2025 Doraemon movie states the new trailer and the film of the film


  • Doraemon: Nandabita Tales Tales to be published in Japan on March 17, 2025.

  • The movie will show a song that includes the Japanese singer-authors.

  • The film will follow the tradition of the teaching of children about thoughts and creativity.

A series of a favorite movie of all young people, DoraemonEveryone was set back to the main screen to remove its viewers in the future movies, Doraemon: Nitroly Talent around the world. There is no doubt one of the best and most excellent movies to this day and for good reason. This future video will become another trip, and the creation of skill, sense, and update in the movie.

The release of the second trailer served more about the picture, and looking at space and characteristics of the film. The new details not removed from the trailer is the use of Airyson's introductory songs, famous Japanese singer – peacemakers. Thus, this new video, with his deepest story and emotions, is to become one of the best in the film list.

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The date of issuance confirmed: the last of Doraemon's latest arrival on March 20

Fans should not wait long, as Doraemon: Nitroly Talent around the world has been confirmed to be published in Japan on March 17, 2025. This movie is 44th film Doraemon A group of animes, prove one of the most popular and lovers of Japan. The movies are expected to express beauty, laughter and moral lessons that are associated with the creation of Doraemon.

It is important to know that the nature of Doraemon has been developed by the blue made by Fujiko F. Fujio returning in 1969 and has been attracted to the attention of children and adults. In each of these areas, the image is rebooted but continues a friend based on a friend and focus on technology. The world is also the world to follow this tradition of the story that will teach the children about pictures and creativity.

Helping Aimion Music in New Video in Doraemon

A series of nostalms that hold a special place in our hearts


It's good to see that there is a musician research, such as goals, which includes new series Doraemon. His songs are expected to improve imaginary theme, childhood rememberating and childhood visit to help film cinematograph. In this new journey, as usual, Nobba and his friends are included in a world that is placed in the Medievalia World. They get to know the font like Claire and Milo from the land of Artoria and Wing demo, and together, they must face new and powerful enemies during mythary jewelry.

Again, many problems and mysteries of this artist world will be solved by the help of the Machine Gadin in Doraemon. This time we are offered to interesting and wonderful tactics, beautiful photos, and music to Agyon; Doraemon: Nitroly Talent around the world Surely not disappointed. The promotion is up as it is approaching the day of his release, and this will make the other additional film Doememon's Greek history.

Source: Official Site-World Dora, AnimenewsnetWork, Anime Corner News' x

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