gears Of War 3 screenshot of Bernie standing next to Hoffman.

Bernie is a character who appears briefly in Gears of War 3. At this point in the series there weren't many female COG soldiers, so she stood out, especially as a grizzled veteran. That said, he has very little screen time, so you won't recognize him.


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Fans who have read some of the Gears of War books may be more familiar with him as he often features in them. In these stories, he is portrayed as an interesting character and a dangerous warrior. It would be nice to see it in video game form.


Michelle (AKA Karen Daniels)

Grand Theft Auto 4

Grand Theft Auto 4 screenshot of Michelle welcoming Niko to her house.

In between GTA 4, your girlfriend Michelle reveals that her real name is Karen Daniels, and that she works for the Government. He was an undercover spy spying on you.

It's supposed to be a popular conspiracy, but you don't see much about it before it's released, outside of a few possible dates. So it doesn't affect what it should be. Plus, you don't see much of him after the reveal, meaning no sequels. So, this is a case where an actor needs more screen time for the story rather than his own.



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